Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 885

Chapter 876 Thanos Hand

“Bang! Bang!”

The Ice Seal of Warcraft, Ashill, raised a pair of foot fins and slapped the snow hard, pouring the force of an ice element into it.

The ice and snow surged like waves, and suddenly a large snow pit with a width of more than 10 meters and a depth of 8 meters appeared on the ground.

The giant beast “hummed” a few times, climbed a few steps forward, and its huge body slid into the bottom of the pit, and began to fight hard again.

Everyone only felt the endless bulging of magical energy fluctuations, and a long “bulge” suddenly swelled up in the snow, with a slight tremor underneath, and the “bulge” quickly extended forward, farther and farther, and the same was true for the vibration.

After just 1 minute, the “bulge” had grown to more than 200 meters away, and the tremor passed from it became so slight that it was almost invisible.

A dozen curious team members walked to the edge of the snow pit and slid down a **** specially created by the giant beast.

What appeared in front of everyone was a spacious and straight semi-circular channel, and the ice wall was flat and smooth, and no rough edges and corners could be seen.

A sigh of admiration rang out immediately.

“Oh, this tunnel is at least 6 meters wide, and the ground is flatter than I expected. When sliding on a snowboard, the resistance I feel is very small…”

“I have to say that Mr. Eshill is really a big smart guy…With this tunnel, no matter how violent the snowstorm outside, the scientific expedition team can continue on their way…”

“I think Mr. Ashill’s strength is even more awe-inspiring… Mr. Ashill said before that it can dig for days and nights in one breath without having to rest in the middle… I can’t believe it, it’s true. Worthy of being a powerful high-level monster…”

“That’s right, if it’s an ordinary ice-type transcendent, even if you want to dig a tunnel, you can only dig a dozen kilometers away, and the magic energy in your body will be exhausted…”

In fact, everyone knows that someone in the team can do this easily and do it faster and better than the Warcraft Ice Seal.

However, who is so tired of life and dare to let the number one man in humans dig hard like coolies?

So everyone carefully avoided this topic.

At this time, Morata, the ice supernatural being responsible for driving the magic sledge car, shouted with a strong dissatisfaction tone:

“Hey, guys, let’s come a few people to help… This **** is too steep, at least 45 degrees, and the sled has a weight of more than 20 tons. I can’t drive this thing safely into the tunnel alone.”

He whispered again:

“It’s really a bunch of selfish guys, or the dear Three Silly Lords, the most caring, seeing me alone guarding the sled, always insisting on staying with me…”

“Ooo! Ooo!”

The three silly screamed happily, and took the initiative to take the furry head and wiped it against Morata’s back, making the brawny man narrow his eyes with a smile.

Standing next to the tunnel, Renault glanced at the “Ice Dog” who had become habitually selling cute again, and shook his head speechlessly.

Where is this guy like a powerful warcraft? It’s just the silly dog ​​raised by the neighbor next door!

This dog thing, simply lost the face of all World Warcraft.

“Let me do it!”

Renault said lightly and beckoned to the sled.

The sled truck rose from the ground, drew an arc in the air, and landed on the bottom of the snow pit with a “bang” sound.

Morata hurriedly bowed to Renault:

“Oh, Mianxia, ​​thank you very much for your assistance!”

Renault waved his hand and shouted:

“All enter the tunnel, and rest for half an hour after every 100 kilometers.”

“In addition, Adriano, I need you to always pay attention to the ‘detector’, pay attention to the nearby ‘ice element gathering zone’, and let Eshill adjust the direction according to the reading of the energy index!”


A group of people entered the tunnel one after another.

Renault was the last one to enter, and after landing, he glanced back at the snow pit. A large swath of ice and snow suddenly flowed like water, filling the snow pit in an instant, instantly isolating the cold wind that poured into the tunnel.

As expected by Timothy of the Northland Turtle, a terrifying large-scale snowstorm fell on the permafrost after half a day.

“woo woo woo woo……”

This is the roaring sound of a storm, which can be clearly heard even through a layer of ice over 8 meters thick.


This is dense hail, snowflakes, and the sound of falling ice, which is so dense that it is frightening. Sometimes the ice surface above everyone’s head is even slightly shaking, which always makes people worry, and it will collapse in the next moment.

The terrible heavenly might from nature made the atmosphere in the scientific expedition team a little dull. Many of the team members looked up at the ice from time to time as they walked on the road.

Only the Ice Seal of Warcraft, Assil, seemed to be tireless, still digging holes in the front of the tunnel.

Compared with the day before, its speed has not been reduced at all, which shows its diligence in work and correct attitude. It is definitely not an exaggeration to use the word “model worker”.

Of course, anyone who is not a fool understands that this is by no means because Eshill is a “good employee” who loves labor.

But because of the powerful deterrence under a certain crown, and the “carrot” hanging in front of the monsters.

Do not.

Not a carrot, but a huge mountain made up of countless carrots.

