Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 877

Chapter 869 The power above the profound meaning

After the scientific expedition team traveled along the frozen coastline for a day, Renault saw a large group of familiar figures-ice seals.

A few years ago, during his first voyage during the storm season, he encountered a group of ice seals who courted collectively on a remote island called “Leather Boot Island”. The fleet also picked up a large number of ice seal carcasses and harvested them. A batch of magic crystals. (See Chapter 214)

After a few years, Renault encountered more ice seals in the remote permafrost.

“Oh my God!”

The biologist in the team, a water system extraordinary named “Pavlov”, looked at the small black spots scattered in a large area from a distance, and said in amazement:

“I bet there are at least 50,000 ice seals here… This is the first time I have encountered such a huge ice seal gathering place. It is indeed a permafrost snowfield with many famous ice creatures. It is really a treasure. place.”

Like many experts in Hai Chao Ling, Pavlov began to talk about professional issues.

“According to the Institute of Marine Biology, the long-term research conducted in several temporary settlements of ice seals such as’Leather Boot Island’ and’Sea Leopard Island’ shows that the social form of ice seals is a peculiar matriarchal society… -10 female ice seals and no more than 20 female ice seals form a community. They will hunt together, nurture their cubs, and fend off enemies together. This unique behavior greatly guarantees the survival rate of cubs…”

“Adult male ice seals prefer to be alone. They only gather in groups during the courtship season and fight desperately to compete for the female ice seal colony… Well, Mian Xia once did one on’Leather Boot Island’. It is inferred that when the storm season is about to end, the ice seals will return to the permafrost from their breeding grounds… Now it seems that Mian’s conclusion is completely correct…”

“The ice seals gathered here must be waiting for the fish to dive into the deep sea and return to the shallow sea area… Although the marine fish that has just returned from the deep sea are relatively thin, they are slow to respond and are easier to hunt. Missing this window is not only difficult to hunt. With the increase, the competition has also greatly increased…It must be admitted that the ice seals are really a group of smart guys…”

Timothy and Patrick, the two Northland guides, looked at each other with puzzled faces.

Hey, these extraordinary sirs, it’s really weird… They don’t want to cultivate magical powers and improve combat effectiveness. Why should they study these inexplicable knowledge?

Pavlov looked around for a while, fixed his eyes on a higher snow hill, paddling his skis to the top of the snow hill, and looked out at the distant ice.

Then this guy said in surprise:

“Oh, guys, guess what, what did I see?”

“More ice seals, right?”

Another transcendent smiled back.


Pavlov snapped his fingers, his voice blatantly excited:

“That’s right, Lord Dagamar, I saw more ice seals on the ice sheet farther away. The total number should be no less than 150,000… I can almost conclude that the reason why they are waiting here is absolutely certain. For some reason… I personally guess that once the storm season is over, a warm current is very likely to appear in the nearby waters.”

“At that time, the ice tens of kilometers ahead will quickly melt, and the warm current will also bring a lot of nutrients on the bottom of the sea, attracting huge numbers of fish… that is to say, in the non-storm season, it will become a giant fishing ground… …”

The two northern turtles were stunned.

The **** of ice and snow is above, this weird lord, looking at the top of the snow hill for a while, how can he see that a warm current will be born here and a fishing ground will appear? It’s unimaginable…

Although they don’t understand the strange and weird words of His Excellency Pavlov, they instinctively feel that what the other party said is likely to be a fact.

This also made the two more confused.

Are these weird learnings really useful?


Renault couldn’t help but slapped his hands and praised:

“It’s a wonderful argument…Although there is no evidence at present, I feel intuitively that Pavlov’s judgment is completely correct. The scale of this fishing ground must be surprisingly large…”

“Xiamen, thank you for your compliment!”

Pavlov bowed and saluted, and said:

“The other purpose of your trip is to look for ice monsters. I think now is a very good opportunity… The number of this group of ice seals is so huge, there is a 95% probability that there will be a monster ice seal… according to me As we all know, ice seals are a very group-conscious creature. They do not welcome other species to enter their territory, especially male ice seals, which are quite aggressive.”

