Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 85

Chapter 84 Black Wizard Trial

Sure enough, after walking more than 10 meters, the front is no longer a cramped passage, but an open area, which seems to be a small square.

After exiting the passage, the light of the torch completely illuminates the small square. To be precise, this should be a space similar to an “urn city” with a height of more than 6 meters and an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, surrounded by a circle of stone walls.

More than a dozen holes were excavated in the stone wall, and some debris was faintly visible in the holes. Renault guessed that these debris should be weapons. Once the enemy entered the passage, the black wizards could rely on the stone wall and use weapons to besiege the enemy condescendingly.

I have to say that this kind of defensive facility is very well designed, easy to defend and difficult to attack, comparable to a solid fortress, which shows that the original dark wizard organization did come out in large numbers.

It’s a pity that as the dark wizards left one after another, the fortress also sank in the years and turned into a relic.

There were a lot of sundries scattered in the square. Everyone walked around in the square and found that they had also turned into rubbish. Metal objects were rusty, wood products were completely decayed, and a few sundries still had traces of being turned over. This should be It is the handwriting of the Water Ghost Club.

There were almost no weapons in these debris, and the marks of weapons hacking were not visible on the ground. This shows that the black wizards took the initiative to release the fortress, and no battle occurred. They were also very hurried when they evacuated, discarding a lot of things that were not portable.

As for the holes in the stone wall, Renault used the [Nian Motive Force] to fly up and take a few glances. As he guessed, time has eroded the weapons in the holes, turning these well-made killing weapons into tatters, but still It can be seen that they are all long-range weapons such as large crossbows.

Obviously, in addition to the dark wizards, there are many fighters in the dark wizard organization, and these weapons are mainly used by those fighters.

According to the information that Renault has learned, the black wizards practice in a very peculiar way. They do not use magical energy to strengthen themselves, but convert it into cursed energy, and their melee ability is weak.

Because of this, the dark wizards are not suitable for fighting alone, so the dark wizard organization recruited a large number of fighters.

In battle, the black wizard uses weird black magic to weaken the enemy, and the warrior is responsible for protecting the black wizard.

A hole more than 3 meters high was excavated on the right side of the stone wall, which is the gate to another area.

After passing through the gate, Renault was shocked just by looking at it!

This is a huge square!

These dark wizards even hollowed out a mountain. How did they do this?

Even in the earth with a large number of construction machinery, it is no easy task to do this, this group of outsiders must not be underestimated!

The area of ​​the square is 10 times that of the small square, and the top is a spherical dome with a beautiful curvature. This structure can ensure that the top will not collapse, and there is no need for stone pillars to support it. The view is very wide.

Standing on the square, you can clearly feel the airflow, and the air is not too dull. Obviously there is air circulation here, and you can exchange air with the outside world.

In other words, hundreds of years have passed, and the ventilation facilities are still working!

On the surrounding stone walls, you can see densely packed holes, which are “rooms” for people to live in.

Seeing this, Renault has been convinced that there must be a great fallacy in the various legends about the “Black Wizard Trial” and the “Black Wizard Organization against the Church of the Father”!

The reason why the Church of the Father God hunted down dark wizards is certainly not because of the absurd saying of “cleaning out evil.”

Although there have always been rumors of the devil in this world, no one has ever seen the devil. Where can the church go to eliminate the evil?

Therefore, the church has another purpose!

There has been an extremely tragic fight between the black wizards and the samurai warrior. This should be true, but the black wizard organization is by no means alone against the church.

The black wizard is just a guise on the face, and there are others who are really against the church.

“He” is kingship!

The essence of the black wizard’s trial is actually a struggle between theocracy and kingship!

In order to compete for secular power, the two sides had a desperate contest.

In order to fight against the church, the King Power attracted a large number of black wizards, formed a black wizard organization, and even provided them with a large amount of supplies. The bows and crossbows in the holes in the stone wall proved this.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to build such a large-scale underground fortress just by relying on hundreds of dark wizards?

The Church of the Father God was not to be outdone, and they launched a massive black wizard trial to cut off the royal authority.

The result of the contest is self-evident, and the ruins themselves speak for themselves.

