Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 119

Chapter 118 Black iceland

The area of ​​Black Iceland is small, no more than 15 square kilometers, and the terrain is flat with only a few low hills.

Because of this, the vegetation on the island is generally relatively low, dominated by shrubs, and there are almost no tall trees. The few trees are also “short and fat”, with thick trunks and no more than 10 meters in height.

This is exactly the result of natural selection.

The island lacks tall mountains. Once it enters the storm season, storms can sweep across the island. If the trees are too high, they will only be uprooted. Over time, only shrubs and low trees will remain on Black Iceland.

Black Iceland is far away from the route, and even the pirates of the original Tide Islands rarely set foot on this black Iceland.

Ronald came here only once 6 years ago, and he only took a detour, staying on the beach on the south side for a while, and did not go deep into the island.

According to him, there is only one seasonal river on the island. After the rainy season, there will be a steady flow, and the river will be intermittent at other times.

Sailing boats head straight to the beach, where the black ice layer is most easily mined. Once the sea ebbs, a huge area of ​​black ice will be exposed directly to the sea surface. As long as the layer of silt covering the surface is dug up, the black ice can be seen.

This afternoon, Adam and Eva will completely disappear from the sky, which also means that the sea will completely ebb tide, which is also the most suitable time for mining black ice.

In order to prevent stranding after low tide, the sailing boat docked at a location 2 kilometers away from the coast, and then Moose arranged several members of the island guard team to stay behind, while others took small boats to Black Iceland in batches.

With food!

Because, it’s lunch time!

There is no doubt that the food is the big oyster from the outside world, that is, the doom oyster shell.

In addition, everyone needs to transport some parts of the “magic bulldozer” to the island. Before digging the black ice, Renault also plans to test this new type of magic engineering machinery.

After arriving at the beach, the ordinary team members honestly went to log or collect branches and leaves as fuel for cooking.

Privileged classes such as Angela and Moose are qualified to eat the food of the lord, so naturally there is no need to log.

Several people worked together and quickly cleaned three pieces of shellfish with a total weight of more than 30 kilograms.

Renault is in the “secondary development” stage, and the appetite is amazing. Moose and Ronald are awakened and are also big eateries. For 5 people and 1 dog, 30 kilograms of shellfish is not a problem at all.

The main dish that Renault intends to make is fried oyster strips with sauce.

Under the command of Chef Renault, Moose, Maiden, and Ronald used pure hands to tear the shellfish into strips the thickness of the index finger.

Then Renault pulled out a few huge iron buckets on the spot, and Lena took out a few large pots of hoisin sauce from her backpack, preparing to marinate oyster strips.

Well, after hearing her complaints last time, the clever little girl did not hesitate to put on her backpack again. Miss Archon had to take care of her face. She was just a servant and didn’t need to think too much, as long as the lady was happy.

And as the consul’s personal servant, who would dare to laugh at her on the island?

As for the hoisin sauce that the little girl brought out, it is different from commodities on the earth, but a sauce unique to the Tide Islands. The main raw material is a kind of rocky purple moss that is a local specialty, plus wheat and blue-spotted pomfret. A sauce made of fish bone meal, sea salt, and other seasonings.

The flavor of this sauce is very unique, with a strong seaweed flavor, which is mixed with a strong sea fish flavor, which is exceptionally delicious.

Renault and Angela are big foodies. After the two became the highest ruling class of the Hai Tide Islands, they didn’t need to deliberately order them. After they learned about the gluttony of their lord and consul, they automatically offered meticulous hoisin sauce.

After Linna carefully cleaned the iron bucket, she laid the oyster strips neatly in the bucket, and applied a layer of hoisin sauce to each layer of oyster strips. After the application was completed, the little girl strenuously spread the oyster strips. Stir several times to ensure that the meat strips and sauce are evenly mixed.

Next, you only need to wait for 20 minutes, and the oyster strips are marinated.

At this time, Renault controlled the heat again and pulled out two huge iron pots with a diameter of more than 1.5 meters and a depth of half a meter, which is almost larger than a bathtub.

Because you have to stir-fry 30 kilograms of meat strips at the same time, you have to use a large pot!

