Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 149

Chapter 147 Give away

For the Frederick family, all the experiences in the shelter are so novel.

Just entering the warehouse and stepping on the magical “mud-turned stone” made them quite excited.

Although everyone already knows that it is called cement concrete, this does not prevent them from squatting down secretly, touching and pressing with their hands, stepping on them with their feet, and then sighing with satisfaction in their hearts.

It’s so hard!

What impressed the Frederick family the most was that there were too many rules in the shelter.

From the first moment of stepping into the shelter, the family was forced to separate, and the young daughter Betty, who had a cold, was immediately transferred to the quarantine area, which is another warehouse, for treatment by a doctor.

However, the husband who manages the shelter is very kind. Considering that Betty is too young, he specifically allows his wife Vera to enter the quarantine area to take care of Betty.

As for poor Bella, because the man and woman must be separated, the couple had to ask an acquaintance to take care of her. When thought of this, Frederick felt a little pain in his heart and hoped that she would not be too lonely alone.

Well, these gentlemen are very strange. They like to be called Mr. “civil servants”. If they call their masters to please them, they will be unhappy.

In Frederick’s view, they worked in the high-level government affairs office, and they all worked for the lord. They were first-class decent people in the territory. Although they were suspicion of fawning, they were not too much.

After Frederick entered a large room with a strange smell, he was immediately asked to take a shower and change his clothes.

Hey, these civil servants are really particular about speaking. They actually call bathing as bathing. Although they are not used to it, they sound weird.

But bathing, no, the process of bathing made Frederick feel quite uncomfortable.

First of all, taking off his clothes in front of a gentleman really made him feel a little embarrassed, especially since this gentleman was still staring at him with a serious face, making him even more so that he didn’t know where to put his hands and feet.

Although the bath water in the wooden bucket is not cold, it is slightly warm, but something seems to be added to it, it looks muddy, and there is also a not very good smell. After putting your hand in the water, it turned out to be There is a slight burning sensation.

Had it not been for the insistence of the inspector, Frederick would not have jumped into the barrel.

Frederick originally planned to havetily cleaned his body and immediately jumped out, but the gentleman actually asked him to use a wooden brush hung on the wall of the barrel to brush his body vigorously, even his hair.

This makes him feel like a cow or a horse, rather than a person.

But here is the civil servant who has the final say, he had to obediently follow it.

After the shower, Frederick entered another room full of new clothes. A civil servant took a cloth strip and made gestures on his chest and waist, and then handed Frederick a set of clothes, including underwear. , Pants and tops, let him try them on now, and replace them if they don’t fit.

Frederick hurriedly waved his hand and refused. Is this gentleman planning to sell him his clothes?

What a joke, he is a poor man who has a tight life. He has only recently eaten enough, so he can not afford new clothes.

However, what surprised Frederick was that this gentleman told him that, as the lord, his special care for the victims, the clothes are free relief supplies and do not need to be returned when they leave the shelter.

There is such a good thing as giving away clothes for nothing!

Lord Lord is really the most merciful lord in the world!

The last time Frederick bought new clothes, it was 2 years ago. The clothes from earlier were worn out and he was reluctant to throw them away. They were all stitched and patched and then put on again, and not only for him, but those on Odin Island. Common people, who is not like this?

There was another thing that made him slap his tongue. There were piles of clothes piled up in every corner of the room, and he didn’t even know how many sets there were.

Does Lord Lord plan to give each victim a suit of clothes?

God, Lord Lord’s generosity can almost make a blind man open his eyes in shock.

At the same time, Frederick felt a burst of joy in his heart. If everyone received one set, wouldn’t it mean that their family of four could receive four sets of clothes?

Oops, it’s really worth coming to the shelter this time!

The only pity is that this kind of mass-manufactured clothes often don’t fit well, but it doesn’t matter, you can ask Vera to change it after you get home!

This gentleman also has an additional request, that is, Frederick’s own clothes are not allowed to be brought into the shelter for the time being. Someone will clean the clothes before sending them back to him.

Frederick happily put the clothes in the designated location, and gave them free laundry, which is a fool!

Although I am a little worried that the person responsible for washing clothes may accidentally wash the clothes. After all, these clothes have been worn for many years, and the linen in many parts is not very strong, and can be torn with a little force. Frederick’s new clothes didn’t matter.

For the sake of 4 sets of new clothes, wash them if they break!

With a good mood, Frederick began to try on new clothes.

He was surprised to find that the clothes chosen by the civil servants actually fit very well!

how can that be?

Frederick suddenly remembered that before choosing clothes, this gentleman seemed to have measured his body shape with cloth strips. Did the civil servants know that he was coming to the shelter, so they secretly measured his body shape and prepared clothes in advance? ?

What surprised him even more was that the lines of the clothes were so neatly arranged that the distance between each position was generally the same.

How can a tailor achieve this level? This is incredible, right?

The civil servant on the side seemed to see the surprise on Frederick’s face, and said lightly: “These clothes are all made in accordance with the’Clothing Size Standards’ set by the Department of Industry. The clothes are sewn in batches using’sewing machines’, as long as they are based on different body types. Just choose the appropriate size.”

“Except for a very small number of people, the size standard applies to most people…”

Seeing Frederick’s look dumbfounded, the civil servant couldn’t help but laughed at himself, and said: “Why did I tell you this… Forget it, if the clothes don’t need to be changed, you can go to the shelter as soon as possible.” Right.”

This unfathomable remark made Frederick’s heart rise in inexplicable awe, he bowed cautiously, then turned and walked out of the room.

The “standard size of clothing” mentioned by the civil servant was naturally from Renault’s “creative”, and as usual, he provided the concept and briefly explained the method, and then the consul was responsible for the implementation.

When customizing work clothes for more than 50 civil servants in the Office of Government Affairs, the girl adopted this standard size, so that there is no need to tailor clothes for everyone, which saves a lot of time and energy.

Regarding the fabric used to make work clothes, it comes from the legacy of the former lord.

During a certain looting, this group of pirates robbed a merchant ship full of cargo, which happened to have a large amount of linen on board.

It is not easy to sell this kind of bulk goods. The two pirate chiefs were uncomfortable at lowering the price too hard, so they simply brought it back to their nests, so Renault was cheaper.

After the government affairs office used these fabrics to make a batch of work clothes, the remaining fabrics were all made into ready-made clothes, which they planned to sell to the leaders at a low price.

As for why not sell cloth directly?

The reason is very simple. One day, your lord, on a whim, even the magic sewing machine was also developed. Not only the thread is dense and tidy, but the efficiency is extremely high.

As a result, just after hundreds of sets were made, the storm came, and the lady consul made a big stroke of her pen, and this batch of clothes became disaster relief materials.

After passing through a long corridor, Frederick officially entered the interior of the warehouse, which was the shelter.

He just glanced at the unusually wide interior space, and he couldn’t help but open his mouth wide.

With the poor vocabulary in his mind, Frederick didn’t know how to describe it. At this moment, there was only one word in his mind: big!

You really deserve to be Lord Lord, you are so powerful in building houses, and there are only 4 pillars in such a huge house!

Yes, even with Frederick’s superficial insights, he knew that in this huge warehouse with an area of ​​up to 1,100 square meters and a height of close to 8 meters, only 4 pillars to support the same huge roof, how not easy!

Frederick was stunned at the door for a while before he was awakened by a voice.

“Hey, that new guy, what is he doing there? Come over and help the man…”

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