Renault suddenly asked, “Angela, was there any king deposed or executed during the trial of the Dark Wizard hundreds of years ago?”

Angela looked at Renault inexplicably, and began to think attentively. As a noble lady from a large noble family, the girl had systematically studied mainland history.

After frowning and thinking for a while, she hesitated and said: “If I remember correctly, more than 300 years ago, Lord Rhodes VII of the Mushan Kingdom was burned by the Church of the Father on the charge of blasphemy.”

“Afterwards, in the name of purification, the pope took Rhodes VIII to the Holy See and personally educates him until the VIII succeeded as king.”

Renault couldn’t help but slap his tongue.

These gangs of gods are so cruel. In order to completely overwhelm the king’s power, it is not enough to kill the previous king. They even cultivate the next generation of kings into puppets!

After the church won the profit, it erased all the records about this battle in the history books, and summed up all the **** and cruelty with a light and fluttering sentence of “Black Wizard Trial”!

The girl asked curiously: “Why are you asking this?”

Renault smiled and said, “Because this ruin is a secret fortress ordered by Rhodes VII to build!”

Everyone is shocked!

Next, Renault talked about a series of reasoning processes. His logic was very rigorous, and the derivation process was also very detailed, which was impossible to refute.

Finally, Renault concluded in one sentence: “The real reasons behind the seemingly ridiculous incidents in the history books are actually not ridiculous at all!”

In the history books on the earth, there are also countless examples. The most typical case is the “Fenghuo opera princes” in the Shang and Zhou dynasties.

In order to make the beauty smile, he deliberately lit a beacon several times, did King Zhou You really have such a brain damage?

This story is even more ridiculous than “The Trial of the Dark Wizard”.

The real situation is actually just a dog-blood ethical drama of the Zhou Dynasty royal family, that is, the internal struggle between Zhou Youwang and Zhou Ping and his son. As a result, Zhou Ping colluded with the princes and killed his father Zhou Youwang.

In the European Middle Ages, there were similar absurd stories, such as the witch trials that lasted for more than 300 years!

In this persecution of women, thousands of women have been framed as witches, and there are countless injustices in the Inquisition.

After listening to Renault’s words, the others were silent.

In this team, except for Renault, who has no faith, everyone is a believer in the Church of God the Father, but Moose and Angela belong to shallow believers, while Brother Goode is slightly more religious.

In their opinion, although there are inevitably many dross in the church, it is not bad in general.

But Renault’s words completely subverted their cognition and made them realize for the first time that the Church of the Father God is essentially an interest group, from the pope to the lowest faculty members serving this group. of.

As long as someone blocks this group’s footsteps and violates its interests, the church will destroy him without hesitation, even the king!

The reason why Reynolds exposed the ugly face of the church is because of ulterior motives. After the establishment of the territory in the future, in the process of expansion, it will inevitably conflict with the powerful church.

He didn’t want the important people in the territory to be attracted by the church, or even fall to the church.

After a hasty search, everyone left the ruins with nothing. They needed to leave the mainland as soon as possible. It was impossible to waste too much time in the ruins.

Even if there are still good things in the ruins, the Water Ghost Club has already taken the lead. This group of people has rummaged through every corner, and it is almost cleaner than a dog!

Renault didn’t plan to explore the witch spirit snake’s lair. It was just a big snake, and had no habit of hoarding wealth. There would be no good things in the lair.

Next, Renault and others will head east, traverse the entire black witch water marsh, detour a certain town halfway, and finally head to Baisha Bay!

There are a large number of port cities in the Baisha Bay area. Before the storm season, countless merchant ships traveled to and from Baisha Bay. As long as everyone arrives at Baisha Bay, it is easy to find opportunities to go to sea.

For others, crossing the Black Witch Water Marsh is very dangerous, and they will lose their lives if they are not careful.

But for Renault, this is the safest route. Relying on [Reverse Heat Conduction], everyone can walk on the ground in the swamp without worrying about suddenly encountering an army of black orcs.

The patter of drizzle hit the wide lake, causing countless ripples.

The misty rain between heaven and earth is like a fairyland.

