Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 163

Chapter 161 Hunting trolls

After 3 days, Renault once again came to Crescent Island, the island where he encountered the sea monster.

Even he didn’t expect that he would come back here so soon.

Originally, according to Renault’s vision, he would come here someday as a super-powerful person a few years later, pulling the giant monster from the bottom of the sea like a carrot, tearing it to pieces alive, to warn it: robbery, It’s a felony!

Lord Lord’s bird is not so easy to grab!

Well, so did the attempted robbery!

Finally, give the giant monster meat to, no, sell it to the civilians of Odin Island, so that everyone can enjoy an unprecedented meal of giant monsters.

The old man has a big business, and he has to be diligent and thrifty. At best, he can sell it cheaply. There should be a lot of common people willing to buy such a rare thing as a giant monster.

By the way, different parts of the giant monster meat should be set at different prices, must be divided into grades, and attention must be paid to the differences in the needs of various customers. This is called differentiated marketing.

Yes, Renault is ready to kill the trolls in a few years.

But now, in order to “upgrade”, he has to advance the plan.

This also led to the direct bankruptcy of his plan to make a fortune. At present, the residents of the island are so poor that they are expected to spend a lot of money to buy giant monster meat. It is better to save money…

Reynolds just thought about it, and his heart hurts…

At this time, Crescent Island was very lively, and more than 300 people were busy on the shore.

In order to hunt the giant monsters, Lord Lord took advantage of the fine weather and took the risk of using the White-tailed Sparrow, and brought a large number of younger brothers and props.

After entering the storm season, the frequency of turbulence in the sea has greatly increased. Even if the water depth in most areas near the Tide Islands is not more than 500 meters, it is not much deeper than the continental shelf. The Whitetail also encountered several rapids along the way.

But with the lord sitting on the boat, the White-tailed Sparrow finally arrived at Crescent Island without any risk.

“Everyone speed up… hurry up and put the raft in the water…” Moose shouted, standing on a magic power boat.

The dozens of strong men on the shore immediately, in groups of seven or eight, lifted one end of the raft and dragged them to the sea. The heavy raft left several clear marks on the ground.

The four rafts have just been made. The wood used is all branches felled on-site. The workmanship is quite rough, just a bunch of branches nailed together, the surface is very uneven, and many holes can even be seen.

After the raft entered the water, some strong men piled some **** animal carcasses on the raft, and then tied them tightly with vines to prevent them from sliding into the sea.

These are beasts that have just been killed, and even the corpses are still warm.

In addition, a large number of wounds were deliberately cut on the surface of the corpse, and many parts were **** and horrible.

Other strong men rushed into the sea and connected the raft to the magic power boat with ropes.

After all preparations were completed, Moose gave an order, and the island guards on the boat activated the magic motive. With a slight “click” sound, the gear box vibrated, driving the propeller to rotate.

The two small boats swept across the water briskly, dragging the raft forward, leaving two trails with white foam behind them. There was also a lot of blood in the waves, which was the blood oozing from the corpses of wild beasts.

Despite dragging the raft, the speed of the boat was quite fast. After a few tens of seconds, the boat drove out more than 300 meters, and then the island guards quickly untied the ropes and let the raft float on the sea.

Then the boat turned quickly, and the boat suddenly tilted, making an arc in the water and rushing towards the shore at full speed, like a rabbit being chased by a hunting dog.

You can also see from the expressions of Moose and others that they are quite nervous, and some of the island guards continue to look into the sea, with the same serious expressions on their faces.

They didn’t dare to be careful, because even the lord said that the giant monsters were very difficult to entangle, and they could definitely kill them easily.

Without the drag of the raft, the boat returned to the shore at a faster speed. Before the boat stopped, the team members jumped down and carried the boat to the shore.

After the boat was placed on the ground, the shore fell into a weird silence. No one spoke. Everyone stared at a figure in the distance and waited quietly.

This figure is their lord.

Facing the slow sea breeze, Renault stood still in the air more than 30 meters high, staring at the sea below, with two black iron **** with a diameter of more than 1 meter floating beside him.

At his feet, several rafts floated and sinked with the waves. A small half of the corpses on the rafts were immersed in the water. A large amount of blood from the wounds of the corpses dyed the nearby sea light red.

After 2 seconds, Renault moved.

He walked a few steps in the void, and the iron ball on the side suddenly unfolded automatically, and instantly turned into 4 extremely long black steel cables. They were swimming quickly in the air, winding Renault into a huge circle with a diameter of more than 30 meters. The ring is like a super long snake ready to go.

It is worth noting that the surface of these steel cables is covered with densely packed spikes and extremely sharp small iron hooks. As soon as they look at it, a fierce air rushes toward the face.

This is the steel cable that Renault personally picked up, which is more than 500 meters long!

At this time, a raft on the sea suddenly moved slightly, and a pale green tentacles stretched out of the water and wrapped around the corpse of a beast on the raft.

The tentacles of the trolls have appeared!

It was really attracted by the smell of blood!

Through the water surface, you can see that more black shadows are about to break out of the water. After a glance, Renault roughly judged that the number of tentacles exceeded 100.

After encountering a troll for the first time, Renault understood that trolls had a habit.

Once it finds a prey, it will only use a very small part of its tentacles, and only when it encounters a more powerful prey, it will use all of its tentacles.

This is actually the wisest choice.

If you want to use all the tentacles for any prey, the energy obtained from the prey may not be as much energy as the energy consumed.

Renault exhaled a long breath to calm his nervousness, and then his heart moved, the long steel cable fell straight down in an instant, and the two ends of the steel cable slammed into the water.

“Boom…” The ring of steel rope smashed to the surface fiercely, shocking a huge wave.

After sensing the loud noise and the turbulent water surface, the troll’s tentacles paused, as if hesitating about something.

But before it could make a decision, the ring that dived into the water had already wrapped all the tentacles inside, tightly wrapped around it.

Under the control of [Nian Motive Force], the steel cable was extremely flexible, winding a dozen times on the surface of the tentacles in just a few seconds, tying these tentacles firmly together.

Then [Nian Motive Force] suddenly tightened the steel cable, and under the tremendous force, the spikes and iron hooks on the surface were deeply pierced into the tentacles.

Renault immediately flew to the surface. At the same time, the two ends of the four steel cables suddenly jumped out of the water and flew to him automatically.

The rune [wind] in the soul space flickered, and a large number of wind elements instantly appeared beside him, encumbering his body and flying towards the shore at high speed.

Behind him, the iron rope pulled by [Nian Power] turned into 8 rapidly extending black lines.

After 2 seconds, Renault flew to the shore.

Moose and Ronald each led a team of island guards, hurriedly greeted them, took over the steel cable in Renault’s hand, and Goode on the other side had already shouted: “Activate 8 sets of magic motives…”

In the open space more than 50 meters away from the coast, a long row of nearly 10 meters high platform was built. They are arranged in a row along the coastline. On each platform stands a large winch, and the winch is placed next to it. 2 magic motives.

After hearing what Goode said, the person standing next to the magic motive hurriedly put his hand on the rune disk.

In fact, the magic motive is the real main force against the trolls this time.

This is also the reason why Lei Nuo mobilized the crowd and brought hundreds of younger brothers to Crescent Island.

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