Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 116

Chapter 115 Bacteria killed the coal

In just 3 days, all 4 sand drilling rigs were put into use, and on average, more than 700 white sand razors could be dug out every day.

When the white sand clams piled up into the mountains appeared in front of them, everyone was shocked!

Even people who already know the high efficiency of sand drilling machines can’t help but become speechless when they see the real thing for the first time.

This is precisely the charm of industrialization. With the help of good organization and machines, individual labor efficiency will be greatly improved.

With just over 20 people operating 4 machines, they can easily dig out dozens of tons of white sand razor clams in the sand in just 4 to 5 hours. In this age of low productivity, it is simply incredible.

The worrying atmosphere on the island caused by the lack of food has also been wiped out. Everyone is extremely convinced that in the coming long winter, everyone will be able to eat.

And it’s very full and full!

Of course, there are not only white sand clams on the beach, but also many other types of conch and sea shells, which have also been swept away by sand drilling machines.

Most of the workers who operate sand drilling machines are fishermen with a certain degree of experience. Even those who have lived on Odin Island for many years know for the first time that there are so many weird conch and seashells on Baibei Beach.

However, this output did not meet expectations. This was mainly due to lack of experience and poor cooperation among the workers. However, with the improvement of proficiency, the output will increase further. Renault estimates that in a few days, the output can stabilize at more than 800, 1,000 Only the above is impossible.

In addition, Miss Archon did not intend to let the brand-new sand drilling machine be completely idle after 30 days of work. It would be a great waste. She planned to fight for 2 months in a row to clean the beaches of the nearby islands.

Her ultimate goal is 60,000!

Enough for the whole island to eat for a year!

People in other worlds also know the truth that “you have food in your hands and don’t panic in your heart”.

As for whether the white sand razor will become the most hated food for the residents of the Hai Tide Islands, the consul lady doesn’t care, anyway, she hasn’t eaten it for a year.

Subsequently, the Government Affairs Office recruited nearly 300 people from the residents with scallop meat as remuneration. According to the pre-made plan, the work of washing and drying the scallops, building warehouses, and manufacturing pottery tanks was simultaneously started.

The labor standards set by the girls themselves are also quite tempting, especially when there is a shortage of food.

Even a woman who is responsible for drying scallops in the sun can get 1 kg of scallops, which is equivalent to 3 kg of fresh scallops, and free lunch and dinner every day.

As long as an adult strong man is willing to work hard, he can get at least 3 kilograms of scallop meat.

After the news came out, most of the residents of Hongshi Town, the only small town on the island, and the two nearby villages, came to sign up, and the total number was close to 600.

Most of them come from families that lack food on the island. If the Government Affairs Office does not provide this opportunity, I am afraid that most people will not survive this winter.

Finally, under the instruction of the girl, the Government Affairs Office gave priority to a group of civilians with the most difficult family background.

And Renault also started to solve the second problem-fuel.

This question is very important, because the Heat Demon engine will definitely be developed in three months at most. As a new type of ship power, it will consume a lot of fuel.

So during this time, Renault needs to reserve enough fuel.

In addition, he plans to gradually replace traditional wooden buildings with stronger and more durable masonry buildings starting next year, especially in cities and towns.

Because the safety hazard of wooden buildings is too great, once a fire is caught, if it is not extinguished in time, the fire will spread rapidly, half of the town will be turned into fly ash, and civilians will also suffer heavy casualties.

Such tragedies happen frequently in this world, and Renault doesn’t want his hard-worked territory to encounter a “burning city” in the future.

To build a town dominated by masonry buildings, it will consume a lot of masonry, that is to say, he also needs a huge amount of fuel to burn bricks.

What kind of fuel is appropriate?


Of course not!

Although the world’s wood has a higher calorific value, the island itself is not large, and the forest resources are not large. Even if all the forests on the island are cut down, it may not meet the demand.

And wood is not suitable for fuel for ships. Who has ever seen a ship powered by wood?

What’s more, forests have a greater role. In a special environment like islands, if there is not enough forest, there will be extremely serious ecological disasters, which will make the islands no longer livable. The Easter Island on the earth is the best. Negative example.