Renault sat on the ice boat, pretending to be holding a bamboo pole nearly 10 meters long, and posing for a fishing posture.

This ice ship is not the previous one, but a new ship rebuilt by Renault, with a length of more than 15 meters.

The construction method is also very simple, using fast-drying wood and vines to build the prototype of the boat, and then wrap it with a thick layer of ice. With Renault’s ultra-high efficiency, it only takes half an hour.

The bamboo poles came from the Black Witch Water Marsh. When passing by a swamp shrub a few days ago, Renault stumbled upon a strange kind of bamboo. The bamboo was white all over, with natural ice patterns formed on the surface, and it felt cold to the touch.

Even Moose and Angela don’t recognize this kind of bamboo. Obviously, this is a new species produced by magical mutation. In an environment full of magical energy, mutations are almost everywhere, and there are countless strange things.

Renault named it Snow Bamboo. Its flexibility is amazing. When the snow bamboo is folded in half, there is no trace of breaking. It can be called the top fishing rod material!

Because of this, this guy had a whim, used snow bamboo to make a fishing rod and indulged in “fishing” activities.

At the top of the fishing rod, a long metal thread hangs into the lake. As the waves rise and fall, there is nothing at the end of the thread, neither hook nor bait.

According to Renault’s statement, this is called “Lei Gong” fishing, and those who wish to take the bait!

Yes, as long as the fish caught by Renault, all the fishes are “being” voluntarily taken the bait.. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

If anyone dares not take the bait, his brutal nature is instantly exposed, and he will strangle it alive with wire!

The three silly squatting on the side suddenly yelled “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg

Angela, who was sitting on the other side, immediately touched a black ring on her left hand, and began to feel concentratively. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Then the girl said: “Sansha said that a big fish came to us!”

The black ring in her hand is exactly the strange thing ring that Renault snatched from Russell. This strange thing has a very magical effect-communicating with animals!

As long as mental power and magic energy are input into the ring at the same time, it can establish a stable mental link with the designated animal. Within a certain range, the user and the animal can clearly sense each other’s position.

What’s more amazing is that as long as the animal’s IQ is high enough, the two parties can even communicate through ideas.

So Renault gave the ring a name: The Ring of Beast Language.

However, for Renault, the Ring of Beast Language was not very useful. He simply forwarded the ring to Angela, which was regarded as a waste use, so that she could communicate with Sansha without barriers.

After the girl got the strange thing ring, she also officially became the translator of the three fools.

Sansha’s perception ability was really amazing. After it issued an early warning, it took more than ten seconds before Renault saw a water mark on the lake through the raindrops and water vapor.

Big fish!

According to the thickness of the water mark, the length of this fish must be more than 3 meters!

After the water mark was nearly 30 meters away, Renault suddenly lifted the snow bamboo pole. The metal thread at the end of the bamboo pole was suddenly pulled up by the bamboo pole, bringing a large string of water drops into the sky lightly.

Then the silk thread floated up automatically as if it had a sense of wisdom, and flew quickly towards the water mark.

It’s time for the “wishers to be hooked”

The big fish seemed to perceive something wrong, and a large wave of spray suddenly splashed on the surface of the water. It suddenly flicked its tail, changed its swimming direction, and dived quickly, trying to avoid the wire.

The next moment, the speed of the silk thread skyrocketed, and it plunged into the water in the blink of an eye, curling up the tail of the big fish.

Before the big fish could react, the silk thread turned into a deadly cutting thread, dragged around the fish tail at high speed, and easily cut the scales and cut it into the flesh.

A full quarter of the fish tail was severed, and a large amount of blood instantly overflowed from the fracture, staining the lake water red.

What’s more terrible is that the wound seriously affected the actions of Big Fish, that is to say, it was disabled!

Renault raised his hand again, and an icy stream quietly swept across the water, accurately hitting the big fish, and the water burst suddenly, enclosing the big fish.

Then the ice water condensed into ice, which completely trapped the big fish and brought it to the surface.

Relying on [Reverse Thermal Convection], there is no fish that Renault can’t “catch”!

Renault glanced at the ice cube and touched his nose: “I’ve eaten this one, I’ll grab another one!”

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