Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 166

Chapter 164 The dying struggle of the troll

The power of the meat grinder is the True Rune Array [Rotation], and the energy source is the higher-quality magic spar.

This is necessary. In order for the meat grinder to have enough power, the speed must be fast enough, otherwise the blade’s lethality will be insufficient.

In addition, knowing that Lord Lord’s target is a super monster, the Rune Research Institute has also carefully adjusted the rune array to further increase the speed.

Although this will result in a greater consumption of mana and a serious reduction in cost performance, it is all worthwhile.

If Renault fully drives the rune array, the speed of the meat grinder will exceed 80 rpm, which is nearly 5000 rpm!

This does not seem to be big, and it is not much faster than ordinary electric drills on the earth. For example, the rotating speed of a dental electric drill can easily exceed 10,000 rpm.

But the problem is that the drill bit driven by the meat grinder is not a very slim drill bit, but a large drill bit weighing nearly 160 kilograms.

According to the calculation of power, its power is as high as 6000 kilowatts, which is equivalent to dozens of 1.6L car engines, which shows how powerful the power of the True Rune Array [rotation] is.

In other words, the two meat grinders in Renault’s hands at this moment can exert super power equivalent to nearly a hundred car engines!

It was precisely because of this terrifying weapon that he dared to trouble Mr. Troll.

When using the meat grinder to drill the tree just now, Renault only controlled the speed at 40 rpm to get everyone to the side. If he had full firepower, he could drill through the tree trunk in less than 1 second.

In addition, he used the arbor to test the “machine” for another purpose, that is, to boost morale and to show the power of the meat grinder to everyone by drilling the tree.

Use this to tell your subordinates: Yes, trolls are awesome, but your lord is even more awesome!

The effect of this trick was very obvious. Before the rotating blade on the meat grinder had completely stopped, Renault keenly felt that the original solemn atmosphere was obviously more relaxed.

He smiled triumphantly behind the horned helmet, stepped aside his heavy metal boots, thundered all the way, and walked to the coast.

He has set up the noose, just wait for the silly Mr. Troll to take the initiative to stretch his “neck” into the noose.

After 3 minutes, the 5 giant nets closed.

If the giant monster is likened to a radish, then these thousands of tentacles are equivalent to the leaves of a radish, and the giant net at this moment is the big hand that holds the leaves!

In another ten minutes at most, the “Monster Carrot” will be uprooted.

At this time, the giant monster has felt a strong threat, even if its brain is not good enough, after discovering that many tentacles are hung on the spikes and barbs on the giant net, it also knows that something is wrong.

Its pain sensation is very dull. If only a few tentacles are injured, the monster will at most feel a little itching. Compared to its huge body, can this “itching” be a problem?

But what if there are hundreds of “itching” at the same time?

Even a paramecium with no brains knows that the situation is very bad and needs to run quickly!

Well, this is called stress response.

Although the monster’s brain has too much water, it is still much stronger than the paramecium.

So, it wanted to withdraw.

Originally, the 8 iron cables made it very difficult, but now there are a bunch of giant nets that make it even more worrying. Whoever loves to play, whoever wants to play, anyway, the monster does not want to play.

It began to struggle vigorously, trying to break away from the giant net, a large number of tentacles were waving on the surface of the sea continuously, bringing up water in the sky, the whole scene looked like a devil’s carnival, and its momentum became more and more amazing.

If anyone who didn’t know saw this scene, they might think that this was an invincible monster that was in a rage, it was about to set off a monstrous killing to vent the anger in its heart, and would never think that it was actually in trouble.

That’s right, dilemma!

The troll has discovered that it can’t break free of the giant net.

Because the giant net is too big, once a metal net with a length of more than 50 meters is tied to it, it means that half of the length of the tentacles is covered, and the surface of the tentacles will be pierced by hundreds of spikes and barbs. Unable to escape.

There are too many tentacles trapped. The number of tentacles that are in direct contact with the metal mesh exceeds 300. In addition, thousands of tentacles are concentrated in a small area, which lacks enough shelter space.

Therefore, the giant monster can only watch the giant net become tighter and tighter.

From the shore, the area on the sea that was originally packed with tentacles has shrunk significantly.

After noticing this, anyone who is not an idiot understands that the arrangement of magic motives and giant nets is working.

This fact also makes the atmosphere more relaxed, but more people feel unbelievable.

how can that be?

With a few ropes and a few big nets, you have caught such a terrifying monster?

How could this world become like this?

They were right. Since the advent of Renault, since the advent of revolutionary inventions such as magic motives, magic machine tools, and magic air guns, this world is no longer the world they are familiar with.

Times are changing drastically!

And it will become more intense!

The seemingly invincible giant monster, under the mighty power of the magic machine, is just a piece of meat that can move, no matter how big it is? There is still no room for resistance on the chopping board.

More than a monster?

A certain traverser has happily raised the “Swordsman”, and the entire alien world is in front of him, and he can only let him fish.

After the steel cable was recovered more than 100 meters, the tentacles in the giant net were almost squeezed into a ball.

Renault was also getting more excited. He couldn’t help manipulating the demon armor to walk around the shore, and from time to time he waved the meat grinder on his arm, venting the killing intent that was about to boil in his heart.

At this point, he absolutely believed that the soul of the giant monster must be in his bag!

In an almost anxious wait, the tentacles of the trolls were finally dragged 100 meters away from the shore. With strong eyesight, Renault clearly saw the appearance of the tentacles for the first time.

The tentacles are light blue, not looking ferocious, slightly transparent, and the surface is quite smooth, unlike the octopus tentacles with suction cups.

From these characteristics, Renault can determine that the troll should be a creature similar to an anemone, but tens of thousands of times larger in size.

As the monster was dragged closer and closer to the shore, it became more and more panicked. The only tentacles that were not **** by the giant net were madly swiping back and forth on the metal net. Obviously it wanted very much. Get rid of this **** giant net.

However, this approach is not only of no avail, but also scars the tentacles, causing a lot of transparent body fluids to flow out of the wounds.

When the tentacles were more than 60 meters from the coast, Renault saw a shockingly huge shadow more than 100 meters away from the surface of the sea.

It was the body of the giant monster!

It was pulled up!

With just a glance, Renault roughly estimated the size of the troll.

More than 80 meters in length!

This is also the biggest monster he has ever encountered.

However, before Renault could take any action, a strong wave of magic energy suddenly broke out under the sea, a wave of magic energy that was stronger than that of the extraordinary.

The troll who was unwilling to catch it, began its final dying struggle.

At the moment when the mana wave climbed to its peak, the sea in the distance suddenly surged, and a huge wave with a length of more than 200 meters and a height of nearly 6 meters appeared on the sea in an instant.

A huge two-story wall of water suddenly appeared on the water.

The next moment, the water wall greeted Renault and surged.

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