Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 182

Chapter 180 Not ventilated

Frederick and Vera were also mixed in the crowd, and the two went straight to a 65-square-meter public rental house without a glance at the larger public rental house.

This is because there are only 4 people in their family, and two rooms of 65 square meters are enough.

On the other hand, because Vera needs to take care of her two daughters at home, she has to be a full-time housewife. She only depends on Frederick to support her family. The financial situation is relatively tight. For them, 8 silver nars are also a lot of money. burden.

The appearance of public rental houses is not much different from other houses. They are all square in shape with pointed roofs, but the details are quite different.

Before entering the gate, the couple glanced at the whitewashed wooden wall, and there was a look of affection in their eyes.

Not only the two of them, but almost everyone around them is like this.

The wooden wall looks unbelievably flat, with no gaps in sight. It is hard to believe that it is made of long planks.

The walls of the wooden house usually seen by the two are more or less uneven, because it is almost impossible to ensure a smooth surface for such a long wooden board, which is processed by hand alone.

The same is true for the edges of the wooden boards. After being assembled into a wooden wall, you can always see a lot of small gaps. If the carpenter’s craftsmanship is not good, the gaps between the thickness of the fingers are not uncommon.

Compared with the public rental housing in front of them, the best wooden house they have ever seen is no different from Crooked.

Frederick was involved in the construction of public rental housing. Seeing his wife’s face full of admiration, he explained in a low voice: “I heard other workers say that these wooden boards are processed by a very powerful machine. It’s fast and good, a hundred carpenters can’t match that kind of machine…”

Vera’s eyes widened at hearing, and she asked a series of questions: “Really? What does that kind of machine look like? How does it work?”

Frederick smiled awkwardly: “Only a few workers who transport planks have seen the machine a few times, and no one else has seen it.”

Seeing that his wife was a little disappointed, he quickly changed the subject: “Guess what is painted on the surface of the wooden wall?”

Vera turned her head to look at the wooden wall, and replied, “Isn’t it lime? I heard that this kind of stuff was added to the cement…”

Frederick said: “It’s not just lime. Mr. Civil servant said that if you only brush with lime water, it will fall off soon. The lime water also contains fish bone glue and two other seaweed glues.”

“Mr. civil servant calls it “white fish paint”. After it dries, it is very hard and will not peel off easily. You can feel it.”

Vera hesitated to look at the others: “But the chief secretary just said that the facilities of the public rental housing should not be destroyed…”

Frederick said nonchalantly: “I’ve touched it countless times, not at all.”

Seeing her husband’s urging look, Vera nodded helplessly. She approached the wooden wall cautiously, and quickly reached out and touched the snow-white white fish paint without being noticed.

Because of her nervousness and her movements too fast, her feeling is not very clear, but it seems to be very hard and the surface is quite delicate.

Frederick grabbed her hand with some treasures and turned it over: “You see, there is no white mark at all. I tell you, if it is lime water, it will leave white marks…”

Seeing a hint of surprise on his wife’s face, he smiled triumphantly: “The solid wood wall is painted with more than one layer of paint, and there is a layer of black asphalt paint under the white fish paint.”

“Mr. civil servant also said that the asphalt paint was invented by the lord master. After painting it on the wooden wall, it can prevent insects and corrosion. The wooden wall can be used for a longer period of time. Uh… this is called an anticorrosive primer, which can effectively extend the life. …”

This somewhat professional description was obviously learned by Frederick from a civil servant. After saying this, the expression on his face became more and more proud, as if he had become a “learned” civil servant. .

Vera gave him a funny nudge: “It’s okay, I know the asphalt paint is very good, and the lord master invented another amazing thing.”

At this moment Frederick suddenly remembered something, and his tone became more excited: “My dear, Mr. Civil servant also said that there is a very big advantage to painting two coats of paint on the wooden wall…”

Having said that, he stopped intentionally, staring at Vera’s face, and seeing her staring at him unblinkingly, and then satisfactorily said the answer: “There will be no wind!”

Vera was shocked for a second before reacting, and she asked in surprise, “Really?”

Frederick nodded affirmatively: “Of course it is! White fish paint and asphalt paint will completely block the gap between the boards, and no wind will leak!”

Why does “not letting the wind” surprise Vera so much?

The reason is-winter!

Imagine if there are big cracks on the four walls and the roof, there is a strong wind outside, a small wind inside, and that’s all in other seasons. In winter, the house will be colder and more icy. Can you stand it?

Can’t bear it, also have to bear it!

Most civilians have to suffer in the winter. Although almost every household has a fireplace, it is impossible to light the fireplace every day in order to save fuel.

Then why not collect firewood from a house and burn it every day in winter?

This is a good question, but if someone really asks any civilian like this, he will scream at him: Who doesn’t want to do this? How long does it take to collect a house of firewood?

Some of the firewood collected has to be used for cooking. The firewood for heating at night can only be saved. On weekdays, just to support the family, you have to be busy all day long. When you get home, you are already tired and half dead. It’s not easy to accumulate firewood in a small house, do you know?

Therefore, in the long cold winter, most of the time civilians had to shrink at home and shiver, and the whole family huddled together to keep warm.

In the Tide Islands, winter is more severe.

It is located in a marine environment, and the dimensionality is not low. The cold current from the south of the polar region can reach the Tide Islands in a map of Pingchuan. Unlike the Mushan Kingdom, there are tall mountains in the north that can block the cold wave.

Therefore, after winter, there will often be continuous blizzards in the Hai Tide Islands, and the temperature will directly soar to more than ten degrees below zero, and it is not uncommon for them to even more than twenty or thirty degrees below zero.

Therefore, in Haichao Islands, many people are frozen to death every winter.

“No ventilation” means that the heat loss rate is slower, and it is more conducive to keeping warm. There will be no temperature outside and the temperature inside the house.

The warmth is good, and it saves more wood. The same weight of wood can burn for a longer time.

This alone greatly increased the chances of civilians “alive” through the cold winter!

For most civilians, a wooden house that does not leak in winter is enough to make them feel very happy.

Vera also has such a “dream”. In her memory, there is no winter, and she has not been cold and swollen.

But today, this dream has been realized suddenly!

Seeing his wife’s happy face, Frederick also felt more and more happy.

Recalling what he saw and heard at work, he said: “Not only that, Mr. Civil Servants also said that the paint on the exterior wall should not come off within 5 years…”

“Even if peeling occurs after 5 years, only the white fish paint on the outer layer will fall off, and the asphalt paint on the inner layer will never fall off, but the wall is not very good-looking…”

“In addition, if it comes off, you can buy white fish paint by yourself and touch up the paint in time. You can buy it in the store in Redstone Town, and the price is not expensive…”

“The paint on the inner wall can last for at least 10 years…”

Vera couldn’t help but stroked the wooden wall, and said in admiration: “This paint layer…er… it’s so long-lasting…”

The number “5 years” does not sound too long, but don’t forget that the paint on the outer wall is directly exposed, and it is exposed to wind, rain, frost and snow all the year round. The environment is so harsh and the aging rate is naturally fast. Five years has been quite a long time.

This world also has similar exterior wall paints, but they are all sap extracted directly from tree bark, which is completely natural and does not undergo any chemical blending.

Not to mention the low output, high price, and long life span of this kind of paint, it will start to fall off within 2 years at most. How can civilians afford it?

At this time, Frederick saw that everyone else had entered the public rental housing, and quickly urged Vera: “Let’s hurry up, everyone else has gone in…”

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