Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 186

Chapter 184 Road to Gold on the Sea

Three seconds later, the Odin suddenly shook, and the huge hull did not advance and retreated, and it retreated more than 10 meters.

Renault also clearly heard the “creaking” sound, which was clearly the hull groaning…

At this moment, the thrust of the propeller was superimposed on the huge impact caused by the high-speed turbulence, and the overwhelmed hull finally began to “protest”.

However, it was just a “protest”.

After encountering the turbulence, the Odin was only more bumpy, and the sailors behaved a little embarrassed.

Even if the safety rope was prepared in advance, three sailors on the deck were caught off guard and fell to the ground.

They cannot be blamed for this, because as a rule, once the storm season enters, there will be almost no ships going out to sea. In the Tide Islands, the sailing period is longer.

Therefore, many people have no experience in dealing with turbulence. Even if a few people have it, it is just a small turbulence before the storm season. It is definitely not as violent as the turbulence just now.

Can a thousand-ton sailing ship be pushed away more than 10 meters in an instant, how strong should the turbulence be?

What if the Odin was sailed?

After being hit by the turbulence, the hull will be thrust backwards, and at the same time, the sail will be thrust forward due to the wind.

What torque is this?

Rotation torque!

In this case, the entire sailboat will start to rotate around the “center of mass”!

What are the consequences?

Will the mast break?

Or did the sailboat capsize directly?

Renault didn’t know, but just thinking about it in his head made him a little frightened.

Even if the sailing boat has survived this wave, what about the next wave? What about the next wave?

It is no wonder that “no sailing during the storm season” will become the iron law of navigation in other worlds, because people who do not follow this rule are all taught by the turbulence.

It is also the last lesson in life!

After the turbulence, the Odin continued to move forward steadily, but suddenly a loud cheer erupted from the ship.

None of the sailors on the ship are idiots. The performance of the Odin just now has fully demonstrated that the terrible turbulence can’t help it!

It is like the glorious name “Odin”, overcoming the frightening turbulence.

This strange ship that can sail without sails, this strange ship that emits light black smoke, is a ship that can sail normally during the storm season!

In the past few thousand years, every year for 6 months, the ocean will become a forbidden zone for humans.

Everyone knows that sea lanes mean all kinds of trade, but also endless wealth, but this golden road always closes the door to humans in the harvest month of each year, and the next year’s warbirds Will be reopened only after the month of the month.

But starting today, the golden road on the sea has completely opened the door to Haichao Islands.

What’s more exciting is that half of the time each year, it will be monopolized by Hai Tide Islands!

What is the concept of monopolizing the channel of the entire world?

This is the strongest monopoly in history!

Anyone with a little business knowledge can understand how amazing wealth this means.

In two years at most, the wealth gained from monopoly trade can exceed that of a king.

And the true owner of this wealth is their lord!

However, Renault’s thoughts were not placed on the gleaming Jinnal, he would not be like these alien terrapins, knowing wealth in his mind, and he would not be like them.

All this is in the plan of the master.

Lord, I said long ago that my eyes can penetrate the mist of time!

He had imagined such a day when he was being run around by black orcs on the mainland.

It’s just that the technological route he envisioned at the time was to slowly develop from a steam engine to a steam turbine, rather than a thermal engine.

At this moment, Renault had only one idea in his mind-an all-metal ship.

Wooden hull ships have always been congenital inadequate, such as the Odin. Although it carried the turbulence, Renault intuitively told Renault that the hull looked fine, but it had been slightly damaged.

Just as metal will fatigue, wood will only fatigue faster.

If you want to truly conquer the stormy season, you have to use steel…

The sailing state in 2nd gear lasted for nearly half an hour. During this time, the Odin encountered turbulence twice again, and all passed without incident.

On one occasion, a violent turbulence hit the side of the Odin, causing the hull to shake violently, even exceeding 10 degrees.

This also caused all the sailors on the deck to roll into a ball, but no one retreated, and everyone stuck to their posts.

Everyone knows that Lord Lord is on the top of the mast, and everyone’s performance is completely in the eyes of this lord.

If anyone dares to take a step back at this time, even if Lord Lord doesn’t say anything, Your Excellency Elon will never let him go afterwards.

The name of this ship is “Odin”. In the presence of the real Odin, would you dare to drop the chain?

There is also a type of people, such as Rutherford, who is quite scheming. Well, maybe it is more appropriate to describe it as “motivated.” On the contrary, he has become more and more conscientious, and he also tried his best to show a “capable” style of doing things.

For example, when ordering a sailor, he should speak short and powerfully, and strive to be quick and decisive when doing things, but he does not hesitate to rush to the forefront of things that are slightly dangerous.

This somewhat abnormal behavior made the sailors who were familiar with Rutherford quite puzzled. The Rutherford they knew was not slick, but it was not even close to the “resolute and courageous” Rutherford in front of him.

If they have heard this sentence-“Lord Lord likes people who do things quickly and beautifully”, they will surely realize it.

In fact, Rudolf did a very good job, and even Renault remembered his name.

I have to admit that opportunities are indeed reserved for those who are prepared.

When the thermal engine’s gearbox was switched to the third gear, the ship’s speed exceeded 20 knots!

What is the concept of section 20?

1 hour 20 nautical miles/hour, which is 37 kilometers/hour, or 10.3 meters/second.

On the earth, the record for the highest speed of a sail-powered ship is exactly 20 knots.

However, please note that it happened in the early 20th century. At that time, the battleship company had already come out, and the navigation technology was much more advanced than in the Middle Ages.

In the Western Middle Ages, the average speed of Galen was 7-10 knots.

In the alien world, due to the existence of the storm season, the navigation technology is slightly more advanced than in the Middle Ages, and the speed of sailing boats is slightly faster, but it is far less than 20 knots.

(Underdevelopment does not work. It is a logic of “war leads to faster technological progress”. To withstand the storm, there must be better ships)

Therefore, when Rutherford reported the data of “20 knots”, his voice was trembling with excitement.

When this data reached Elon’s ears, he was completely dumbfounded.

Only then did he understand what “1000 cows” really meant.

This is the power that can really change the world.

On the Odin, the only calm person was Renault.

Looking at the extremely excited group of guys below, he just curled his lips secretly.

If the master throws out a hovercraft, that is, a perverted thing with a speed of up to 80 knots, don’t you have to explode in place with excitement?

A group of turtles!

Then he slandered to himself while quickly ascending into the sky.

Elon, this guy, looks sophisticated, and he is not yet clever with Seth. It took a long time for the ink to be willing to open 3 gears, which made the master wait for a long time to get the final data…

Isn’t it just a new ship, so cautious?

The test is to work hard, afraid of a wool!

In case it breaks, the master will turn around and let you out a new ship!

Well, now that the ship is available, the trip to Ironclad Island can be on the agenda…

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