Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 158

Chapter 156 Ancestral Secret Art

As a game lover, Renault is quite interested in the habits of alien creatures, and he has never concealed this.

As the saying goes, “There is something good at the top, and the next one must be great.” The people of other worlds also have the essence of it. Of course, the subordinates will pay more attention to the things that the lord likes.

This is not considered bribery. Using these weird and strange knowledge to please the Lord Lord will not offend taboos, but can also please the superiors. Of course, this kind of good thing must be done!

Therefore, many of Renault’s subordinates, as long as they seized the opportunity to chat with the lord, they would scramble to tell all kinds of strange stories.

Renault doesn’t even need to express anything, just a look of approval can make the other party happy and can eat an extra bowl for dinner.

The lower the position, the more obvious this tendency.

Even Miss Archon and Moose will deliberately pay attention to this knowledge. When the three have a meal together, they will tell Renault by the way.

Among the many strange secrets, true or false, some are about magic stones.

The one that impressed Renault most was that decades ago, when the Bell Kingdom in the north had not yet fallen, there was an adventurer who accidentally broke into the lair of an icy bear and found hundreds in it. The…Magic Stone.

Although the value of magic stones is far inferior to that of magic spars, this lucky guy also made a fortune because of the surprising number.

In this story, there is a noteworthy detail, that is, the ice-stripe blizzard deliberately piled up magic stones in a corner of the lair, which allowed the adventurer to easily scavenge all the magic stones.

Seeing this, a normal person will naturally ask: Why does the blizzard do this?

Has it taken a housekeeping class, loves cleanliness, pays attention to hygiene, and knows how to sort things out?

Or is this bear suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is extremely rare among bears, and must pile the magic stones together to be comfortable?

What are you thinking about? Do you really think that a violent bear will be like a human being, so idle (ovarian pain)?

They do this only for one reason-it is good for themselves!

In fact, this benefit is not only known by Mr. Grumpy Bear, some humans also know it, but it is useless for humans, it is useless and unpopular knowledge, so few people know it.

For example, you know the following knowledge.

“It is true that there are no penguins in the Arctic Circle now, but hundreds of years ago there was a penguin called the Arctic Great Auk. The number was as high as millions at one time. It is a pity that this thing is not good for life. Too far, Shengsheng was hunted and killed to extinction.”

But what can we do if we know? It will not have any effect on your life.

Unless you plan to learn from a rush street writer, write a rush street novel, and cheat a few cents from a kind reader master.

Regarding this “benefits”, in simple terms, although there are many impurities in the magic stone, the harm of eating is far greater than the benefit, but it will continue to shed energy. If enough magic stones are piled up, the overflowing energy will be even greater. More, thus forming a kind of “rich demons” environment.

Then why don’t human beings do this?

Because the “magic” in the “rich demon”, in addition to the non-violent mana, also includes a large number of rage mana. If you stay in this environment for a long time, even if you don’t do anything, your body will gradually weaken, which can be understood as similar. High-energy radiation of nuclear radiation.

But Mr. Grumpy bear is different. He is in a very good body and can bear it.

In addition to this type of “I am strong and I can carry”, there is another creature that is not naturally afraid of violent mana, and in a rich magic environment, their strength will increase faster.

This kind of “good cast” type creatures will also consciously accumulate magic stones.

Of course, most creatures do not belong to the above two categories, and they will just ignore the magic stones and let them decay.

Yes, nothing can last forever, and the magic stone is no exception. After a thousand years of washing, it will eventually be lost in time and turned into powder.

Therefore, Renault believes that there will not be too few magic stones in or near the lair of the balloon spider.

If spiders like hoarding magic stones, that’s good, Renault will take it away directly.

If you don’t have this habit, it’s okay. Lord Lord doesn’t have many other things, but many younger brothers. When that happens, Renault will directly pull over the 100th person and dig the ground three feet to find the magic stone.

There is nothing to carry a carpet search. If there is, then search twice. Anyway, it is not the master searching by himself. It does not matter five times or ten times.

After making up his mind, Renault flew directly into the sky. After recalling the specific location of the balloons, he flew straight to the past.

Looking down through the stacks of branches, Renault was convinced that he had found the nest of the balloon spider.

As a kind of burrowing spiders, they like to weave a lot of webs near their nests. The place below is almost like Pansidong by these reptiles, and it is difficult for Renault to recognize it.

The bushes near the entrance of the cave are covered with dense cobwebs, and some bushes are even completely covered by the cobwebs, completely turning white.

Cobwebs were also pulled up on the branches and leaves of the arbor above, completely blocking the air passage.

Renault frowned, and the magic energy was lost to the [Reverse Heat Conduction] rune array. As the heat flowed, the large space below began to gradually heat up.

After a few seconds, the white spider web was first ignited, and then the branches and leaves of the trees burst into flames.

Soon, the raging flames spread, and the bushes and trees all turned into huge fire trees, turning into a sea of ​​fire within a radius of 50 meters from the entrance of the cave, and billowing flames rushed nearly 100 meters high.

Under Renault’s deliberate control, the sea of ​​fire was only confined to this area, and no signs of fire were seen elsewhere.

After 1 minute, the flame quickly weakened, and then automatically extinguished. The branches and leaves of many trees were burned out, leaving only the dark trunks, which looked so desolate.

Looking down from above the island, an obvious black spot appeared on the ground, the shape was the most standard circle, and the black spot was still green and the contrast was very sharp.

Lord Lord is a very particular person. He is like a human being, and the same is true for arson. Burning also burns style and artistic sense.

A slightly raised hill is right in the center of the black spot. The southeast side of the hill is slightly steep, and a dark and deep hole is clearly visible. This is the entrance to the nest.

What should I do next?

Go straight into the hole?

Don’t even think about it. Without the demon armor, Renault wouldn’t be naked in the cave if he killed him. Who knew there was something in it, the space in the cave was limited, and there was no place to hide in case of danger.

This master was born gold and precious and does not do any meaningless risk-taking behaviors.

Renault’s solution is very simple-dismantle!

[Nian Motive Force] The rune array flashed a faint blue glow instantly, and the large soil layer on the top of the hill was lifted up directly, and only a few seconds later, the black-gray rock layer was exposed.

What to do with rocks?

Use [reverse heat conduction] directly to melt it?

Do not!

There is no need, and there are so many rocks, which consumes mana. Renault has an ancestral secret technique-the big cutting technique!

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