Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 883

Chapter 874 Vanity killed the seal


The stern cold wind echoed endlessly over the ever-frozen snowfield.

Here is more than 500 kilometers deep in the snowy field, and the temperature has dropped to a terrible minus 50 degrees.

The surroundings were all white, and it was surprisingly flat, and there were hardly any undulations on the ground.

This is exactly how the air current shapes the terrain.

The gust of wind on the snowy field, like a severe obsessive-compulsive patient, persistently “sands” any protruding part until it is “smoothed”.

Looking around, within a radius of tens of kilometers, only a few stubborn pinnacles can be seen standing upright alone.

However, it is completely predictable that they will not last too long. After tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, these pinnacles will be cut off inch by inch, and finally disappear permanently on the permafrost.

“Smack… Smack… Smack… Smack…”

Accompanied by the rhythmic sound, a huge monster is moving fast in the snowy field.

It uses a pair of thick foot fins, like a paddling water, constantly swinging on the snow, the ice and snow behind it automatically bulge, pushing its body to slide forward.

On the back of the giant beast, a long string of figures were sitting on it, followed by a magic sled.

“Oh, Mr. Eshill’s speed is really fast. If it weren’t to take care of the sled car, it could be faster. Maybe 40m/s is not a problem… I must say, “Invite” Its decision to join the scientific expedition team is really wise!”

High-level Magician Adriano, feeling the slight ups and downs under his butt, said with admiration on his face.

“With the help of Mr. Eshill, the team’s forward speed has been accelerated by at least twice… You don’t have to brave the wind to drive, and save your energy.”

Schneider, the chief steward of the scientific expedition team, took the conversation:

“Yes, when Mr.’Eshill’ is sliding on the snow, it seems to be smoother than a sled, and the ride comfort is higher… However, I hope Mr.’Eshill’ will not be offensive. I have absolutely nothing to do with it. Any disrespectful meaning.”

In the communication channel, another voice with envy sounded:

“Hey, buddy, if you feel worried about offense, you can come and drive the sled…I am willing to take your place at the risk of offending the Warcraft Ice Seal, do you think about it?”

Schneider rejected the other party’s proposal without thinking about it:

“Your Excellency Morata, I don’t think it’s anymore… In the morning draw, since you won the’sleigh driving’ lottery, please fulfill your duties… The lottery can be regarded as a kind of contract, respect The spirit of contract is a virtue.”

Among all the members of this team, only two Northland guides, Timothy and Patrick, were truly trembling.

The “offense” in other populations is more of a ridicule.

After all, their strength has reached an extraordinary level, and they are still in contact with big fat dogs every day, and they often feed and slap their hair on the “Ice Dogs” who have been promoted to Warcraft. It is really difficult to feel nervous about Warcraft.

The two northern turtles are different.

The two of them never dreamed that one day they could actually travel in a World of Warcraft.

Earlier, when Renault asked everyone to climb to the back of Warcraft and carried forward by it, the legs of both of them were frightened and weakened as a result of their frights and horrified lives in the middle of nowhere. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????================================================

Especially Patrick.

When he climbed up on the body of Warcraft, he almost fell off because of his soft hands. If Schneider hadn’t helped him in time, he would have been embarrassed.

Half an hour later, the team traveled more than 40 kilometers and arrived at a certain “ice element gathering belt.”

“My Excellency Three Stupid, please ask Mr.’Eshill’ to make a circle within 500 meters of the distant mountain peak. I need to observe the energy index of the ice element here…”

Adriano touched a handful of hair on Sansang’s neck and said affectionately.


San Shao nodded the dog’s head, and conveyed the message to the Warcraft Ice Seal through the strange thing [The Ring of Beast Language]. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The giant beast said “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh andhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhouth

It seems that due to character reasons, the big fat dog has a strong affinity, and when the boy gets along with any creatures, he can always get along with each other happily.

Adanis’ temperament is relatively cold, except for Renault, Miss Archon and other people, it will hardly take the initiative to get close to others, let alone allow others to slap her hair.

Adriano picked up the crystal screen of the detector and stared closely at the constantly changing index.

After this lap, the magician said disappointedly:

“Under the crown, the highest index of this node is only 2450 points, which is a big gap from the 2800 points required to form a vein…”

Renault pondered for a moment, then replied:

“Choose a few places, let’Esshill’ dig a bit, maybe you can find something…By the way, verify the’Ray-Alpine Element Law’…”


The magician hurriedly responded, turned his head and shouted:

“Everyone, Mr.’Eshill’ is going to work, please leave here temporarily…”

A group of people jumped down from the back of Warcraft, found a corner to build a snow wall to block the howling cold wind, and watched the work of Warcraft enthusiastically.

There are only the hard-pressed ice seals. There is no free time at all, when they are on the road, they are used as mounts, and when they stop, they have to be busy digging holes. The high-level beasts mixed so badly, it is estimated that there is no second in the whole world.

However, Warcraft seems to have gotten used to it.

Without Sansha’s translation, it consciously slid to a marking point left by the magician, raised its right fin, and slapped it fiercely. At the same time, vigorous waves of magic energy surged in its body.


An icicle nearly 4 meters thick quickly emerged from the snow, and in a flash, it grew 20 meters high.

The Warcraft continued to input magic energy, and the longer the icicle grew, it reached an amazing height of 50 meters after 2 seconds.

It arched the icicle with its head, and only heard a “click”. The giant icicle broke all at once, first tilted slowly, then accelerated downward, and finally slammed heavily on the snow.


With a loud noise, countless snow dust rose up and the snowy ground vibrated strongly.

This shocking scene made a group of extraordinary people who eat melons admire again and again.

“Tsk tsk, it’s really Mr.’Eshill’, if it’s me, it’s absolutely impossible to do this…”

“Oh, the efficiency of Mr.’Eshill’ is much higher than that of the Magic Drill…”

Interestingly, despite the language barriers between the two sides, this does not seem to prevent the ice seals from feeling the praise of the “two-legged beasts”.

This guy got his energy, and accelerated to the second marking point. Following the same method, he used the force of the ice element to create a second icicle.

Then came the third, fourth, and eighth.

It took less than 30 seconds for the ice seal to complete all this, and the speed is not unpleasant.


“too fast……”

The audience cheered.

“Uh oh… uh oh…”

WoW suddenly supported the ground with a pair of foot fins, raised his round head, opened his mouth and roared, and he could hear a hint of pride in his voice.

Renault touched his chin and couldn’t help sighing:

“Vanity killed the seal…”

He thought for a while and waved to the “Ice Dog” three foolishly:

“You tell this stupid seal, if it is willing to work for me, I can help it to be promoted to the upright rank!”

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