Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 147

Chapter 145 Department of Civil Affairs

The phenomenon that puzzles the big devil lizard is precisely because of the branching ability of the [First Law of Thermodynamics]-[Power to Heat Conversion]!

Immediately before the tail touches the speargun, Renault activates the [force-to-heat conversion]. After the collision, more than 95% of the huge kinetic energy on the tail is absorbed by the metal gun body and converted into heat.

The 3-meter-long harpoon turned dark red almost instantly.

The little power left on the tail was already insignificant, and it was easily blocked by Renault’s [Nan Momentum].

Throughout the process, Renault only felt very small pressure on the speargun, just like a 5-year-old kid nudging the speargun with his little hand.

But in the eyes of the big monster lizard, the speargun did not even slightly shake unbelievably.

When the monster lizard was still shocked and puzzled, Renault released the other speargun in his right hand. Under the control of [Nian Power], the speargun pierced the monster’s right eye like a thunder.

When Renault leaped, his “flying” speed had exceeded 30 meters per second, and coupled with the huge thrust exerted on the speargun by [Nian Power], the speed of the speargun had exceeded 50 meters per second.

At this time, the head of the big monster lizard is only about 2 meters away from the tip of the gun. At the speed of the speargun, it only takes 40 milliseconds to cross this distance.

40 milliseconds are almost fleeting. In such a short period of time, what can the monster lizard do?

It can’t do anything!

From the transmission of visual signals to the brain, the brain “decoding” is completed, and then the brain issues an escape command, and finally the neck muscles perform the head-turning action, which takes far more than 40 milliseconds.

Therefore, the speargun stabbed the eyeball the size of the fist of the big monster lizard without any suspense, and then another invisible force held the speargun and sent it forward fiercely. The sharp point of the spear was deeply submerged in its brain.


After a short scream, the big devil lizard slumped on the sand and fell into a coma, only the body trembled lightly, doing the last dying struggle.

Only then did Renault look back at the battlefield behind him.

Because he killed the monster lizard very fast, at this time the three black iguanas had not rushed to the first team.

To be precise, it was two, because one black iguana was set on fire for two rounds, and it was bloodied all over, and it was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

The other two demon lizards also had gunshot wounds more or less on their bodies. Seeing the leader limp on the rocky beach, they immediately gave up the charge, flung their long tails and quickly turned around, intending to escape.

But with more than 20 magic air guns aiming at the back, it is obviously extremely difficult to successfully escape back to the bush.

Moose decisively ordered the two teams to shoot a demon lizard respectively, delaying their speed.

The “hissing” roar sounded round by round, and pieces of plasma sputtered from the two behemoths. They were getting more and more gunshot wounds and their moving speed was getting slower and slower.

One side ran for his life in a hurry, while the other side was like a rainbow. After there was no huge pressure, the island guards almost achieved 90% of their shooting standards during training, and the hit rate of hitting two “moving targets” was greatly improved.

After only 3 rounds of volleys, the two demon lizards couldn’t run. They were all shot multiple shots in their hind legs. The severe pain made the demon lizards unable to move their legs.


Although the process was a bit thrilling, there were no casualties on his side, and the four monster lizards were wiped out.

Renault couldn’t help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

When most people face the pressure between life and death, their marksmanship is often out of standard due to extreme emotional tension, even less than 30% of the training level.

But human beings are extremely adaptable. Once they have actual combat experience, they will be able to deal with the pressure of the battle very well, and their performance will get better and better.

This is exactly the meaning of actual combat training.

Three minutes later, the Island Guard team killed all the demon lizards, and Renault also obtained the largest “experience value” in this training. The quality of the demon lizard’s soul is quite high, almost as fast as the black orcs.

In the process of disposing of the corpse, the team members of the island guard also found a big surprise-the big magic lizard contributed a high-quality magic spar, which is more than 3 fists!

From this magic spar, Renault also vaguely sensed the breath of the water element.

Obviously, although the big monster lizard has not condensed the source of the elements, it has mastered the embryonic form of the power of the water element. Over time, it has a great possibility of being promoted to extraordinary.

It is a pity that it has not had time to grow up, and unfortunately it encountered some “crazy experience” guy. It is foreseeable that in the area around the Tide Islands, more and more creatures will suffer the same bad luck.

After unceremoniously swallowing the magic crystal, Renault waved his hand, and the group continued to hunt the black iguana against the increasing wind and rain.

Odin Island, Redstone Town.

“Huh…” A raging wind whizzed past, and the two wooden boards were finally overwhelmed. They were helplessly detached from the roof and were caught in the wind.

A considerable gap was also opened on the dilapidated roof, and dense raindrops poured into it instantly with strong winds, which made the leaky wooden houses more and more gloomy and cold, and added new troubles to the family of four.

“Vera, I have to go to a plank to plug the big hole…” The host’s voice immediately rang.

“Frederick, it’s too dangerous to climb on the roof now, the wind is too big…” The hostess Vera, who was holding the young girl, tried to dissuade.

“But Betty is already sick, she is still so young, and her condition will get worse if this continues…” Frederick couldn’t help yelling.

“Cough… Mom and Dad, don’t quarrel…” the eldest daughter Bella who stood by said suddenly timidly. She could hear her voice with a hint of horror. Obviously, the quarrel between her parents made her very much. disturbed.

Frederick glanced at Bella’s pale little face, his heart twitched, his voice lowered a little, but it became more serious, “Vera, take care of Betty and Bella, I’ll be back soon…”


Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door outside the courtyard, and a hoarse voice came over, “Frederick, come out quickly, the master of the Civil Affairs Department is here…”

“Old Dmitry, don’t call me master, I’m a civil servant…” Then a slightly angry voice appeared.

“Yes, yes, Mr. Civil Servant…” Old Mede laughed.

Frederick and Vera looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other’s eyes.

In such severe weather, how could people from the Government Affairs Office suddenly patronize a civilian’s residence?

What is the Secretary for Civil Affairs?

The Government Affairs Office is good at everything and is kind to civilians, but it often has some strange government offices that make people confused.

However, the two of them did not worry too much, because since the benevolent transcendent became the lord, the life of the civilians has been obviously much better. There are often well-paid temporary employment. As long as they are willing to work hard and support the whole family, it is definitely not. problem.

Those lords no longer have anything to do and make trouble. The original vicious tax officer and a group of scums called the “land guard” who are actually pirates were either executed or entered into a forced labor camp, and even the law and order has improved greatly. .

After Frederick pushed open the shabby furniture against the door, he rushed into the muddy yard against the wind and rain, opened the door of the yard, and introduced Old Med and a tall and thin civil servant into the house.

Frederick and Vera stood awkwardly on the side, watching that the civil servant just pulled off the hat of the poncho, but didn’t mean to take off the poncho, and just looked at the house for himself.

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