Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 114

Chapter 113 Rune Group【Rotate】

At the moment when the mouth of the white sand clam was exposed, two heavily armed men rushed over with a huge leather bag and put the leather bag on the metal pipe.

This is to prevent the white sand razor clam from hurting people by spraying water arrows.

Out of safety, Murphy even arranged two groups of men with leather bags. Once the first group missed, the second group immediately took over.

Murphy had to be cautious, because the lord was watching. In the event of a water arrow hurting people, even if the lord didn’t mind, I’m afraid he would think he was inadequate in his heart.

The leather bag had just been tightened, and Renault, standing in the best viewing position, clearly saw a bulge suddenly appeared on the leather bag, and heard the sound of water impact.

There is no doubt that this is the water arrow of the white sand razor clam!

After the water arrows were jetted several times, there was no bulging on the leather bag, but the two big men were not at ease. They held the wooden sticks and banged the leather bag vigorously, making noises to startle the white sand clam and let it spit out as much as possible Inventory in the body.

This trick really worked. After two bulges appeared on the leather bag again, the razor clam finally ran out of water arrows.

Both of these are fishermen carefully selected from the island and are very familiar with the habits of the white sand razor clams.

This test is also the first time that everyone has demonstrated their ability to do things in front of your lord and consul. Therefore, everyone strives for perfection.

Then the two big men took off their leather bags, held the shells of Baisha leech with their hands, and pulled them out of the sand.

It only took less than 1 minute from the time when the breathing hole of the razor clam was found to when it was caught.

At this time, the water in the body of the white sand clam was almost consumed, and the frequent spraying of water almost exhausted its physical strength. Even if it could spray water, its power was greatly reduced, and the danger was reduced to the extreme, so the two of them felt confident and boldly took it with their hands. .

After the two took out the white sand razor, they immediately held it horizontally with both hands, sent it to Renault, and showed it to the lord respectfully to watch.

This white sand clam is cylindrical, nearly 1.5 meters in length, thicker than the arm, it can be regarded as the big guy in the white sand clam, its body is covered with two white shells, the shell surface has a circle of patterns, it looks quite beautiful .

At this time, the white sand clam seemed to be frightened, the two shells were tightly closed, and there was no gap in sight.

With a thought on Renault’s heart, the two big men suddenly felt light on their hands, and the white sand razor floated up and quietly suspended in front of Renault.

The two men showed awe on their faces, bowed their heads slightly, and stood with their hands down.

Before leaving the mainland, Renault’s [Nian Motive Force] was unable to do this due to the interference force field, but after his strength increased, [Nian Momentum] could forcefully suppress the opponent’s interference force field, but it was only limited to it. White sand leeches are very weak creatures, and they can only act on non-living bodies like shells.

Two invisible forces gripped the two shells tightly and separated them easily, exposing the white shell meat inside, as if the shells were opened automatically by the white sand razor clams.

After seeing this scene, there was a slight exclamation in the crowd. The vast majority of people present were just ordinary people. They had never seen extraordinary people before, let alone such a phenomenon of extreme fantasy, so they would naturally feel shocked. .

Reynolds took a few glances, and began to estimate in his mind. After removing the two shells and the weight of the internal organs, approximately 15 kilograms of shell meat can be obtained from this white sand clam.

The body length of most razor clams is about 1.2 meters. Based on this estimate, the average shellfish weight is 10 kg, which is enough for a normal family of four to eat for 3 days.

If within these two months, 30,000 razor clams can be dug with a sand drill, even if the Motive Project is ultimately difficult to produce, the residents of the island will have enough food to survive the storm season.

With the high efficiency of the sand drilling machine, one hour is enough to dig out 30 razor clams, but it can only be digged when the tide is low to a certain level. If the working time is no more than 6 hours a day, you can get almost 200 razor clams.

In other words, as long as there are 4 sand drilling rigs working continuously for more than 30 days, these 25,000 razor clams can be handled.

The only worry is that the white sand razor clam population on this beach may be devastated and will not recover for at least 3 years.

As for the magic stone needed by the sand drilling machine, a fist-sized magic stone is enough for the sand drilling machine to work for a day. The inventory of Isaith and others, as well as the magic stones accumulated on the island for so many years, are enough to use.

Thinking of this, Renault smiled with satisfaction. He turned his head to look at Murphy and others, and said approvingly: “Very well done!”

