Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 103

Chapter 102 Robbery and murder

“What? Do you want to go to Ghost Cry Island on the edge of the sea of ​​mist?” Elon cried out in silence.

The vast ocean in the east of the Glory Continent is divided into four sea areas, namely the ice sea area, the storm sea area, the bay sea area and the star blue sea area.

The ice sea area is located between the Glow Continent and the Snowstorm Continent where the Snow Thorn Kingdom is located. It has a vast area and the northernmost point is close to the polar region. Most areas are frozen for several months each year, and there are a lot of floating floats in the sea area. ice.

The Gulf Sea is adjacent to the Glow Continent. It extends from the Ice Sea in the north to the Star Blue Sea in the south. This long and narrow sea area is the most important maritime trade route in the world. Most of the ocean-going channels pass through this sea area, so it is also here. The area where piracy is most rampant.

The storm sea area is known for its sinister nature. It is located east of the Gulf Sea and is also the largest sea area. Some areas of this sea area are shrouded in fog all year round, and this area is just a sea of ​​mist that makes people talk about changing colors.

The Misty Sea is the most dangerous area in the storm sea. It is said that there are countless large and small reefs scattered in the mist, and there are even many more dangerous reefs. Even the bravest and most experienced captain dare not enter easily. Misty sea.

The star blue sea area is close to the southern Xinghai continent, and the bay sea area and storm sea area to the north are the calmest sea areas of the four sea areas. Except for the storm season, which is not suitable for navigation, the rest of the time is calm.

“Yes, we are not going to the south.” Renault nodded affirmatively.

Elon’s face was uncertain, and he solemnly said: “Your Excellency, the route to Guikuo Island is full of rocks, and there is a dangerous foggy area in the middle. Although I know the location of the passage, I’m not sure to reach Guikuo safely. island.”

“You also know that although there are still nearly 2 months before the wind-tracing month, and the storm season has not officially arrived, the ocean is still suitable for passage at this time, but this does not include the stormy sea area. As far as I know, the sea area There should be dangerous turbulence in the air.”

“In case of turbulence in the fog, even if a reef is found in the channel, the ship will not be able to turn in time and can only watch the ship hit the reef.”

“Even the pirates on Guiyu Island, once they enter the blazing moon, they will choose to stop going out to sea…”

The “Ghost Crying Island” that Elon said is Renault’s ideal farming base.

The area of ​​this island is not small, a full 150 square kilometers, there is enough space for development, the island is located on the edge of the misty sea, the location is quite hidden.

More importantly, there is an area of ​​reef shrouded in fog almost all year round on the main navigation channel that enters and exits Guikuo Island. The fog will dissipate only when the storm season comes, which is equivalent to a natural barrier, which greatly protects Guikui. The security of the island.

Without a navigator who is familiar with the navigation channel, it is almost impossible to cross this death barrier. Even the most vicious pirates will not rush to looting Ghost Cry Island without knowing the navigation channel.

This island is currently occupied by a group of pirates, Elon was once one of them, he was very familiar with this channel, which is why Renault would rather risk it, and must come to find Elon.

However, Guikudao Island is not without its shortcomings. Its location is relatively remote and far from the Gulf Sea. This means that if trade is to be carried out, the routes are longer, and because of its location in the stormy sea, the annual navigation time is shorter.

As for the storm season, this is a unique climate phenomenon in this world.

Every year from the harvest month to the Orioles Moon in the coming year, it is called the storm season. During these months, storms will occur frequently in all oceans. These storms can be large or small, and last for varying periods of time. Wait.

Small storms will only affect a small part of the sea. Large storms can span multiple seas and set off huge waves more than ten meters high.

There are even occasional giant storms sweeping across the entire ocean, lasting as long as half a month. Under such terrible natural disasters, any ship going to sea will not have a second ending except for the destruction of the ship.

Moreover, these storms are irregular and unpredictable. It may be that the sea was calm at the last moment, and the next moment the squally wind will roar and set off stormy waves.

