Master of Marvel World

Chapter 436

Chapter 428 : A new journey

:, The nightmare that was once turned into a prisoner now.

But the eyes of many avengers did not have the slightest sorrow, or even the slightest joy.

They have experienced too much despair and grief.

“What do you still keep him for?” Thor raised his axe. “If I kill him once, I can kill him a second time!”

“I still have some questions.” Shen He stopped Thor, and took out a full set of handcuffs and toe cuffs in his hand, “Get detained first, he can’t escape.”

Now I can’t ask anything like that.

After the Guardians of the Galaxy came, it was undoubtedly more effective to have the powerful telepathic inquiry among them.

This pair of specially-made handcuffs, coupled with Joan’s seal of divine punishment, basically left Thanos with no ability to react.

At this moment, another Thor suddenly fell from the sky holding the Storm Hammer.

“Thanks! Come out for me!”

He yelled up to the sky as soon as he appeared.

Thor here, the **** of thunder, held his forehead awkwardly.

“Explain, let’s go back, Thor, can you fix this glove.”

“I can make a new one.” The three Thors answered almost simultaneously.

Look at each other, well, maybe we can do it together.

“It’s better to leave it to me.”

Qi Mu Nanxiong suddenly stepped up and stretched out his hand, looking back in time very simply, and the broken Infinite Glove was once again intact.


Shen He was also embarrassed, he even forgot that Qi Mu was here.

It seems that I have been away for too long.

Just holding the real gems, the size of the Infinite Gloves suddenly shrank, becoming the same size as Shen He.

Shen He looked at everyone around him.

The two castle gates were opened.

Directly led everyone to the future world.

All the Avengers looked at Shen Yun nervously.

“Master, or let me come.” Yifangtong walked up.

“Although your body is not weak, it is not a **** in nature.” Shen He smiled and shook his head, “Don’t worry, I will be fine.”

If he is now converted to his previous level, he will be at least close to level 70, and his physical fitness is far more exaggerated than the Hulk, and nothing will happen at all.

Directly in front of everyone.

Bring the infinite glove on your hand.

Then one gem, and then another gem is put in.

Each one can feel the arrogant and powerful force rushing into his body, and the majestic magic power in the body begins to mobilize, absorbing the power quickly.

The root magic is everything.

These six infinite gems come together, and they are all things.

It is completely consistent with Shen He’s own power.

Until the six infinite gems were all put on, the power of terror gathered on Shen He’s right arm, and he felt that this arm was supporting a whole planet.


“not bad.”

Shen He panted slightly, feeling the sudden power.

Then, when everyone hasn’t reacted.


He snapped his fingers crisply.

Suddenly, the violent power burst into his body like a mixture, and then suddenly released.

The clothes burst.

Although it was only a short moment.

But Shen He still caught it.

The rules and mysteries of the universe.

Quickly take off the infinite gloves and put six gems into the system backpack.

Although powerful, it is not his power, and can only achieve the most basic destruction and creation, which is much weaker than the true origin of the universe.

Able to comprehend, but cannot rely on use.

Shen He has already understood.

And looking at everyone with eyes wide-eyed.

“I have brought them all back, including Loki and the remaining Asgardians. My will is to bring back everyone who Thanos killed.”

It is equivalent to saying that the people that Thanos destroyed in the past were also brought back by him.

Even those who died in the New York war.

Can imagine.

This universe will become quite lively in the future.

“Really back!”

Hawkeye took out his mobile phone and glanced at the crowd, suddenly crying with a smile on his face, and quickly walked outside with the mobile phone.

And everyone has contacted their important people.

Shen He looked at Tony, the Supreme Mage.

Tony shrugged and patted Shen He on the shoulder.

“You should have already been familiar with such a scene.”

“Actually, this kind of situation of regaining after loss is rare.” Shen He shook his head, “Now you should rest assured that everything in this world will be fine, and your daughter will also be in his father’s care. Grow up next.”

“I’ve been relieved.” Tony shrugged and looked around. “I think we should give them some time. By the way, let our cook prepare a grand banquet?”

“I notified yesterday that hundreds of elite chefs prepared for a whole day.” Shen He chuckled lightly.

For him, this is also considered to be of extraordinary significance.

After all, Marvel is the “main world”.

When Thanos was no longer an enemy, suddenly there was a feeling that he had passed a stage and was about to enter the second stage.

Shen He felt.

Maybe it’s time to think about the future.

On this day, dozens of people held the biggest party ever in the castle. The Avengers of the Three Worlds, Shen Yun even invited Odin and the Queen of Gods. All the people gathered together to experience this nonsense. The feeling of resounding.

Shen He walked to the top of the castle alone when everyone was drunk.

A standard dome.

Jeanne, the two ceremonies, and Villia all jumped up, but didn’t say anything, but sat silently beside him.

“I suddenly wanted to find the next world quickly.” Shen He said abruptly.

“Then look for it.” Shi turned his head, “Speaking of which, the person I saw in Zhanchi World hasn’t reappeared since then?”


Shen He also remembered the man who dropped the Holy Grail everywhere.

Let him run away at that time.

It’s a pity that the Holy Grail did not appear in the serial dungeon mission again, and I don’t know what that person is like.

“If I can meet him again now, I should be able to catch it.” Shen He thought, and shook his head suddenly, “Speaking of which, the Holy Grail is nothing now. I can basically do everything the Holy Grail can do. To.”

If there is a special copy of the world again.

There seems to be nothing particularly difficult to solve.

“Summon it, Master.” Jeanne suddenly slumped into the river. “It’s not bad for those traveling days.”

“…No.” Shen He shook his head and put Joan in his arms, “I’ll talk with you first.”

It has been less than three years since the journey.

Shen He looked back on the past.

