Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 141

Chapter 139 Sailing in the raging sea

Two small boats over 8 meters long undulated in the furious sea, struggling alone in the raging waves, as if they might capsize at any time.

“Oh…” A member of the island guards clung to the side of the boat, sticking his head out of the boat and vomiting vigorously.

As a former pirate, although he has gone to sea countless times, it is the first time to go to sea in such bad sea conditions. After shaking in the frantic sea for a long time, he is inevitably seasick.

Before he vomited a few mouthfuls, the boat just hit a sea wave more than 2 meters high. There was a muffled noise, the spray shot all over the sky, and the boat was thrown straight up by the wave.

In the howling gust of wind, a large amount of water splashed towards the island guards, and by the way, the vomit that had just been thrown out was also pasted on his face…

A lot of slimy vomit, mixed in the sea water, returned to his open mouth.

Well, if you spit it out, you can feed it back to the labor and management!

At this moment, the poor island guard only felt that the world was full of malice, but he only retched a few times, and he couldn’t even clean up the dirt on his face.

Because he couldn’t get his hands free at all, the wind and waves were too violent, and the boat under him was like a sheep’s seizure. The body of the boat was shaking constantly, and he had to hold the edge of the boat tightly with both hands.

But this only adds a touch of psychological security.

The two “safety belts” really kept the island guard from being thrown out of the boat.

Without these hemp ropes that fasten all the island guards to their seats, I am afraid that the boat has just sailed out of the port and there will be no more people left on the boat.

On the 6th day after the storm season officially entered, the Hai Tide Islands encountered the first storm. The storm with a speed exceeding 80 km/h swept across the entire misty sea and set off a huge wave nearly 10 meters high.

Fortunately, there is a ring of reefs around the Tide Islands, forming a natural barrier, weakening most of the waves that hit Odin Island, and letting the islands escape the ravages of huge waves.

But despite this, the waves around the archipelago are not too small. Waves of 2, 3 meters high can be seen everywhere, and 4 or 5 meters high waves will often be encountered. Sailing in such weather is a test. The thing of courage.

When the boat rides the waves to the top of the wave, the tip of the boat will point diagonally upward, the angle may even exceed 30 degrees, and the island guards will have a feeling of “the boat will be overturned”.

The moment the boat crossed the top of the wave was particularly thrilling. The boat suddenly fell headlong, and the island guards would have a terrifying feeling of falling, as if the boat was about to crash into the sea.

The most frightening thing is that when the boat slipped down the trough and was caught in two huge waves, I looked around. The surrounding area was full of sea water, and even the sky was filled with sea water. Every member of the island guards couldn’t help it. Had a terrible illusion that he was about to be submerged by the waves.

Only at this time, a person will truly appreciate how terrifying the power of heaven and earth is, and then will he understand how small he is.

However, Renault is not in this list.

He stood firmly on the bow, without any safety measures, just watching the turbulent peaks and ridges in the distance, as if the sea was calm and calm at the moment.

Relying on [Mental Power], Renault’s feet seemed to grow on the deck, no matter how strong the wind or the big waves could shake him.

Even awakened people like Moose and Ronald couldn’t do this. Both of them were sitting in their seats honestly, and their complexions were not pretty.

In this bad weather, everyone dared to go out to sea, not only because the waves in the reef circle were not too big, but also because the boats did not use traditional sail power.

It’s magic power!

To be precise, they are two powerful magic motives.

The magic motive connected in series is connected to the gearbox produced by Renault. The output power drives a 2-meter-long transmission shaft and drives the metal three-blade propeller. The blades constantly “push” the sea water, which is applied by the sea water. The reaction force on the blades pushes the boat forward.

Thus, for the first time in this world, ships that do not rely on manpower and wind have appeared!

There is no doubt that this is a disruptive initiative!

In this power system, the most difficult thing is the three-blade propeller, which caused Renault’s headache for 3 days.

He only knows that the principle of this thing is related to the Archimedes spiral, but the question is how to convert the formula into a real object? And it is a very difficult three-dimensional space conversion.

After thinking hard for a long time, Renault had no clue but had to use the most stupid method-experiment.

Use [Nian Power] and [Reverse Heat Conduction] to quickly create a blade, and then throw it to the people to do a fluid test. According to the results of the test feedback, adjust the shape of the blade little by little. In this way, after hundreds of tests, Renault Determined a fairly reasonable blade shape.

Of course, he thinks that it is “barely usable.” His **** little brothers-the rune magician and magician headed by Seth do not approve of this “self-humility”. On the contrary, they all exclaimed, the great lord. Once again “created” an invention that could change the world.

What a great idea to replace a sail with a piece of iron tuo!

In the eyes of worship, Renault accepted all the praise without any shame.

However, this incident also reminded him that the territory urgently needs academic talents in mathematics and science, as well as engineering talents who can apply mathematics to practice.

Of course, Renault had no thoughts of his own research in his mind. He stubbornly believed that his main purpose in coming to another world was to eat, drink and have fun, and save the world just to enjoy life better. He didn’t bother to deal with various formulas and theorems all day. It.

In addition to the power system, the structure of the boat itself has also undergone a certain transformation.

Its keel is an all-metal keel!

Moreover, Renault personally (with his own eyes) picked it up, using the integrated molding method, there is no rivet on the keel, nor a trace of gap.

It is precisely with this original structure that the structural strength of the boat is amazing, and it is not afraid of this degree of wind and waves at all.

After wandering in the angry sea for nearly 3 hours, the outline of a small island finally appeared in the distance, and it was the destination of everyone-Black Lizard Island.

“Everyone, we are about to arrive at Black Lizard Island. Please check your guns, bullets, and carry-on items…”

Renault’s voice seemed erratic in the strong wind, but everyone worked hard and listened carefully.

“After going to the island, we will have a half-hour break, and then we will officially start hunting…”

After he finished talking, and including Ronald, all 12 members of the Gokushima team removed a cloth bag that was more than 1 meter long from behind and opened the bag to start the inspection.

In the other small boat behind, Moose gave the same order.

More than 20 minutes later, in the turbulent wave, two small boats rushed out of the reef group on the shore one after another. Under the continuous urging of Renault and Moose, all the team members turned over and jumped off the boat without hesitation. In the thigh-deep water, he wandered to the shore holding guns in both hands.

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