Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 121

Chapter 120 First law of thermodynamics

After Renault advanced a few hundred meters, he finally saw his opponent!

A huge monster with a body length of more than 8 meters is squatting on the top of a low hill, watching Renault from a distance.

This is indeed a monster!

Through the crystal on the helmet, Renault could not tell what it was when he saw it at first glance.

It looks very arrogant.

Yes, the word “arrogant” is the most accurate description, because it is covered with colorful scales, with red, white, blue, purple, and black stripes crisscrossing, and the colors are extremely gorgeous.

Do you dare to wear such an eye-catching “coating”?

Of course not!

That is simply telling all the nearby creatures: I am here, come and play with me!

Only the creatures at the top of the food chain dare to wear such a “dominant” makeup.

Its pair of forelimbs are more than 3 meters in length. Some resemble a mantis and look like a machete. The blades are serrated and shiny with metallic luster, which makes people intuitively feel that this is a very dangerous weapon, for sure. It is the magical mutation “Machete”.

The torso is unusually strong, with a body length of nearly 8 meters, and the surface scales are extraordinarily thick. At first glance, you can see that the defense is amazing. There is a row of dark dorsal fins behind it. There are also a pair of ventral fins on both sides. The end of the tail is connected to a tail fan. Like shrimp.

There is no doubt that this monster can move in the water, and these fins fully illustrate this point.

In addition to the two machetes, it has 4 extremely short and thick legs on its abdomen, nearly half a meter in diameter, and there are purses on its toes.

Obviously, these four legs are really used to support the body, and these forelimbs are just natural weapons.

The head is triangular, a bit like a crocodile, and the eyes are located in the depressions on both sides of the head, but the front end is not a big mouth, but a chewing mouthpart like an insect, which looks very strange.

If it had to be named, Renault felt that the mantis fish monster was an acceptable name.

The above characteristics show that the mantis fish monster is a top amphibious predator. When preying, it will use two machetes to chop the prey into several pieces, and then slowly gnaw away the meat from the prey.

In the muffled sound of footsteps, the tin can Renault rushed to a place more than 80 meters away from the mantis fish monster.

He took the initiative!

Two 3-meter-long spears fell off the pylon automatically, and flew towards the praying mantis fish monster with a strong wind.

Seeing the spear flying in, the mantis fish monster suddenly waved its shrimp tails and quickly climbed down the hillside.

At this time, Renault was surprised to find that the color of the stripes on its body changed constantly. The faster it moved, the faster the color changed, which made people feel dizzy.

This colorful painting is still a kind of dynamic camouflage. Under the cover of camouflage, the enemy is easily disturbed, and sometimes it is difficult to see its movements clearly.

“Ding Ding…” After the shot was shot on the scales behind it, there was a metal-like knock, and then the shot was shot, leaving only 2 white marks.

The defensive power of this guy is really amazing.

To deal with this kind of monsters, the three reverse heat transfer skills have little effect. Renault gave up these three skills, accelerated his running speed, and violently ran into the mantis fish monster.

After putting on the demon armor, he is no longer a melee weak bird, nor is he afraid of any form of frontal rigidity.

When the distance between the two sides was more than 10 meters, Renault slightly deflected his body, held the huge shield on his left arm in front of him, and aimed it at the mantis fish monster.

At the moment when the collision was about to occur, the “Book of Thermodynamics” in the soul space appeared automatically, turning to the fifth page in the blink of an eye, and a set of unusually exquisite rune arrays appeared directly above the page.

The reason why it is exquisite is because the number of runes in the array is particularly large, there are more than 200, which is almost 4 times more than the rune array such as [Reverse Heat Conduction]!

The runes are arranged in a hemisphere and slowly rotate in the soul space, exuding soft white light.

Its name is, [The First Law of Thermodynamics]!

The magical energy flowed into it, and the white light on the rune array was so fierce that it was difficult to look directly at it. Then a vague wave of magical energy appeared, and the high-dimensional space and the real space had a slight overlap.

Overlapping part-Renault!

