Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 170

Chapter 168 Great Harvest (2)

This kind of meat is the fat of the giant monster, and the substance that makes the fire stronger is the giant monster oil in the fat.

Corina’s discovery was immediately reported to Moose, and he received an amazing reward-10 Kinnars.

This huge bounty made everyone jealous of the excitement.

Can you not envy it? This is equivalent to one year’s salary of the Chief of Administration!

But in Moose’s view, this small reward is simply insignificant compared to Corina’s great contribution.

Because the average weight of each tentacle is more than 4 tons, the fat content is as high as 2.5 tons. Thanks to the good nutritional status of Mr. Monster, the fat output rate is astonishing. 1 ton of fat can extract 0.8 tons of giant Blame oil.

Based on this calculation, half of the tentacle’s weight is troll oil.

From this point of view, the giant monster can be regarded as the most suitable creature in the world that conforms to the term “fat oil”. It has lived in this sea area for many years, wandering at both ends of eating and sleeping all day, accumulating. A huge amount of grease was lost, but Renault was cheaper in the end.

In other words, a word from Corina will bring nearly 2,000 tons of giant monster oil to the territory. This is only a tentacle. If you count the body, I am afraid that this number will double to 4000 tons.

On earth, humans have a long history of whaling. In the 18th century in Europe and America, whale oil once became the main fuel for night lighting.

Among all whales, the whale with the largest proportion of body fat is the right whale.

An adult right whale weighs up to 100 tons, 40% of which is fat, even if calculated at an oil yield of 80%, it can only get 32 ​​tons of whale oil at most.

From this perspective, Mr. Troll is equal to 125 right whales!

Therefore, a mere 10 Kinnars is simply too wrong for Mr. Corina.

However, Collina doesn’t think so. In his opinion, Troll Oil is originally the Lord’s possession, and he has contributed a “not worth mentioning suggestion” to the Lord Lord who protects the territory. Isn’t it a leader who should do it? The obligation?

Unexpectedly, the “generosity” of His Excellency Moose was far beyond his expectations and almost made Corina ecstatic. The first thing he did after he recovered was to kneel down and kiss Moose’s boots desperately.

The refined monster oil is milky white, and it will naturally condense into a solid state at room temperature. It has only a very faint smell of sea. More importantly, its calorific value is very high. After it is ignited, the flame is bright and stable, far better than ordinary candle.

If you add spices to the giant monster oil and make it into a candle, plus the high-end brand of “giant monster “, giant monster candle will surely become a high-end commodity, and it will bring endless profits for Renault.

Of course, candles are only one of the uses, and there must be more ways to use Troll Oil.

In addition, the warehouse that has just been built in the territory may have to be expanded again. The various materials obtained from the monsters are piled up like a mountain. Without 5 or 6 large warehouses, I am afraid that it will not fit at all.

With Collina’s on-site teaching, the workers came up with another idea of ​​giant monster meat. Anyway, it doesn’t cost a penny. If they find the use of giant monster muscles, doesn’t it mean golden gold? Gnar?

Don’t do it if you are a fool!

As a result, the workers gathered around the huge pile of meat and started crazy experiments.

Refining fat like Corina is the first method everyone tried. However, there is a huge difference between the structure of muscle cells and fat. Apart from the unpleasant burnt smell, there is no surprise.

Then the same thought came to many people’s minds: Is it really impossible to eat giant monster meat? Is there a way to get rid of the bitterness?

Although the giant monster meat was terribly unpalatable and not much better than shit, under the stimulus of money, more than one person cut off a piece of giant monster meat and stuffed it in his mouth without hesitation, wrinkling his face while chewing hard.

You can’t get rich if you can’t eat hardship. In front of Kinnar, it’s okay to eat shit, let alone a bit of monster meat.

Moose was dumbfounded by this sight. MMP is really a group of desperadoes who want money and don’t want their lives. Aren’t you afraid that giant monster meat is poisonous?

Moose hurriedly tried to stop it, but Corina told him sincerely: Master, I have already eaten it and swallowed it, it’s not poisonous!

Moose was completely speechless.

Obviously, no one can succeed casually. Corina can make a fortune, not without a reason. When other people are afraid to eat, this man has already tried the poison bravely.

Just for the madness of death, as long as Corina doesn’t die, it’s unreasonable not to get rich.

However, the person who really solved this problem was Lord Lord.

Three hours later, Renault arrived at Crescent Island with a fleet of five sailing ships, carrying nearly 200 workers and a large number of machines.

After learning the news of the group experiment, the lord looked at the mentally retarded eyes and glanced at the group of desperately eating turtles, and came up with the solution very simply-drying and grinding.

People can’t eat, it doesn’t mean that livestock can’t eat either!

The muscle of Giant Monster is obviously a kind of meat with extremely high protein content, and it is also rich in trace elements, and its nutritional value is very high. You can use Giant Monster protein powder to make feed!

Sooner or later, my master will start a large-scale breeding industry, raising chickens, ducks, fish, and shellfish. No amount of protein powder will be enough.

Among the people who came with the ship, the lady consul also went out in person. After she took over the on-site command, the originally chaotic situation became orderly in an instant.

Miss Archon’s management skills are indeed ridiculously strong. The job that puts Moose on her head is as simple as eating and drinking for the girl. She commands more people, but acts far more relaxed than Moose.

Orders were quickly spit out from her mouth, and the civil servants of the Government Affairs Office were quickly sent out to be responsible for a certain part of the treatment of the monster’s corpse.

The progress of each task is required to report regularly and summarized here to the girl, who can make corresponding adjustments accordingly to avoid the progress of certain links being too lagging.

Even the Rune Research Institute sent several rune magicians headed by Murphy. On the one hand, they would assist in the disposal of the corpse, and on the other hand, they would study the materials decomposed from the body of the monster on the spot.

With two magic sawmills and an industrialized organization model, the processing speed of the troll tentacles has exploded by a hundredfold.

Under the guidance of the Rune Mage, a few simple tooling were built next to the chainsaw of the sawmill. The tentacles were placed on the tooling, and then the magic motive was used to drag the tentacles while turning on the sawmill.

In just ten seconds, a tentacle more than 80 meters long was cut open. The speed is amazing. The whole process only requires 4 workers, one man controls the sawmill, one controls the magic motive, and the other two. Adjust tooling at any time.

This speed made the workers present stunned. When they had cut the skin by hand, more than 10 people worked for nearly an hour before dissecting one tentacle.

Comparing the two, the efficiency is utterly different.

The machine is used when splitting the skin, and the same is true for peeling.

Murphy instructed several workers to bring up two wooden boxes. After opening the lid, he took out more than 50 tools from the box. These tools were slightly longer than the forearms and looked a bit like electric hand drills on the earth.

This is the latest “Magic Hand Drill” developed by the Rune Research Institute. Its function is the same as that of a hand electric drill, except that the driving device is not a motor, but a small rune disc.

This rune disc is also the latest achievement of the research institute. The Rune Mage once again made improvements to the rune array [Rotation]. Not only has the efficiency increased, the rune array can also be further miniaturized.

Thus, the magic hand drill was born.

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