Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 899

Chapter 890 The Church of the Father has fallen

“Start the airdrop!”

With a loud roar in the communication channel, four Silver Goose transport planes hovering in the outer airspace of Guangming Shenshan immediately flew to different corners of the city.

Inside one of the transport planes, the officer in charge of the airdrop was yelling non-stop.

“Activate the magic motive, put down the hatch…”

“Move those big guys over and put them on the temporarily installed rails…”

“Be sure to remember to handle with care when carrying, so as not to damage the guide rail and affect the throwing…”

A group of crew members wearing tight airtight protective suits and carrying jetpacks are running frantically around the cabin.

Before 10 seconds, everyone was nervous, lest a legendary “Father’s Light” sprang up on the ground and shot down the transport plane, but after getting busy, everyone felt no fear anymore.

“Om… Om…”

The turning of the magic motive sounded, the hatch was lowered little by little, and the cold wind poured in from the gap in an instant, and it became bigger and bigger.

Four heavy silver-white cylindrical containers were carried by a group of crew members and placed neatly on two guide rails.

“Mr. Campbell, please activate them…”

A magician immediately walked to the first metal container, stretched out his left hand to hold down a rune square plate inlaid on the surface of the metal container, and quickly clicked on the adjacent rune square plate with his right hand.

The faint blue light lit up the entire rune square.


The metal container suddenly shook, and a disk about half a meter in diameter suddenly bounced from the top of the container.

An extremely dangerous aura immediately diffused out of the container, as if there was a monster who wanted to eat it. Anyone with a magic power level above the awakening level could clearly feel this.

“Unlocked, ready to throw!”

The magician seemed to be electrocuted, and quickly retracted his hand, and stepped back again and again, wishing to get away from the metal container as far as possible.

The officer personally walked forward, pushing the metal container vigorously, and hurriedly urged:

“Horst, Massimo, come and help the man, let’s push this thing out…Rafaela, you pull up the ‘stopper’ on the front of the rail…Hurry up…”

Several crew members rushed up, some maneuvering the guide rails and some pushing metal containers.


The metal container rubbed against the guide rail and made a harsh sound. When it was pushed to the end, it banged into the completely lowered hatch, rolled a few times, and fell into the city below.

The commander let out a sigh of relief and waved his hand:


Hekiz sat in the back seat of a silver kite and watched several transport planes circling the edge of the city. Silver drums fell from the cabin one after another. He couldn’t help but curiously asked:

“Hey, Gilch, do you know what the transport plane dropped?”

Sitting in the front seat, Gilki skillfully controlled the fighter to roll around, and answered casually:

“Man, I don’t know more than you… Captain Metro just said that these ghosts are very dangerous, and the farther away they are, the better… It seems that their secrecy levels are very high. Maybe the Captain doesn’t know what they are. .”

“Well, maybe we can figure it out later…”

Hekiz shrugged his shoulders, his eyes still following a metal drum until it hit a tall building and smashed the roof into a big hole.

A group of panicked little black spots emerged from the inside of the building, and this scene made Hekichi’s mouth grin.

Until all the more than 10 metal drums were dropped and all the transport aircraft began to lift up collectively, the situation most worried about by the fleet never happened.

Hekki smiled and said:

“It seems that the silver geese have good luck, and the **** clubs of the church do not intend to deal with precious and extraordinary things…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly cried out in surprise

“What’s wrong…”

I saw large areas of small black spots in the entire city below, swarming out of buildings and underground air-raid shelters, rushing towards the outside of the city.

Gilch stared at the bottom for a few times, and his curiosity grew stronger and stronger:

“How do I feel, they seem to be running for their lives… What the **** is the thing that Silver Goose throws?”

“Di! Di!”

Suddenly, the airborne radio rang a few times, and the voice of the commander of the silver kite team and Captain Metro entered the ears of every pilot.

“I order all fighters to immediately lower their altitude to 100 meters, cruise around the periphery of the city, attack the alien monsters… Please be careful not to enter the city center easily, and try to avoid accidentally injuring innocent civilians…”

The words “Alienation Demon” surprised the two of them.

Guangming Shenshan is the nest of the Church of the Father God, how could alienation demons appear inexplicably? And looking at the following situation, the number of alienation demons seems to be surprisingly large, what happened?

However, with good professionalism, Jierqi put down the elevator for the first time and steered the fighter jet down to dive rapidly.


The roar of the engine continued, and the ground building became bigger and bigger in the eyes of the two of them.

The moment a fighter plane passed over a street, the two pilots clearly saw a group of civilians crying and fleeing for their lives, and a few hideous monsters covered in bone spurs, waving their blade-like arms, slashing in the crowd. People were chopped down constantly, and blood and stumps were everywhere.

“I can’t believe it, it’s really an alienation demon!”

Hekki swallowed, with a trace of horror on his face.

“Hey, man, the sir has already spoken, let’s concentrate on our work!”

Jiji quickly adjusted his mentality and began to look around, searching for the alienated demon.

“The few alienated demons were mixed in the crowd just now. Yin Yuan’s’Storm Ripper’ has too much coverage to shoot, we have to find another target…Wow, guess what I saw, it is actually An alienated giant armor…sit down!”

