Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 152

Chapter 150 Mentally handicapped ceremony

The four big guys dragged a small magic sawmill to the side of a 2 meters in diameter blue Senhuai tree and began to adjust the position and angle of the sawmill.

As the territory needed to build a large number of houses urgently, and the storm had just passed, the Office of Government immediately hired a large number of people to cut logs in the northernmost forest of Odin Island to prepare for the project.

As for the small magic sawmill, this is naturally one of the many inventions of Lord Lord, and it is also powered by a rune disc inscribed with the rune group [rotation].

Why is it a “car”, the reason is very simple, this thing is too heavy.

The length of a chain saw alone is 2 meters, which is taller than ordinary people and weighs tens of kilograms. Few people have such a strong arm to operate such a tool to saw wood.

Why is the chain saw so long?

Does this still need to be asked?

Trees in other worlds are too special to grow. A chain saw that is 1, 2 meters thick and tens of centimeters long can be used as a fart?

Some people are too short to be 2 meters long!

Because a large number of big trees with a diameter of 3 or 4 meters in the forest can only be regarded as a “small tree” with a diameter of 2 meters. This tool can only saw a “small tree”. What is not a “small”?

In addition, even after repeated improvements, the speed of the rune disc is only 10 revolutions per second. If the chain saw is directly driven, it will not be able to saw wood at all.

Therefore, a transmission consisting of a pair of gears is also an indispensable component, which involves the design and processing of gears.

Renault chose the most commonly used involute gear. The design of the gear is not difficult, but the processing is difficult.

The earth processing method is mainly composed of forming method and generative method. The inefficient **** processing method of forming method is of course discarded. In the end, he chose the gear shaping method in the generative method.

But to realize this kind of high-efficiency machining method, you first need a gear shaper.

It’s like you have to have a chicken before you get enough eggs, and then the eggs hatch, the chickens lay eggs, and the eggs are endless…

The gear shaper is the first chicken.

Although the “involute equation” only involves a two-dimensional plane and is not a three-dimensional result like a propeller, the manufacture of the gear shaper is far more troublesome than Renault imagined. As a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Renault tried nearly a hundred times. I came up with a gear shaper with reasonable accuracy.

This is not over yet. To realize industrialized production, there must be a slotting machine. Even with the full assistance of several rune magicians such as Murphy, it took nearly 3 days to produce a qualified slotting machine.

When all the parts were manufactured, Renault suddenly discovered a new problem.

The three major parts of chain saw, saw body, and transmission have exceeded 120 kg. They are heavier than adults. Are you sure that this is the weight of a hand-held tool?

I am afraid that only the awakened can handle it. Even the awakened can only use it for about half an hour at most. No matter how long it is, it can’t stand it.

So, just put it on the car.

Although it has been a while since the small magic sawmill came out, according to the feedback of the workers, they very much hope that Lord Lord can make a large magic sawmill.

The “large” mentioned here refers to the construction machinery that has 4 wheels and a cab that can be driven in the open.

This demand raised by the workers surprised Renault.

On the earth, there is no brain damage to design such a large vehicle that specializes in sawing wood, and no one will buy it. However, in another world, the environment is different, resulting in different user needs, and this kind of construction machinery is very necessary.

But recently the group of magicians in the Rune Research Institute are too busy. The work schedule is now 2 months later. There is no time to design a large magic sawmill, so the loggers can only make do with it temporarily. Use these “cars”.

After aiming the chain saw at the mottled sea cork tree trunk, a bearded worker suddenly said solemnly: “I’m going to pray, and you guys are also ready…”

The other three workers nodded all at once when they heard the words, with the same serious expressions.

The bearded man approached the sawmill, pressed his palm on the rune disc with a solemn face, closed his eyes and began to mutter.

“Almighty…thanks…strength…relief of hard work…”

His voice was not loud, and he could only hear a few words intermittently. The other three workers also gathered around the sawmill, with their heads slightly lowered and their lips moving, as if they were also chanting the same “prayer”.