When Renault was lifting the iron, Moose and Ronald hurriedly moved over a few reefs and formed 2 simple stoves for Renault to place the iron pot. The little girl Lena took out 2 large cans of grease and put them in a wink. Go to the stove.

As for the three fools, according to Renault’s “no-worker, no-eat” rule, anyone who wants to taste the chef’s work must participate in labor, and can participate in the cooking process or other tasks.

But how does Sansha participate in the cooking process? Who dares to eat the food it has touched with the dog’s paw and dog’s mouth?

Therefore, the servants had to take the initiative to ask and go to watch in the bushes to provide vigilance for the logging team members.

This is necessary, because the black Iceland has not been set foot for many years. Who knows what is on the island, it is better to be cautious. Renault doesn’t want to take the boys out for a walk for the first time and cause a fatal accident.

Among the few people around Renault, except Ronald, everyone else looked calm.

Only Ronald had a picnic with Lord Lord for the first time. This guy was like a nail under his buttocks. He was fidgeting on the side and his whole body was tight. Renault felt uncomfortable for him when he saw it.

However, if Ronald was allowed to leave, he would not be willing to eat food cooked by the extraordinary and lord himself, that is an unimaginable privilege for ordinary people, and he must not leave!

Moreover, I heard that Lord Lord’s cooking skills are unimaginable, enough to entertain a noble king, and it is rare to have the opportunity to experience this level of cuisine, so I can’t leave it.

Reynolds estimated that even if he brought Ronald a pan of shit, he would be able to eat it without changing his face. After eating, he would probably praise it “extremely delicious”!

Ronald stared closely at all the movements of Renault’s hands, and he could see that he was desperately eager to lay hands on the lord.

But this unique “cooking with eyes” method made Ronald completely unable to intervene.

Your lord can do a job that can be done by just looking at it. If you intervene on your own terms, do you help or deliberately get in the way?

What can Renault say in the face of such over-enthusiastic subordinates?

What would Ronald reprimand? The enthusiasm and desire for expression of subordinates are not wrong. In the case of no fault, casual reprimand will only dampen his enthusiasm and damage his own prestige.

So Renault couldn’t say anything but just turned a blind eye.

Twenty minutes later, the oyster strips were finally marinated, Renault worked hard and started cooking, and everyone else looked at him expectantly.

The grease tank opens automatically, and a large mass of grease flies out and spreads evenly on the surface of the 2 large pots.

The iron pan was already hot, and as soon as the grease fell, the “sizzling” sound rang, and the fragrance of the grease instantly diffused.

The iron barrel flew directly, and a large number of shellfish strips flew out from the inside, neatly falling on the iron pan, and the fragrance suddenly became stronger.

Subsequently, under the control of [Nian Motive Force], the shellfish strips kept rolling up, with a very stable rhythm. Every three seconds, the shellfish strips in the pot would be turned neatly and uniformly, which seemed to have a peculiar beauty .

Anyone on earth who sees this scene will immediately find that one thing is missing-the spatula!

How can cooking without a spatula?

However, your lord almost forgets what the spatula looks like now…

The extremely tender shellfish strips do not need to be cooked for too long. They taste better when they are cooked at 6 or 7 minutes. After just 2 minutes of frying with eyes, Renault stops heating and reverses the temperature at the same time to stabilize the temperature of the iron pan to about 60 degrees. .

Then Lena took out 5 large wooden bowls from the backpack and distributed them to everyone. To be precise, they should be called small wooden bowls, because the diameter of the bowl was more than 20 cm, and each person was given a pair of wooden chopsticks.

That’s right, the people of other worlds are so bold, they only use pots for meals, even girls are no exception.

Renault flicked his fingers, the shellfish strips in the iron pan rose into the air, divided into 5 parts of varying sizes, and automatically flew into 5 small pots.

An extra portion of shellfish strips over 4 kg is reserved in the pot, which is reserved for Sansha. As a mastiff, the small pot is too small for it, and it is used to eating it in a pot.

However, at this time, a loud howl suddenly sounded from the bushes in the distance.

“Ooo… Ooo… Ooo…”

Three silly warnings!

It called three times in a row!

This shows that the enemy is very powerful!

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