If wood is not used, what alternative fuel is used?

Burn coal?

On the earth, coal propelled the first industrial revolution, and the light and heat released when it burned illuminates the path of human civilization.

However, I am very sorry, this is another world, not the earth, there really is no such thing as “coal”!

When Renault determined that coal really didn’t exist, he was also surprised for a long time.

In the long history of the earth, after entering the Carboniferous, thanks to the emergence of lignin, plants have since then have strong enough bones that can easily grow tens of meters or even hundreds of meters in height. From this time on, the forest began to expand wildly. .

However, the evolution of bacteria has not been able to keep up with the pace of plants. When the plants die, the bacteria are unable to decompose lignin, and a large amount of organic carbon is deposited in the stratum, and finally coal is formed.

It was also during the Carboniferous that massive amounts of coal appeared on the earth, and coal reserves in this period accounted for more than half of the total coal reserves of the earth.

In other words, the emergence of coal is a victory for plants and a defeat for bacteria!

But in another world, the roles of plants and bacteria have changed.

This time, the bacteria evolved faster, and their strong decomposing ability prevented most of the carbon elements from depositing, and finally succeeded in killing the coal!

However, although there is no coal, the bacteria in the outside world have left another substitute-dirty soil.

Polluted soil is a kind of pure black soil. Under the sun, the surface will reflect bright light like grease. It is widely present in the stratum. The burial depth is generally not deep and the reserves are not low.

However, the people of other worlds do not intend to use it at all.

In addition to the carbon element, the polluted soil contains a lot of silicon and other impurities. The carbon content is significantly lower than that of coal, which makes it difficult to burn, and its calorific value is not as good as charcoal.

In addition, there is another important reason, the dirt is very dirty!

Under the combined action of magic energy and soil flora, the carbon element in the soil is not converted into carbon element, but is mixed in the soil in the form of a compound.

This compound exists stably at room temperature, and the smell is slightly earthy, but when it burns, the smell is quite pungent, which makes people retreat.

In the boundless ocean, otherworldly bacteria are equally powerful.

The unique marine ecological environment has created another kind of flora. Like their terrestrial brothers, the marine flora successfully dried up the plants in the evolutionary race, making coal go to hell.

However, due to the hypoxic environment, more carbon elements are retained in the ocean, and over the long years, plant remains are eventually converted into another form of compound.

After these carbon-containing compounds combined with the ubiquitous seawater, a miraculous change occurred.

Combustible ice has appeared!

To be precise, Hei Bing!

Black ice cannot be burned directly. It needs to be heated to remove moisture before it can be used as fuel. Black ice will also produce peculiar smell when it burns, but it is much smaller than dirt.

In the shallow waters of the mainland, black ice is widespread, and black ice is mixed with silt to cover the entire seafloor. In some places, there is even a layer of black ice with an incalculable thickness.

In some coastal areas of the alien world, local residents have a long-term tradition of using black ice, and these places often also have a large area of ​​shallow water black ice.

When the sea is low tide, people flock to dig black ice in the mud to use it as fuel for cooking or heating in winter.

Although families with a little surplus will choose charcoal due to the smell, but the poor who can’t afford charcoal don’t mind this.

Therefore, when encountering fuel problems, Renault naturally thinks of black ice.

In the Tide Islands, shallow water black ice also exists, and the reserves are extremely alarming.

The only disadvantage is that the black ice layer is buried near an island more than 20 kilometers away. It will only be exposed to the water after low tide, and the time limit for direct mining is relatively short.

At this time, on a small sailing boat with a length of more than 20 meters, Renault took Angela, Moose, Lena, Sansha, Ronald, and 20 members of the island guard, heading for Black Iceland.

For the sake of Black Ice, the three giants of the territory came out.

Well, the name Black Iceland was freshly released an hour ago.

As for the island guard team, this is the first armed force on the island. The captain is Moose, and the deputy captain Ronald, together with the two, has a total number of only 25.

Renault offers quite generous treatment. As long as he joins the island protection team, the salary is more than enough to support a family of four, and there are special allowances when performing tasks. If there are casualties, the pension is also very generous.

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