Once it enters the stormy season, it means that ocean-going commercial routes are completely cut off, and no ships are willing to set sail except for near overseas.

Renault stared at Elon closely: “We have no choice.”

After a moment of silence, he said again: “I can solve the problem of turbulence. In case of a storm, even if the ship sinks, I have a way to keep you…”

Having said that, he glanced around at everyone, his tone with strong confidence.

Elon glanced at the ice boat under him, and stopped persuading, because the ice boat is the most powerful evidence. Even if the boat is destroyed by the storm, there is no need to worry about being drowned. It’s a big deal for everyone to play an ice boat drifting together.

As soon as the sky turned white, Renault’s figure quickly rose from the ice boat and rushed straight into the sky.

In the cool morning breeze, he vaguely saw a large area of ​​buildings standing on the coast at a great distance, and a vast ocean farther away, extending to the end of the heaven and the earth, that was the sea!

With an excited smile on Renault’s tired face, he shouted: “Everyone, I see the Port of Detroit…”

The Port of Detroit is just a port in White Sands Bay, and it is also the last destination for everyone on the mainland.

However, the others just cheered feebly and sat down on the ice boat, even Moose was no exception.

Because I’m so tired.

After leaving Shancao Town, due to fear of the Black Orcs chasing soldiers, everyone rushed for 1 day and 2 nights, even when they were sailing in the river, they did not slack off, except for Lori Murray, everyone took turns rowing to speed up.

Moose, a physically strong awakener, has particularly long shifts, often lasting 7 or 8 hours in one stroke, and he can’t handle it later.

Renault didn’t even let the dog go. He deliberately used a fixed paddle for Sansha so that he could bite and paddle with his mouth.

After shaking the dog’s head for so long, the dog’s walking posture was a little wrong. While walking on the dog’s legs, he unconsciously shook the dog’s head, stupidly, causing gimmicks.

However, the hard work was obviously not in vain, until I arrived here, no black orcs appeared behind him.

Seeing everyone’s listless appearance, Renault clapped his palms and said loudly, “Everyone, work harder. When we get to the Port of Detroit, we will rest again…”

Moose wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked towards the stern, but Angela couldn’t help but sighed and honestly picked up the oar.

Others also quietly returned to their positions, they were not even qualified to complain.

The sound of water strokes and splashing waves rang again.

Renault sighed contentedly, closed his eyes and leaned against the bow. Now it was his turn to rest. His shift time was second only to Moose. After rowing all night, he felt that both arms were almost not his own. Up.

Feeling the swaying hull and listening to the sound of splashing water, Renault’s consciousness gradually sank, and he fell asleep in just a few breaths.

I don’t know how long it took, Angela’s voice suddenly awakened him.

“Renault, wake up, Sansha smelled blood…”

Renault opened his heavy eyelids in a daze. When his consciousness was still in chaos, the girl’s crisp voice had begun to continue to pour into his head.

“Sansha said that the smell of blood comes from the right side of the river bank, and the smell of blood is quite heavy, it seems that many people have died…”

“It also said that the **** smell is relatively fresh, and that there is no rancid smell. Those people should die soon…”

Renault shook his head and stuck his head out of the bow. A handful of river water suddenly floated from the river, gently covering his face, rolling slowly.

Since this guy has [the motivation to read], he has degenerated to the point that he doesn’t want to wash his face with hands.

Feeling the cool water of the river, Renault was a little awake in his mind. After he whispered “ready to stop the boat”, he raised his right hand, and an invisible force immediately held the bow of the boat. The ice boat started to slow down and soon stopped moving.

Then he gently pushed the ice boat to a lush area on the bank of the river. Large areas of water weeds separated automatically to form a berth. The ice boat drove into it, and then a large area of ​​water weeds drifted over, tightly entangled the ice boat, and pulled it away. Fixed on the shore.

As soon as the ice boat came to a stop, a white figure rushed past Renault like lightning, stepped on the bow of the ship and rushed to the shore, and disappeared into the grass instantly. The “swooshing” of the blades of grass rubbed, and a large blade of grass followed. When it fell, the grass quickly collapsed in a small area.

