Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 130

Chapter 128 Magic Tractor

10 days later, south of Redstone Town.

Today is the day when Renault became the lord, the first major project on Odin Island was officially started.

According to the plan of the Government Affairs Department, 4 large warehouses will be built on this wasteland. Each warehouse covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters and is used to store various materials.

Of course, compared with the super projects on the earth that open mountains and reclaim the sea, this is not even a “engineering”, at best it is just a little extra belonging to the small landlord’s house.

But for Haichao Islands, this is enough to be called a “grand event”, because Renault’s battles are quite large, and this team actually produced a large number of construction machinery, so that the workers involved in the construction, and the crowds of people who came to watch. Everyone in Shizhen City was eye-opening.

In a sense, this kind of construction method can be regarded as a precedent in the “other world”.

When Moose and Ronald, the two menshao men, drove the improved magic bulldozer out of the field, there was a sensation in the audience, and a huge hustle and bustle broke out in the crowd of onlookers.

Oh my god! This huge carriage with 4 big wooden wheels can actually move on its own?

The civilians didn’t know that it was a bulldozer, but they saw two people sitting in the “open-top cab” and they naturally regarded it as a carriage. Although this “carriage” was a little weird, it was also equipped with an unknown operation What a big piece of iron.

Yes, this time the bulldozer was pushing not sand, but soil, so Renault replaced the wooden bucket with iron products, and installed two at a time.

This way, on the one hand, the bulldozing can be done without distinction, on the other hand, it is also for balance.

In order to understand how the “carriage” moves, many people with great curiosity try to walk in front of the bulldozer to observe it carefully.

But without exception, they were all driven away mercilessly by the island guards, and a guy who was too eager was even kicked by an island guard.

Some unwilling guys actually lie on the ground to observe the bottom of the bulldozer. They probably think that in this nearly 3-meter-high “carriage”, there are probably a few horses that pull the cart.

But to the disappointment of these idiots, the bottom of the cab is only a wooden board, and the sound of horses’ hooves cannot be heard.

After the magic bulldozer drove into the dense grass, Moose immediately put down the bulldozer bucket. In the sound of mud friction, a large piece of weed was shoveled away in just ten seconds, leaving a clear mud behind the bulldozer. On the ground, a lot of dirt and weeds were also piled up in the front bucket.

After seeing this scene, the crowd completely exploded!

Oh my god! What kind of monster is this, the weeds shoveled up in a short time can only be removed by a strong man for at least half a day!

This is incredible!

In addition to the chin and eyeballs that fell all over the floor, many people have strange lights in their eyes.

At this moment, they have only one thought in their minds: buy it! Buy it! With it, labor and management no longer need to work hard to pull the weeds!

Indeed, in this world, the vitality of weeds is tenacious, and the growth rate is amazing. Weeding is the most frequent farming work done by farmers, and there is no one.

Of course, before realizing the daydream of “buying the magic bulldozer”, these people have to have another daydream-enough money.

Compared with the first steering method of “turning by lifting”, Renault redesigned the steering system with the help of Rune Mage.

This system is not as complicated as the earth’s car, but the technical content is not low.

To put it simply, there is no transmission shaft connection between the two front wheels, and they are driven by two rune discs. Each front wheel has a vertical mounting shaft directly above it, which allows the front wheels to swing left and right.

The most important thing is that by engaging in the basic rune set, no, the [psychic resonance] rune set can realize the synchronous steering of the left and right front wheels, and there will be no angle between the two front wheels, causing one to run away. The embarrassment of the front wheel.

In addition, there will be a headache when steering-the left and right front wheel speed difference, the smaller the turning radius, the larger the speed difference.

For this problem, Renault’s plan is also very simple: four-wheel drive to two-wheel drive.

That is to say, when turning, the rune disc of the front wheel stops driving, and it only relies on the rear wheel to drive. After the turn is completed, it returns to the four-wheel drive state.

The most technical part of it is this instantaneous switching system.

As for the “four-wheel drive to two-wheel drive” that leads to a decrease in vehicle speed, this is not a problem at all. Is it possible to slow down when turning?

Renault racked his brains to engage in the steering system. There is also a small (decisive) reason: the construction site is next to Redstone Town, and there are too many audiences. In front of so many people, do you also use “hands to lift the steering” ?

MMP, even if Moose doesn’t care, as a mechanical dog, Renault still knows to have a face!

Counting the reserved walls, greenery, and road space, the total area of ​​the warehouse area is more than 7,000 square meters. For a powerful magic bulldozer, ten minutes is enough to shovel two back and forth.

After all the weeds were cleared, the bulldozer exited the field amid the regretful sighs of the civilians.

Seeing the spectators’ faces full of reluctance, Renault suddenly had a strong urge to charge, wanting to see the bulldozer shovel the soil and pay the labor and capital!

He was sure that if he did that, there would definitely be a lot of people willing to pay.

Because of the lack of entertainment in this era.

In the eyes of this group of turtles, bulldozers shoveling soil are much more beautiful than juggling. Which juggler has the ability to shovel so much soil for everyone to see?

The second machine that appeared on the scene was the well-known sand drilling machine in the hearts of civilians across the island.

Don’t you know?

The shellfish in the pots of every household is dug out by such a big guy!

Because of it, shellfish meat has become extremely cheap, and only 5 copper nars can buy a large piece, even if you can’t afford it. There are many construction projects on the island during this period, and the Government Affairs Department has provided a lot of job opportunities. If you choose scallop meat as your labor reward, the scallop meat you can get for a day’s work is enough for the whole family to eat for 2 days!

It was precisely because of the sand drilling machine that the civilians lived a life of eating meat for the first time.

Such days can only be realized in dreams in the past…

This kind of machine that allows people to eat meat is also affectionately called “meat digger” by civilians. This name is very vivid. Isn’t a sand drilling machine digging meat in the mud?

Therefore, when a sand drilling machine came out, the audience couldn’t help but cheered, which shows its popularity among civilians.

But this time, the role of the sand drilling machine is not to dig meat, but to make holes!

After the sand drilling machine was installed, more than a dozen operators drilled more than 50 deep holes in pre-designated positions. These deep holes will be used to install thick wooden pillars to support the roof of the warehouse.

The next star to appear is the Magic Tractor!

Well, it is also a convertible design.

Moreover, your lord will have four cars in one shot, which is absolutely generous!

In fact, for Renault, the key components of these construction vehicles are exactly the same. With the copy function of [Nian Power], there is not much difference between making one car and making a hundred vehicles.

The only restrictions on him are materials, mana, mental power, um, and magic stones.

When 8 members of the island guard appeared in 4 tractors, each dragging a thick log, the civilians in the audience boiled again!

Oh my god! This kind of “carriage” without irons is too powerful, it can drag such a huge log!

The audience is right. The strength of the magic tractor is indeed strong enough. These logs are directly derived from the trees on the island. After peeling and drying, the diameter is exactly the same as the deep hole, the length is more than 12 meters, and the total weight exceeds At 20 tons, the tractor performed effortlessly.

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