Obviously, this is a kind of ritual “created” spontaneously by the workers.

This looks very funny. Before sawing the wood, who really prayed to the tools to express their gratitude for the tools?

This group of workers is extremely cautious. In the eyes of this group of poor civilians who are used to hard labor, the sawmill in front of them is so amazing that they can do the work with their fingers.

This kind of extreme violation of “common sense” completely shattered their outlook on life and the world that they had cultivated for decades, and made them feel a little bit at a loss in their hearts.

Why no longer need an axe to cut trees?

Why can this iron guy log automatically?

What is going on in this world?

Yes, a certain traverser who came to this world unceremoniously kicked a wheel called “History”, and the world gradually began to become completely unrecognizable.

These workers, as well as the residents of Haichao Islands, were just the first to feel this.

Although very uncomfortable, working people have their own unique solutions.

So, one day, after a worker with a big brain made a pious prayer to the sawmill, this behavior quickly gained the approval of all loggers.

And their logic is so powerful that people can’t refute it.

This incomparably magical tool makes the originally extremely heavy work so easy, shouldn’t you pay tribute to it?

After praying, the beard focused all his mind and energy into the rune disk according to the instruction.

The runes were lit one by one, and blue light gradually glowed on the disc, and then the sawmill car suddenly vibrated, the “kaka” gear meshing sounded, and the long chain saw gradually accelerated from slow to fast.

When the long row of sharp saw teeth turned into an afterimage, the four workers cautiously pushed the sawmill and slowly approached the bark of the sea cork.

“Zizi…” At the moment of contact, a large number of sawdust flew out along the direction of the chain saw’s movement, and the loud sawing sound spread through the forest nearly 100 meters in radius.

The four workers stared at this scene intently, with admiration on their faces.

that’s nice!

Really save effort!

On a huge tree with a thickness of nearly five woods not far away, Renault stood quietly in the dense canopy of the tree, witnessing the mentally retarded behavior of the four loggers throughout the process.

From the initial shock, to the inability to vomit, and finally to the habit of now, maybe after a while, if no one prays, Renault will find it strange.

I have to say that after a long time in a mentally handicapped environment, the three views of normal people will also be polluted.

Seeing the workers below, according to the prescribed sawing process, skillfully cut a V-shaped notch in the trunk. After the trunk also tilted, Renault patted a cloth bag behind with his backhand and stomped the branch lightly. The figure drilled out flexibly. The crown of the tree rises to the sky.

The length of the cloth bag is almost the height of a person, and the props inside are just a special firearm that was just picked up.

Strictly speaking, it is a murder weapon!

Renault came to the logging farm this time, just passing by to take a look, the main purpose is to test this murder weapon.

As for the safety of these loggers, a team of island guards led by Ronald is responsible. They have a magical air gun, and waiting for the wild beasts will definitely not be able to stop the volley of such terrible firearms.

Standing in the void nearly a thousand meters high, Renault felt the salty sea breeze with a hint of coolness, and he pondered in his heart.

Where to test?

What kind of beast to test the gun?

Soon he made a decision: fight the birds!

But also to fight the big bird, fight the giant chicken!

Is the little chicken and bird worthy of being the lord of the extraordinary?

Wouldn’t it be worthy of the murder weapon he worked so hard without killing a few giant birds and brushing some high-quality souls?

The only problem is that there are not many big birds.

The Hai Tide Islands have a high dimensionality and are relatively cold in winter. Almost all the birds that inhabit here are migratory birds. In addition, after the storm season, fish schools have retreated into the deep sea, and marine fish in shallow water areas are becoming scarcer. For these seabirds , Predation is getting harder.

So now there are very few birds here.

Look for it, what if you find it?

The Lord Lord, who is not doing his job properly, did not realize what was wrong with this kind of behavior of “teaching children and shooting birds” all day long. After he chose a direction at will, he swept through the air and quickly turned into a small one. Black spots.

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