It was then suddenly realized that his greatest gain was not strength or becoming a god, but the company of Joan of Arc.

There is still a long time to come, so there is no need to explore the new world so much, first get used to living with the people around you.

After this day.

Shen He’s life has entered a certain rhythm.

He began to find himself something to do.

Really assume the responsibility of its Chaldean master, earnestly study and guide the changes in each world.

Arrange the summoned servants to each existing world, and establish the true Chaldean rules and regulations.

He even went to the world of Mechanical Era and contracted Miss 2b.

Work during the day.

Go home at night and enjoy the feeling of family.

In such days, time flies quickly.

In a flash, half a year passed.

And on this day, Shen He also returned from Interstellar and accomplished a big thing.

Catch the tyrant of this world.

Perhaps because of his own evil taste, Shen He chose to imprison the Thanos of the two worlds together, and give them a chance to chat, to see if they can find some reason from their failure.

At last.

Went again to accelerate the world.

The task of this world is still not completed. Although the roots have basically changed and merged, society and civilization have not yet completely stabilized, and they are still changing every day.

It seems that it cannot be completed in a short time.

Shen He, Hubby, Heixueji and others stayed for a few days, after training their growth, they returned to Chaldea again.

Look around every world.

he thinks.

It’s time to start a new world.

“I’m about to summon.” Shen He exhaled a long breath, “Contract 2b and Tony used two hundred stones. The stones that have been stored in the past six months have returned to their original level, only two hundred are left. ….. It may not be able to summon an interesting world.”

It is no longer Shen He’s purpose to just summon the followers.

He is now for the world.

In the general world, it is already difficult to raise his interest.

“If you create a world that destroys the interstellar world at every turn, it will be uncomfortable for some of you.” Suddenly a sentence was inserted.

“It’s a big deal. Don’t go.” Shen He was rather moved.

But the heart is not as good as the action, and I don’t hesitate in the moment, and I just start to draw.

With only thirty stones, the system prompt sounded.

“Ding, congratulations, you succeeded in drawing a five-star servant: Celti Struerson.”

Looking at this name, Shen He was a little dizzy.

He really found the name in his memory bank.

headless rider.

It comes from a world called The Headless Horseman. In short, it is a very ordinary world of urban supernatural powers. It can also be said that it is a world where big guys compete with each other in acting.

Interesting is interesting, but the power city is too low.

“Excuse me…”

A woman’s voice suddenly sounded in Shen He’s mind.

“Do you have any wishes you want to see?” Shen He said in advance, “As long as you agree to the call, we can realize any of your wishes.”

“Then…” The female voice seemed to be a little dazed, “Can you help me find my head? I accidentally lost my head.”

“…Of course.” Shen Yun’s words did not shake at all.

However, if it is not known in advance, this wish is really a bit frightening.


The female voice opposite seemed to hesitate.

But the call was confirmed.

In the next moment, she came directly in front of Shen He and others.


Joan and others subconsciously uttered exclamation sounds.

Because in front of me is a tall and perfect woman.

But there is no head alone.

Above the neck is a burning flame.

“Did you scare you? I’m sorry.”

Seti had no time to digest the information in her mind, and subconsciously apologized first. It was obvious that this was not the first time she scared others.

It’s just this character…

Shen He looked around at the headless knight in front of him, his words and deeds looked a little different from the headless knight he knew.

“We won’t scare us, but you should have accepted the information.”

“Yes…” Serati nodded, and then made a quiet voice, “I’m sorry, after losing my head, my memory was a little confused, and my thinking logic was not very clear. Anyway, , Now I am your follower, am I?”


Shen Yun already understood.

The current headless horseman is only the period when he just lost his head.

“Then can you help me find the head?” Serati asked again.

“Of course.” Shen He smiled and nodded, “I still have some things on hand. After I solve them first, I will ask someone to help you find a head.”

Looking for things, as long as Joan of Arc goes out, there is nothing that can’t be solved.

Shen He was confident.

“thank you very much.”

The flame on the head of the headless horse jumped in vain, looking very happy.

Without the head, although it does not affect her vision and actions, in the past, the head was always thinking about problems, so she was very unaccustomed.

But the information that the system instilled in her at this moment seemed to have found her backbone.

It’s a bit like Violet who didn’t know anything at the time , let’s do it here. ”

Jeanne took the headless knight who had lost his head, and looked for a seat to sit down.

Shen He will definitely continue to summon.

But suddenly he was a little strange.

Why did she not see her head if she summoned Serati? Isn’t this a whole failure?

Forget it, the group didn’t understand it for a while.

Shen He called again.

It seemed that because of the summoning luck just now, he ran out of luck. This time, he hadn’t summoned any servants for six times and ten summonings.

“It’s been a long time to come out, it must be a big move.”

Shen He gritted his teeth and once again carried out today’s ninth ten consecutive summons.

It turns out.

The intuition of the gods is extremely correct.

Because there really is a rare character!

“Ding, congratulations on your successful summoning of the five-star servant: Lala Satalin Debyluk.”

“I’m going!” Shen He couldn’t help but almost uttered aloud!

Lala from the queen of the pack!

This is the big man he has always dreamed of in the past.

A super genius scientist at the level of the universe!

Not only that.

The world she lives in is also an entire universe, with all kinds of powerful cosmic creatures.

Although it is a funny harem comic, but from Qi Shen’s body, it can be known that funny comics are often the most powerful.

And in time…

“Hey, the speaker, can you help me escape!?” Shen He suddenly heard such a voice in his mind.


Shen He already had a certain amount of experience in the timing of the summoning.

Basically, they will try their best to intercept the time that is more convenient for him to call.

For LaLa.

It is undoubtedly the time when the plot begins, and is trying to run away from home and escape the pursuit.

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