“You only need to ask Miss Adanis to release the unique breath of Warcraft. If there is a Warcraft-class ice seal nearby, it will definitely respond and try to drive away the enemy…”

Renault nodded slightly:

“This sounds like a good idea!”

The ice seals a few kilometers away seemed to have noticed this group of uninvited guests.

There was an obvious commotion in the ice seal colony closest to the scientific expedition team. More than 30 ice seals got out of the group and started to approach the team members.

One of the team members glanced at these unkind ice seals, and suddenly smiled and said:

“Hey, do you guys think that they look like our magical sled cars when they lie on the snow?”

This sentence caused a burst of laughter.

“That’s right…”

“Oleg, I agree with you…”

The ice seal, which is good at the power of ice elements, moves in a very strange way.

Their chubby belly is close to the snow, and their 2 flippers are constantly pulling and pulling the snow, and there are mana fluctuations in their bodies, controlling the swelling of ice and snow behind them, pushing their bodies forward. The two ways work together to make them slide The speed exceeds 20 meters per second, no slower than the speed of the sled.

The body length of the ice seal is generally more than 5 meters, lying on the ground, it appears to be high in the middle and low on the sides, like a sled car that is galloping.

“Wow, it’s incredible… These big guys seem to know how to score and attack, and they plan to outflank us…”

A team member cried out in surprise.

The ice seals in the distance were scattered into three groups, the middle group slid towards the scientific expedition team, and the other two groups came around from the left and right wings respectively.

“Hululu… Hululu…”

Adanis snored uncomfortably.

It opened its legs briskly and walked a few steps forward, leaving a deep paw mark with each step, and the powerful aura unique to the beast burst out from the body.

The ice seals were suddenly terrified.

“Uh oh… uh oh…”

They screamed in panic, and collectively came to a 180-degree sharp turn, using a pair of flippers to pull the snow wildly, and their sliding speed was three points faster than before.


Adanis snorted and raised her neck proudly, but she did not pursue it, but watched the ice seals escape.

It remembers that the owner said that the boss must look like a boss, attacking the miscellaneous fish soldiers at will, and will only surrender its status.

After a few breaths, Feitian cat suddenly deflected the cat’s head and looked to the right in a certain direction.

At this moment, everyone felt an extremely violent breath at the same time, mixed with monstrous anger and a kind of coldness.

The two northern soil turtles seemed to be stared at by a prehistoric monster, their bodies shivering uncontrollably, a lot of cold sweat gushing out of their vests, and their legs were as soft as noodles.

The transcendents in the team also felt uncomfortable and short of breath.

Three foolish dogs shrank behind Renault with a “whoop”.


The Feitian cat snored with a particularly deep snoring. It felt a strong threat, and its hair exploded all at once, and it instantly became “fat” in a circle.

This look is very cute, quite like a large plush toy.

Renault couldn’t help but slapped a cat’s head and said with a smile:

“Aini, this is a high-level monster, it seems that it is only a thin line away from the Profound Level…You are not its opponent now, let me take the shot.”

As soon as the word “Bar” fell, the sharp air current whistling sound suddenly sounded.


A gust of wind rolled around everyone.

Renault’s figure disappeared instantly.

An extremely majestic and mighty wave of magical energy descended on this vast wilderness.

“Gosh, look at the sky…”

Schneider screamed out of voice.

All the people (beasts) all looked up.

I saw a huge airspace with an area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers, suddenly a faint red, and the color rapidly deepened, until it became extremely red, redder than the most brilliant sunset.

The breath pervading the air became more severe and magnificent, like a **** descending to the world.


The next moment, the sky is burning!

No, this is not burning!

It was the howling cold wind that instantly turned into a fierce flame, flowing like the wind and spreading to the sky.

This is the latest powerful method that Renault has mastered, and it is also above the profound meaning and dominates the following skills-[Elemental Transformation]!

At the same time, a voice full of infinite majesty resounded through this snowy field.

“Surrender, or, die!”

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