Obviously this silly dog ​​is rolling happily in the grass.

After staying on the ice boat for so long, San Sha had been suffocated. Seeing the boat docked at this time, the servant rushed to the shore to Sa Huan.

Others also disembarked one after another, and regained the feeling of being down-to-earth by the way.

Elon, who had even broken one leg, was walking fast, not limping like before!

Naturally, this was Renault’s tricks. He personally took the shot and gave Elon a full metal prosthesis!

Elon just broke a calf, and there is no problem with the knee. It’s just that the level of prosthetics in this world is really poor, and the strength and fit of the wooden prosthesis are relatively poor, which makes Elon’s mobility inconvenient.

But after Renault took the shot, everything was different!

The prosthesis he designed looks a bit like a hoe. The “ankle” part of the prosthesis is a movable structure, with 4 pairs of torsion springs installed on it. When the prosthesis runs, the springs contract back and forth to simulate real ankle joint movement.

In order to reduce the anti-shock force and increase comfort and stability, Renault also installed 2 thick shock-absorbing springs. After wearing the prosthesis, Elon instantly became disabled from second-degree disability, transformed into a master of sports.

This prosthesis is still a weapon!

After removing the protective cover on the prosthesis, you can clearly see that the toes are equipped with 4 shimmering sharp blades, and the heels are impressively covered with jagged sharp spikes.

Renault greeted the girl, and the two of them walked in the direction where the smell of blood came from Sanshou.

The smell of blood in the air became stronger, and Renault’s brows frowned slightly. After rolling in the dead pile, he was very sensitive to the smell of blood. By the severity of the smell, the death toll could be roughly inferred.

At this time, some messy footprints appeared on the ground one after another, and there were also traces of lodging in the grass. Renault glanced a few times, and immediately came to a conclusion in his heart: at least 10 people passed by here.

After walking for another minute, San Shao’s footsteps suddenly slowed down. It turned to look at Angela, and the girl immediately began to translate: “Just ahead!”

Renault nodded and moved forward first. The 8 spikes were already hanging beside him, neatly arranged in a fan shape.

After entering a low bush forest, Renault saw the blood and corpses all over the ground, his face instantly sank, and the girl’s face also filled with anger.

The number of corpses exceeded 20. All the dead were in untidy clothes, and a large amount of clothing and debris were discarded nearby.

Among the victims were men, women and children, and there was even a baby in a swaddling baby. Most of the fatal wounds were on the neck. Many female corpses were naked, with scars all over the body, and the lower body was in a mess.

Two female corpses were extremely miserable, almost not human-shaped, and their upper bodies were covered with knife marks. These knife marks were of the same length and arranged quite neatly. Their faces were completely distorted and looked hideous and terrifying.

From their expressions, you can see how great their pain is. Obviously, before their deaths, the two suffered heinous torture, and the murderer had an extremely perverted hobby of torture.

After walking around for a while, Renault understood the cause and effect.

This is the scene of a robbery and murder. The victims are a group of refugees. From the exquisite clothes, it can be seen that these people should be quite rich.

After being silent for a while, Renault turned his head and said, “Three fools, go back and bring everyone else out of the bush.”

Three silly figures flashed, and quickly moved away.

Renault sighed softly, and the soil on the ground rolled over automatically, and a large pit soon appeared, and then a corpse was dragged into the pit.

These people are weak and have been dead for a while, and the residual interference force field is almost zero, and his [Mental Power] can directly act on the corpse.

After the body was buried, Renault whispered: “Let’s go, when everyone is here, let’s find the murderer together…”

The girl tensed her pretty face and nodded vigorously.

After taking a few steps, Renault looked back at the slightly raised mound, his eyes showing a thoughtful look.

He has a strong hunch that most of the murderers are not just simply seeking money (seeing sex), they are likely to have other purposes, and maybe they can get clues from the murderer to leave the mainland.

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