Master of the Last Days (Almighty Great Master of End of the World)

Chapter 292 - Stall

The pure lotus produces mud without being stained. These muds are not ordinary mud, but they contain toxins. Once they are approached or scooped on themselves, the toxin deposits will affect future cultivation.

Therefore, don’t look at the prosperity of lotus flowers. This mud bed cannot be approached, or the smell will poison people.

Qin Yue smiled slightly and picked up the jade beads on the table, but his face was very relaxed.

Bai Li stood on Qin Mao’s shoulder and said, “There is a beacon of space on the beads. You are now activated. If you go to get another bead, it will pass!”


The tomb of Wushen has its own rules. Since ancient times, the way of chivalry has been to keep its promises, not to go against the truth, to betray its faith, so Qin Yue naturally knew that he must follow the rules of the tomb of Wushen.

“one is enough!”

To Qin Yue, this is too simple!

Qin Yue injected the internal force into the jade beads.

“go with!”

When Qin Wei shook his hand, the internal force of Yuzhu hit a lotus flower in the distant mud.


The net lotus exploded immediately, split apart, and hit the other lotus tents.

Not only that, but the Yuzhu did not stop, but played Yu Wei and hit the second one again!

Then it was the third, fourth, and fifth, almost forming a straight line.

The net lotus pond is 100 meters long. The more behind it, the harder it is to get.

However, a jade ball of Qin Yuan broke five net lotuses, and then the net lotuses were torn apart, hitting other net lotuses again, and the huge internal force broke them again.

The net lotus that was hit for the second time was also broken and installed around, but this time the power seemed to be not strong. It just hit the lotus and hit numerous lotus seeds.


The already ripe lotus seeds flew to the sky, and the attractive fragrance came out.

Qin Hui again used internal force this time.

“Star suction, suction!”

These lotus seeds that flew into the air were immediately incorporated into Qin Yun’s arms, and almost formed a large ball.

This blow almost included eighty-nineths of the net lotus altar into her arms.

As the internal force swept through, several lotus leaves were also dragged over. Qin Wei laid the lotus leaves on the ground, and those lotus seeds piled up, occupying more than ten lotus leaves.

In the outside world, each of them worth 50 million yuan, a net lotus lotus seed that can make people covet, Qin Yue actually took over a thousand.

Although this is a gain of 50 billion yuan for those in the E-stage ability, if the young people outside see it, they will be crazy.

Qin Yue sat cross-legged.

“You eat too, a lot!”

Bai Li jumped off Qin Yue’s shoulder with interest, and pulled a lotus seed into her mouth.

Crispy and sweet, very delicious.

Qin Yue also picked up a hand and began to eat, a cool air flow merged into himself, it seemed to be washing his body.

After a while, Qin Wei felt that his body was sweating, and the black oil stains came out.

The effect of Jinglian has been exerted.

Jinglian is probably considered to be acting in the E section of the spirit grass. Qin Yue is now the physical body of a king-level alien beast, and one naturally cannot solve anything.

Entering the belly one by one, Qin Yue felt the energy in his body constantly washing away.

The extra oil stains are actually increasing.

Fortunately, in this garden, there is not only a pure lotus altar, but also a stream flowing by. Qin Yue’s consciousness mobilizes the stream to wash his body.

While eating and washing, tossing for half an hour, the lotus seeds ate more than a hundred.

Qin Yue only felt that her body and mind were pure and innocent.

The previous killing seemed to go away with it, and a trace of sorrow covering his soul quietly resolved.

In the state of mind, it actually improved a lot.

“What a clean lotus!”

Qin Yan really thinks this is a treasure, no wonder the price is so high!

At this time, footsteps sounded in the passageway, and Zhou Hao, who was red in color, came in.

Qin Yue naturally saw Zhou Hao’s current physical condition at a glance, and he had already accomplished the physical body of the beast.

Zhou Hao naturally saw Qin Yun, his eyes were full of excitement.

But soon, his eyes fell on the lotus seeds on the ground.

Zhou Hao smelled the fragrance in the air and glanced at the clean lotus pond with a foul smell in the distance.

“This, isn’t this a lotus, isn’t it? How come there are so many? You look like a stall now!” Zhou Hao said immediately.

Qin Yue could not laugh or cry, as described by Zhou Hao, he was too bad.

I just took a closer look at myself, and it was pretty much the same. There was no clothes on my body, and my pants slipped a lot. In order to absorb the dragon’s blood, Qin Yue was barefoot.

Nowadays, it seems that it has only become a tattered modified shorts, and it feels like the whole person has lost his teeth.

Fortunately, it is not possible to open the space rune equipment in Wushen Tomb, otherwise, one person and one meter of dragon blood is enough to be evacuated by 5,000 people!

Of course, Baili can open space, but isn’t it doubtful to take out clothes?

“Fortunately, I brought something!” Zhou Hao removed the combat backpack behind him.

Qin Yue also looked at Zhou Hao’s backpack stupidly at this time.

“Why are you bringing so many things?”

“Haha, I have a foresight!”

Zhou Hao opened his combat backpack. Inside it were large stacked pockets, various dried dried animal food, compressed crystal boxes, and large and small jars.

This jar was originally empty, large and small. It was a device used to carry liquids in field combat equipment. Zhou Hao brought ten of them. Now they are disassembled. The contents are filled with blood and the package has changed from the previous one. It became three, and now they are all on the golden queen.

Don’t worry, those are all dragon blood!

“You can do it! You made it!” Qin Yue did not expect this, and was a little surprised, and laughed.

Zhou Hao laughed, UU read the book “Of course, I was only prepared to come here, otherwise no one knows what will happen!”

Qin Min nodded, “Yes, this time the harvest is good, enough for you to reach the E section! I was chased before I came in, and I didn’t have time to sort things out!”

Mainly, there is no need to organize. Baili can open space.

As soon as Zhou Hao heard Qin Yun’s words, his face also dignified, and he asked quickly, “Yes, Qin Yun, what’s the matter with you? Are you on the same line with the blood family? You said that you were a blood family?”

The matter would not be explained at a short while. Not only that, Qin Yue’s consciousness was swept away by someone outside.

Qin Yue quickly gestured to Zhou Hao, and after turning his thoughts suddenly, said hoarsely, “Friend, how about buying a bag for you? A net lotus seed!”

The boy who followed is a genius of the Hou family, Hou Fang!

Zhou Hao occupied the platform for half an hour before leaving, and the water flow did not weaken much. After all, Zhou Hao didn’t bring too much equipment and didn’t install much.

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