Murphy suddenly smiled with excitement. He bowed and bowed without hesitation: “Your Excellency, all of this comes from your wonderful ideas. If you didn’t propose the concept of a sand drill, it would be very difficult to dig a razor clam… …”

Murphy is right. It is very difficult to dig white sand razor clams by hand. It may be just starting to dig. After this thing senses a strong vibration, it will go to other places. They can even penetrate 10 in a short time. More than a meter deep under the sand layer.

If the white sand clam was really so easy to dig, it would have been eaten extinct by the residents of the island, and it would not be Renault’s turn to make trouble.

This is also the most common problem in the world. The ocean is extremely rich in resources and there are many edible things, but the problem is that there are not many that are easy to grasp. It is simply a typical “starved to death by guarding food.”

But with the help of machines, everything changed.

In just a few seconds, the cylinder can fully penetrate into the ground, and the white sand leeches have no time to escape.

As long as you find the breathing pores of the white sand leeches on the beach, move the machine over, input energy, activate the rune disc, you can know the result within 10 seconds, and the efficiency is amazing.

The series of runes engraved on the disc is called the rune group [rotation]!

As the name suggests, this rune group can drive objects to rotate, plus some other runes that control rotation parameters, such as rotation speed and rotation direction, to achieve the effect that Renault has just seen.

However, the only disadvantage is that it requires continuous consumption of magic stones when using this rune machine.

Yes, the magic energy in the human body has a unique spiritual power brand, and it cannot drive the rune group at all, and the magic stone must be used.

Because this rune group is different from the rune array in Renault’s soul space, the former does not have any mental power branding, while the latter bears the spiritual power branding of Renault.

According to the law of magic power, only the same source of magic power is used to avoid interference.

In other words, if you want to drive a rune group that is not branded with mental power, you can only use magic stones with the same brand of mental power.

However, it is precisely because the rune machine has an independent source of energy, it has very low requirements for the user. Anyone can activate the rune group and manipulate the rune machine as long as their mental power reaches a certain limit.

Most mature adults with normal IQ can meet this requirement.

In addition, when the rune machine is working, the rune group needs to be kept active and will continue to consume mental power. Once the input of mental power is stopped, the rune group will stop working, and ordinary people can only hold on for 1-2 hours. The mental power is exhausted.

But this is not a problem, anyway, the humanoid “battery” is everywhere, just replace this one with another one.

The Rune Group [Rotation] is the first result that Renault and the rune magicians have researched, and it is also a truly revolutionary result!

Because it lowers the threshold of Rune Black technology to the point where ordinary people can use it for the first time.

Before that, there were only runes in this world [Rotation]. Please note that it is a rune, not a rune group!

This kind of rune can also drive objects to rotate, but it cannot use low-quality magic stones, and can only use magic spars. This alone greatly limits its application.

When the Whitetail was still on the journey, Renault and Seth talked in detail. After learning about the existence of the rune, he immediately thought of the magic stone lamp, and the idea of ​​improving the rune naturally emerged in his mind.

As a result, at Renault’s request, Seth’s team had their first mission, or the magic technology project.

At the beginning, Seth and others were at a loss for this. More than a dozen people spent more than a week studying in the cabin, but they didn’t make any progress.

Later, when Renault came to learn about the progress of the project, he accidentally discovered that the shape of these runes was quite similar to the runes in his soul space.

So he also became interested, and joined the project team with the mentality of learning runes and understanding rune arrays. As a result, the more he studied, the more he felt that rune arrays were unfathomable.

When Renault provided Seth with the structure of part of the rune array, the progress of the project began to advance by leaps and bounds. In the eyes of Seth’s veteran who has been studying runes for decades, the structure that Renault is difficult to understand is simply learning.

When the White-tailed Sparrow just entered the sea of ​​mist, the project team finally got the first result, which is the rune group [rotation]. Its structure refers to the rune array. In order to distinguish it, Renault calls it a rune group. .

After taking a glance at the white sand razor, Renault suddenly put a smile on his face. He looked at the girl and said, “Or, let’s try it first…”

The girl glared at him fiercely, and couldn’t help but sigh. She knew that this guy would definitely give her all the follow-up work as usual, and act as a shopkeeper.

She asked angrily: “Let’s go ahead, how many sand drilling machines do you plan to build? How many white sand leeches do you want to dig?”

There was no shame on Renault’s face: “4 units, 25,000!”

Upon hearing the huge number “25,000”, the girl immediately understood Renault’s abacus after doing a little calculation.

This guy actually wants more than 2,000 residents of the island to eat white sand razor clams for half a year…

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