“Oh, it’s so comfortable to drive in the tunnel. There is no endless cold wind, which makes me feel that the surrounding temperature seems to be a little higher.”

The deputy leader of the scientific expedition team, Schneider, looked at the huge back of the Warcraft Ice Seal, and said with a smile:

“Xiamen, it seems that the temptation of ‘Promoted Upright’ is unimaginably attractive to Esshir… It only digs the tunnel so seriously in order to please you.”


Adanis snored and agreed.

Renault smiled slightly:

“It’s not just Ethhill’s desire for Upanishad, but also because this cowardly ice seal is very worried that I will try to help it get promoted, and deliberately let it fail the promotion… Hmph, it’s really gloomy. Guys, how can I deliberately toss it with a deliberate heart? Instead of doing this, I might as well squeeze it to death…”

Hearing that Lord Lord actually described a high-level beast as “cowardly and timid”, Schneider couldn’t help showing a weird look.

Renault looked at his flying cat again and praised:

“Among so many Warcraft I have seen, my Adanis is still the bravest and fearless!”

“Hululu… Hululu…”

The big cat was very happy, and a pair of cat eyes narrowed unconsciously.

Renault habitually slapped a cat’s head with an excellent handle, and said:

“However, Ashill is indeed a capable guy, and it plays a bigger role than I expected… After finding the vein of the ice elemental stone, we can ask Ashill to dig an underground that leads from the vein to the sea. Channel, the future transportation work will not be affected by bad weather.”

Schneider’s eyes lit up and he praised:

“Under the crown, this is a great idea, and it is also the safest transportation solution. Don’t worry about the frequent snowstorms on the ice sheet, let alone the more terrifying’extreme freezing storm’… Especially the latter, in case of transportation. If the team encounters it, it’s probably not impossible that the entire army is annihilated.”

“Well, in order to ensure the stability of the passage, we’d better use low-temperature resistant metal in certain weak areas, build a batch of metal pipes, and lay them inside the passage… Then let Eshill patrol regularly to reinforce the deformation or crack. The ice…”

Renault nodded and threw the “pot” to his subordinates:

“Yes, you have considered very carefully, then you will be responsible for the construction of the transportation channel in the future!”


Schneider responded loudly.

Renault moved, rose off the ground, landed on the top of the shelf of the sled, pulled out a stack of paper, and began to read carefully.

This is an important document sent by the head of the Rune Research Institute, Seth, through the remote communication system.

“…Lord, recently, the rune researcher has conducted a large-scale research on the prehistoric “Shen Cannon” ruins… We have built a batch of special pods that can withstand extremely low temperatures and put them in the ice peak. At the bottom of the crack in the valley, using the’magic energy holographic scanner’, all the magic patterns on the magic metal monument are recorded…”

“According to our preliminary research, the 13 huge monuments at the bottom of the crack together form an’Elemental Energy Array’. It should be able to gather ice elements within a radius of at least 5,000 square kilometers as the energy source for the’Prehistoric Destroyer Cannon’… This is exactly in line with your guess…”

“And the’heat-death plan’ that has been stagnant for a long time in the territory lacks a similar super-high-level’energy supply system’… I have a strong hunch that the’elemental energy array’ of prehistoric magic civilization will bring it to We have a huge surprise. We can learn from its design and create a’rune energy gathering system’ that is more suitable for the modern magic environment, and finally solve the energy problem of the’heat death plan’…”

Seeing this, Renault’s face showed a hint of excitement.

“In addition, when analyzing the prehistoric submarine, which is the’control center’ of the’Deshen Cannon’, the magician team made a major discovery. Among them, several control crystal monuments can be activated without causing fear. The annihilation of magical energy of’s is really unbelievable… According to the results of many experiments, their function seems to be related to’remote energy transmission’ and’remote control’, which directly complements the other two pieces of the’heat death plan’ The missing puzzle…”

“Of course, whether it is the’energy supply system’, or the’energy transmission system’ and the’remote control system’, everything must be redesigned from beginning to end. It is impossible to copy the design of a prehistoric magician… but it is very important. Design ideas, the development progress of the’The Heat Death Project’ will be greatly accelerated… Maybe within 2-3 years, we will have our own’Landmark Super Weapon’, which will be named by you as the’Hand of Thanos’ The super annihilation ray weapon…”

“What excites me most is that the power of Thanos Hand will be greater than that of the prehistoric Thanos Cannon, and its energy utilization rate will far exceed the latter… The Thanos Hand is designed by yourself. The hand’s core weapon system is amazingly perfect. The entire Rune Research Institute does not know how many times it has studied it. Each time it has new gains, it also gives us a deeper understanding of runes…including all Gao No one, including the rank rune magician, has the ability to improve it, even the smallest corner…”

The corner of Renault’s mouth couldn’t help but opened a radian.

Hmph, the core rune group of “The Hand of Thanos” comes from the [Thermal Death] skill of [Second Law of Thermodynamics]. Make the slightest change.

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