The fighter jet instantly deflected 90 degrees, the tail vector nozzle adjusted an angle, and the fuselage pulled out a steep arc, hurriedly toward the alienated giant armor demon.


The huge alienated giant armor demon, ferociously smashed a carriage parked on the side of the road, and was about to chase down a few civilians in the distance, when suddenly he heard a huge screaming sound from above his head.

It looked up, turned its body without hesitation, and rushed to the tall stone building on the right, trying to hide inside the building to avoid the terrifying fighter plane.

However, the Alienated Troll is too bulky.

It had just run more than 10 meters, and two airborne “Storm Ripper” six-barreled machine guns spun at high speed, spewing a deadly metal storm.


A dense explosion sounded from the surface of the alienated giant armored monster body, and it was instantly shot into a pile of rotten meat by the super-large-caliber machine gun bullets.


The fighters whizzed past and began to chase the next target.

The civilians who had escaped the catastrophe looked at this scene with horror, and they were all speechless.

A group of people stood there for a while, then suddenly dispersed, desperately fleeing outside the city.

The above scenes are everywhere in this city.

However, there are too many alienation demons, and dozens of alienation demons can be seen in any block.

Only a small number of lucky people got the help of Yin Yuan and got rid of the alienation demon in time. Most of the civilians either hid in Tibet or were targeted by the alienation demon and were smashed.

“Oh, that’s so cool!”

Hekiz looked at the alienated demon with only half of its body left, crawling **** the ground, leaving a blood path, and exclaimed:

“Man, guess how long can this alienation demon last?”

Gilki couldn’t help but shook his head:

“I think you are more perverted than Alienation Demon!”

When Hekiz was about to refute, the airborne radio heard the voice of the commander Captain Metro.

“Everyone, I believe many people should have guessed something. Since everyone is a participant in the incident, I can reveal a little bit of information to you… However, please note that what I am going to say next is the level of confidentiality of’S’. confidential.”

“You should have studied the Confidentiality Regulations. If anyone accidentally leaks an’S’ level secret, wait to go to a military court. The lightest punishment will also be 20 years of hard labor. If the consequences of the leak are more serious, not only the leaker I will be executed directly, and the whole family will go to the forced labor camp…”

Speaking of this, Captain Metro increased his tone.

“So, after you leave the Bright Mountain, you all close your mouth tightly and don’t say a word… If you can, it’s better to forget about it!”

Then he began to talk about the causes and consequences of this matter.

“…The 16 objects thrown by the Silver Kite team were actually’coordinates’ that were urgently transported from Odin Island… Lord Lord personally made certain modifications to the’coordinates’ to make them target the Awakened. Release the energy of alienation.”

“The church is trying to coerce the believers of God the Father against Haichao, forcing us to abandon bombing the sacred mountain of light… Lord Lord decided to put in’coordinates’ to create alienation demons on a large scale in order to destroy the foundation of the church.”

“More than half of all the alienated demons you see are monsters transformed from the knights of the Knights of the Holy Light and the Knights Templar… The rest of the alienated demons are other teaching posts in the church. Or the awakened among believers.”

“Hmph, these guys deliberately mixed among the believers, this time they just happened to be all over them…”

Metro paused, and his voice became severe.

“Please remember that we will declare to the outside world in a unified manner: The Church of the Father God has fallen, the sacred place of the Holy Mountain of Light, has been polluted into the land of demons, and the knights of the Church of the Father God have also been corrupted into monsters… The main purpose of the Haichao Air Force’s emergency visit to Guangming Shenshan is to save innocent civilians from the hands of alienated demons!”

“Hey, the believers of God the Father, have witnessed this scene with their own eyes, and now they should have clearly recognized what the real faces of the knights under the Father God are… plus the death of so many believers this time, I am afraid it will be a fluke. The surviving believers will definitely hate the church. No matter how the church explains, no one will believe them anymore.”

“Okay, I’m done, everyone, please continue to hunt the alienation demon… After 20 minutes, the silver kite team will return on time… Don’t worry that the alienation demon of the Bright Mountain is left alone, there will be more troops coming by then. Encircle them…”

All the pilots were dumbfounded by these words.

After a while, the Wizards of Gil couldn’t help but sigh:

“Oh my God, Lord Lord is really too overcast… awesome…”

He originally wanted to say “too insidious”, but in order to avoid being disrespectful to the lord, he quickly changed his words to “too powerful”.

Hekiz, who was sitting in the passenger seat, nodded with deep approval:

“Who said no? The Church of the Father God provokes Lord Lord, this is definitely the most serious mistake they have committed!”

After the silver kite fighter went deep into the city a little bit, Gilki saw a large number of corpses scattered across the streets, including the old and the weak, as well as women and children.

In some places, the corpses were piled on top of each other, and the blood flowed out almost into a stream, looking terrifying.

Gilki sighed unbearably:

“Oh my god, this is so miserable… what a poor group of people!”

Hekiz shrugged his shoulders and replied:

“No, I don’t think they are pitiful at all… The Air Force has warned this group of believers before that they dare to stay in the Bright Mountain… Hmph, everyone must be responsible for their choice!”

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