Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 139

Chapter 137 Shellless bullet

Seth said again: “Your Excellency Moos, please hold down the rune disc with your thumb and use your mental power to activate the rune group on the gun…”

The runes on the rune disk immediately flashed blue light, and then the light continued to spread forward. The two rune cylinders on the barrel were also activated, and the weapon suddenly flashed faintly with blue light, which seemed to have a sense of science fiction.

Seth turned around and made a gesture to another rune magician. The magician immediately grasped the valve hand wheel of the metal tank, unscrewed the valve forcefully with both hands, and a slight air current sounded instantly.

Obviously, high-pressure gas is stored in the metal tank.

“You can shoot…” Seth hinted at the end.

Moose pulled the trigger decisively.

“Hiss…” The harsh scream filled the entire experimental field. At the same time, blue light flashed on the barrel of the gun, and a black shadow shot out of the barrel like lightning.

The next moment, there was a loud noise on the armor in the distance!

Renault had heard of his reputation, and saw a big hole in the lower abdomen of the armor.

No, it’s two, one after the other.

This gun easily penetrated the armor completely!

If the opposite is not the target, but a black orc soldier in armor, then the shot will cause the black orc to fall to the ground.

“Wow…” There was a loud applause. The crowd onlookers looked different. Most of them were shocked. A very small number of people, to be precise, there were only 3 people, but there was a hint of hostility in their eyes.

And these three people are all awakened, and Ronald is one of them.

Because of this shot, three people’s hairs were upside down!

They knew very well that even if they were the awakened, they couldn’t dodge this shot. Even if they were wearing armor, there would be a big **** hole in their bodies.

If you are hit in other parts, you may be lucky to survive. If you are hit in the chest or the head, you will definitely get a fatal blow!

What’s more frightening is that Shicai Seth has already stated that ordinary people like him can operate this weapon.

This also means that when facing ordinary people, the awakened will no longer have an absolute advantage.

Although the awakened person has very strong physical fitness and very flexible skills, it is difficult for ordinary people to aim, but this is only in a one-to-one situation. What if there are 10 ordinary people? Or even 20? Can the awakened be able to stop it?

Can’t stop it!

Will definitely be killed by random guns!

In a sense, this weapon has moved the world to a pyramid of power that has stood for thousands of years, and for the first time let ordinary people make their own voice.

In short, this shot shattered an old era!

As for the weapon that fired this gun, its name is Magic Air Gun.

On the last night before the storm, in a remote corner of the planet, a middle-aged awakened man pulled the trigger and struck a piece of armor with a bullet, which also played the strongest sound of this dark age. !

At the same time, Renault also kicked the wheel of history hard: Get the labor and capital here!

There are two kinds of power for the magic air gun.

One is high-pressure gas, and the other is rune black technology with otherworldly characteristics.

Two types of rune groups are applied to the magic air gun, one is the rune group [rotation], which directly saves the rifling in the barrel, which not only greatly reduces the requirements for barrel processing technology, but also greatly improves Barrel life.

On the earth, rifling wear is the main reason for the scrapped barrel, but in another world, a magic silver metal plate solves this problem.

Another type of rune group is [Linear Acceleration]. As the name suggests, this rune group will continue to exert a steady thrust on the bullet when the bullet is moving in the barrel.

This rune set has only recently been developed. The term “R&D” here means to use the “rune array” provided by Renault to improve the original rune [linear acceleration] and lower the threshold so that it can use inferior magic Stone is no longer limited to the extremely expensive mana spar.

Although the team led by Seth succeeded in doing this, the thrust of the rune group [Linear Acceleration] was also greatly reduced, and the initial velocity of the bullet was insufficient, and the armor could not even be penetrated within 100 meters.

A group of magicians in the Rune Research Institute had been troubled for a long time, and they couldn’t solve this problem. As a result, Renault settled it in one sentence: just add a high-pressure gas tank.

As a result, the rune group added high-pressure gas, and the first magic air gun was born!

Compared with the firearms on the earth, the magic air gun has a huge advantage-its recoil is extremely small.

This is related to the working mechanism of the rune group. When the rune group is activated, it does not directly act on the bullet, but generates thrust on the bullet through the high-dimensional space.

In other words, the reaction force of pushing the bullet will be borne by the high-dimensional space, and the user will not be affected in any way.

Because of this, although the power of the bullets fired by the magic air gun is significantly stronger than that of the rifles on the earth, the recoil is smaller, which also means that the firearms are easier to operate, and the stability and accuracy are higher.

After Moose fired his first shot, Seth began to teach him how to reload.

“Your Excellency Moose, there is a metal iron plate in the gun body. We call it a bolt. Just pull the bolt like this and load the bullet into the barrel…”

Having said that, Seth took out a leather bag, took out a bullet from it, and put it in the barrel of the gun.

This bullet is actually a steel block with a smooth surface and no flaws. It is obviously formed by machining, which also shows that the level of processing technology of the Rune Research Institute is quite high.

The shape of the bullet is very regular, with a cylindrical back end and a conical front end, very similar to bullets on the earth.

If there is any earthling here, he will definitely be tempted to ask: Why is there only one warhead, where is the shell, primer, and propellant?

Is this really a bullet?

Yes, that’s the case with the bullets of the magic air gun!

It doesn’t need any mess, just a lonely warhead!

That is the legendary shellless bullet!

This is the biggest advantage of the magic air gun. The manufacturing difficulty of bullets has been reduced by countless times, and the processing cost has also been reduced by countless times. A few machine tools are enough, and there is no need to climb the chemical technology tree.

When Moose started the second round of shooting, Seth continued to introduce: “After familiarizing with the operation, 1 second is enough to complete the reloading, and after counting the aiming time, an average shot can be completed in 3 seconds…”

Moose then fired good guns in succession, each shot successfully hit the armor, and each time it left a black hole in the armor.

Seeing that he was already familiar with the basic operations, Seth threw him to another rune magician and found Renault himself.

“Your Excellency, this magic air gun is the first prototype gun we made. In the future, the institute will deploy a group of people to improve the magic air gun, continue to increase the efficiency of the rune group, and reduce The size of the air gun…”

“During our internal testing, we found that the prototype gun was too long and too heavy, making it very inconvenient to operate…”

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