Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 154

Chapter 152 Is the master’s big gun sharp?

This is a bald eagle.

Like the bald eagle, the beautiful national bird on the earth, the head and neck feathers of the big bird are also white, and the feathers of other parts are black.

But its tail feathers are different from the white tail feathers of the Earth version of the bald eagle. There is a hint of light blue in the black, and it also has a slight metallic texture, which actually reflects the light in the morning light.

Its body length is obviously more than 5 meters, and its wingspan is almost 10 meters. It looks almost like a small aircraft on the earth, super far away from the same kind of earth.

When it waved its wings, there was a faintly visible turbulence at the tip of the wing. There was no doubt that this was a sign of the force of the wind element.

But the fluctuation told Renault that this power is still some distance away from the real extraordinary power. As an extraordinary wind element, he is too familiar with the power of the wind element. With just a slight fluctuation, he can see through the big bird. The reality.

Although the bald eagle is not yet a transcendent beast, it is not far from being promoted to the transcendent level.

This also means that a large sum of money has been received today!

Renault didn’t use the power of the wind element, and only relied on [Nian Power] to fly forward slowly. He didn’t intend to alarm the bald eagle before firing the first shot.

The big bird flicked its wings quickly and leaped towards its prey. Since a large number of seabirds migrated southward, it is rare to see so many seabirds gathering together.

For the bald eagle, this is a very rare opportunity, because it has enough room to choose from among the thousands of seabirds in front of it, to choose the most plump prey.

But it didn’t even know that someone who had poisoned countless wild animals was salivating at its figure.

The big bird hits the bird, and Renault is behind.

As soon as the bald eagle flew more than two hundred meters, the seabird noticed it. It hurriedly tilted its body and swooped into the sea. Seeing its posture, it seemed that it was going to crash directly into the sea.

This seabird is also smart, because compared with the big bird, it has a smaller size, less resistance in the water, more agile movements, and a greater chance of escape underwater.

This kind of high-altitude dive diving is quite dangerous. Due to the extremely fast speed, the impact force when entering the water is great, and a slight error in the posture may lead to fractures and even death.

On the earth, South African boobies are great experts in high-altitude diving. They often dive into the water in groups and dive more than 10 meters underwater to catch fish. Nevertheless, boobies often break accidentally and are finally flooded alive. dead.

The bald eagle seems to have anticipated this move a long time ago. It speeds up the frequency of its wings and flies like a gust of wind to the position where the seabird is about to enter the water.

Its speed is faster. If the seabird continues to dive, it will probably be intercepted by it before entering the water, killing its sharp claws and beak.

Two figures, one big and one small, quickly passed through the air. At this moment, a life-and-death race gradually came to a climax.

If there is no third party to intervene, the script will definitely be staged in accordance with the established rhythm.

But unfortunately, the director of this scene is not a bald eagle.

In the distance, Renault stood in the air, staring at the big bird unblinkingly.

With the super rifle hanging in front of him, [Nian Power] kept fine-tuning the position of the rifle, the line of death connected by the gap in the ruler and the front sight, constantly chasing the figure of the bald eagle.

At the other end of the line of death, there is an eye of death.

Where Renault can see, there must be death blooming!

Relying on the incredible spiritual sensations brought about by the powerful mental power, when he aimed, he actually did not rely on “seeing” but “feeling”. If he “feels” aiming, then he must have successfully locked on the opponent. mistaken.

It is completely predictable that once Renault completes the lock, it must be a shocking shot.

At this time, the super rifle suddenly paused extremely slightly, and an invisible mental force penetrated the void and gently stroked the gun.

Under the black lacquer coating, 3 rune cylinders and 2 rune square plates suddenly flashed blue light, but the coating absorbed most of the blue light. From the outside, only a faint trace of blue can be seen. mango.

However, this is only a sign when the “True Rune Array” is activated, and it has not been fully activated.

Inside the gun body, an invisible hand touched a certain part. The next moment, a strong blue light seemed to be born from the void, completely covering the rifle, and 5 light groups appeared on the gun body and barrel.

After a very short moment, the blue light suddenly dissipated, and a black thunder burst out of the barrel. It seemed to have broken through the void, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, and then a piercing howling sounded through the sky.

This whistling sound comes from a super high-pressure gas tank carefully picked up by Renault, with a pressure of up to 100 (otherworldly) atmospheres!

Even with Renault’s ability, it is not easy to achieve this. Not only must the strength of the high-pressure gas tank be strong enough, even the structure of the inflator has been specially designed.

Ordinary steel can’t meet this, Renault has to use super alloy steel mixed with star blue iron.

However, the price is very worthwhile. The ultra-high pressure gas brings a huge impetus to bullets with a caliber up to 15 mm. Coupled with another powerful thrust exerted by the “True Rune Group”, the bullet easily breaks through 4 times the speed of sound. .

In other words, the flight speed exceeds 1500 m/s!

Fighting monsters in another world must be so fast!

Due to the high speed, Renault only saw a black shadow fleetingly, despite his strong eyesight, without noticing the trajectory of the bullet.

But the spirit of the wind told him more.

He “saw” a violent “track cloud”, which was the trail of the bullet after it flew.

I also “saw” the sky full of “ripples”, which are the unique traces of shock waves formed by bullets squeezing the air, gradually spreading.

For Renault, this scene is very beautiful!

But for the bald eagle, this scene is extremely deadly!

When the seabird descended to less than 30 meters from the sea surface, the bald eagle rushed towards the seabird at high speed, and a pair of shining sharp claws had been raised high, and it was about to catch on the seabird.

At this time, a very faint shadow flashed, and a huge blood hole suddenly burst out of the back of the bald eagle. Blood, minced meat, and feathers flew horizontally. Its body also sank suddenly, and its claws just brushed the seabird by. The flying blood and minced meat incidentally splashed the seabird all over.

This rain of flesh and blood was extremely violent, almost like a torrential rain. The seabirds thought that a fatal attack was coming, flapped their wings in a panic, and almost lost their balance.

However, the severe pain did not come as expected, and it was only after glancing down in a panic that it was shocked, and it seemed that the bald eagle was the fatal and heavy wound.

Because the seabirds saw that one of the bald eagle’s claws had separated from the body, and it was rolling and falling to the sea. A part of its back almost completely collapsed, and a large amount of blood splashed down, staining a large area of ​​sea water.

The seabirds that escaped quickly flapped their wings and changed the direction of flight.

In the distance, Renault withdrew his gaze extremely satisfied, and snorted slightly triumphantly.

how about it?

One shot exploded the quasi-superior bird, sir, isn’t my big gun sharp?

Renault couldn’t help but think of the extraordinary Black Orc Earth Element. If he encounters an extraordinary Tortoise Shell again, with the “Master’s Big Spear”, he can knock him out of **** with a single shot.

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