At the next moment, Renault clearly felt that the two “choppers” of the mantis fish monster suddenly burst out a strong wave of magic energy. The “choppers” were completely enveloped by a layer of white light, and the pair of “choppers” instantly turned into two lights. The knife!

This is the extraordinary power of the mantis fish monster!

This extraordinary power can actually strengthen weapons!

Obviously, it is a rare material-enhanced supernatural being, well, supernatural monster!

After discovering this, Renault couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, because he had no doubt that these two bare knives could cut iron like mud.

Then, a intensive collision sounded.

“Boom boom boom…” The two light knives of the mantis fish monster slashed on Renault’s huge shield at an unimaginable speed. At this moment, it slashed more than 10 times.

When the mantis fish monster attacked, its movements were very powerful, but to its surprise, only a few half-finger-deep white marks were left on the surface of the giant shield.

In addition, on the two light knives, the white light was slightly dimmed, and it seemed that it would continuously consume extraordinary power when slashing.

The giant shield and the Renault behind were only slightly affected, and even the figure did not move, and they still slammed into it.

What surprised it even more was that the place hit on the huge shield turned dark red!

Its pair of icy vertical pupils fluctuate unexpectedly, how could this be?

Usually it can even cut a huge stone in half, but why can’t it cut this strange thing in front of you?

This is the unique ability of the [First Law of Thermodynamics]-[Force-Heat Conversion]!

According to the first law of thermodynamics, thermal energy can be converted to mechanical energy.

Force can be converted into heat; heat can also be converted into force.

On the earth, the steam engine is the direct application of the first law of thermodynamics.

The heat energy turns water into expanding steam, pushing the piston of the steam engine, outputting a thrust of thousands of Newtons, breaking the shackles of an old era, and sounding the clarion call of the first industrial revolution!

In that world, the heat of gas can make the air violently expand, driving the compressor and turbine of the turbofan engine, outputting a huge thrust of up to tens of tons, and sending a behemoth of hundreds of tons to the sky!

It was also there. The heat generated by the combustion of the rocket propellant produced a huge amount of high-temperature and high-pressure gas. When it was injected, it produced a terrifying thrust of up to several hundred tons, and even lifted a Tesla sports car to the stars!

The conversion of heat and force created all kinds of incredible miracles and directly changed the course of human history!

But this conversion must go through a certain medium. It can be water or air, and this conversion will lose part of the efficiency. The most efficient heat engine has an efficiency of only 60%.

But in this magical world full of magic, under the magical effect of the rune array, heat energy and mechanical energy can be directly converted.

However, a certain amount of magic energy needs to be consumed when converting force to heat. The more energy converted, the greater the consumption. At the same time, consumption increases exponentially according to convention.

Therefore, there must be an upper limit for [Power-Heat Conversion], and it cannot be infinitely converted. If the energy of the enemy’s blow exceeds 100 million joules, even if Renault consumes the mana energy, it cannot be blocked.

In addition, Renault also found that the material of the defense also affects the conversion. When wearing a metal armor, converting the same level of attack, the mana consumption is significantly less than that of the wooden armor.

He guessed that this should be due to the better “energy absorption” properties of metal.

However, the rune array of [First Law] is not yet complete. At present, it can only convert mechanical energy into heat energy.

Therefore, when the light knife falls on the giant shield, the thrust it causes on the giant shield is instantly converted into heat by the rune array, which is absorbed by the metal particles on the surface of the giant shield.

Due to the great power of the mantis fish monster, a lot of heat is converted into continuous slashing, which turned the part of the giant shield into dark red.

With Renault’s current ability, the efficiency of [Power to Heat Conversion] is as high as 95% when using the metal giant shield!

In other words, the attack of the mantis fish monster has been weakened by 95%.

Even a light knife that cuts iron like mud can’t cut the giant shield when it lacks enough power, not to mention the thickness of the giant shield is extremely amazing.

It is precisely because of the magical characteristics of the [First Law of Thermodynamics] that, in order to maximize the effect of [Power-Heat Conversion], Renault turned into an iron can, transformed from a life-saving long-range, into a terrifying melee berserker.

That’s right, Berserker!

Because next, he will violently beat the mantis fish monster!

Torn it to death in the most violent posture!

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