Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 901

Chapter 892 Hey, is it so funny?


An extraordinary earth-type person slammed into a faculty member with a fit fit, and instantly hit him with blood spurting out of his mouth, his chest collapsed, and he flew out upside down.


A knight laughed wildly and swung a sword, cut off a colleague’s arm, and then skillfully pierced the opponent’s throat.

After a while, he saw countless figures pouring toward him again, with countless swords held up high, trying to slash.

The knight danced his epee wildly in horror, trying to block the tumultuous attack.

However, the expected attack did not come, and the movement in his hand was involuntarily slowed down.


Countless fireballs lit up the entire “mirror world”. The knight was startled and began to wield the heavy sword again.


The fireball landed in another corner of the auditorium, bursting into large flames, swallowing 4 knights and 2 faculty members, and creating several new dead souls.

Several ice mirrors were melted by the high temperature, and the number of people in the mirrors was reduced, but compared to the almost infinite astronomical number, this tiny change is almost indistinguishable.

“Stop! Stop everything for me…”

The grand pope roared hoarsely, trying to stop the chaos.

However, no one listened to him.

Pandora’s box has been opened, and everything will irreversibly slide into the abyss.

This is the most typical “Prisoner’s Dilemma”. As long as one person can’t stop, then others dare not stop, otherwise others will hold a sharp blade and be slaughtered by their necks. What is this not being a stupid?

There is only one way to solve the problem, and that is-kill them all!

But what would the Pope do?

The answer is self-evident.

“Renault, what’s wrong with these people? Why do they kill each other?”

The creator of the “Mirror World”, the Eskimo, turned into a very light cloud, floating under the dome of the auditorium, and asked suspiciously:

The life form of Eskimo is very different from that of human beings.

It has no “eyes” in the physiological sense at all, and does not observe the outside world through light. It only sees a group of crazy humans, drawing knives and hacking each other, even if they are seriously injured.

This is beyond its understanding.

“They are crazy!”

Wearing a magic color invisibility suit, Renault, in an invisible form, gave the most standard answer.

As a “half-step master”, he can control the vibration of air molecules with strong mental power to avoid the sound from spreading out, so he can speak without scruples, and does not need to lower his voice.


Eskimo was not satisfied with this answer, and didn’t know what he was thinking.

Renault thought for a while and began to praise the power of this prehistoric law:

“Eskimo, you have done a great job. Thanks to your help, I can easily solve the miscellaneous fish in the church… By the way, the ice mirror was partially broken by the enemy. Let’s add a little ice mirror…”


The Eskimo replied happily.

More ice mirrors condensed silently, and the number was more than before, and the “battle situation” in the auditorium became more intense.

In the whole process, Renault didn’t feel the slightest wave of mana energy, and there were no ripples in the sea of ​​mana energy.

This made him deeply aware of how abnormal the power of the law is.

Although the power of the Eskimo is not strong, its understanding of the nature of power, or the level of power, is surprisingly high.

Renault couldn’t help muttering:

“It seems that the skill deduced by “The Book of Thermodynamics” is not the real power of the law, but a certain manifestation of the power of the law. Its power nature is higher than the profound meaning, but it seems to be lower than the master…”

“It’s impossible to truly master the power of the law in the ranks of Profound meaning… Is it possible to come into contact with the mystery of the power of the law only when you reach the legendary ruler rank…”

This is a highly likely guess.

Otherwise, a few years ago, when Renault first encountered the dominance, it would be impossible to be tortured without fighting back.

In the soul space, the eternally silent “Book of Thermodynamics”, a corner of the book, is fleeting.

“Under Garfield’s crown, smash these **** mirrors, don’t mind accidentally hurting them!”

The Grand Pope couldn’t stand it anymore and roared angrily.

The Crown of Holy Flame nodded blankly, took out a small light blue jade hook from his arms and waved it lightly.

The vigorous magical energy fluctuations bloomed in an instant, and countless wind cyclones condensed and turned into countless “wind stingers”, bursting in all directions.

This is actually a rare wind element supernatural thing.

“Swish swish… swish swish…”

“Boom boom boom… boom boom boom…”

Everything around, whether it’s the ice mirror, the ground or the wall, instantly has dense small holes on the surface.

The knights and faculty members who were fighting frantically fell down in blood.

The ice mirrors were all shattered, and the scene in the auditorium was revealed again. The original clean ground was covered with blood stains, overlapping corpses, and broken ice.

After this round of attacks, except for the two Upanishads, there was no more living person in the auditorium.

The others are all dead!

Strictly speaking, there are more people killed by the crown of holy flames than those killed by cannibalism!

All this fully shows how powerful the extraordinary things are.

“Under the crown of God of War, come out!”

The great pope roared and quietly held the holy light scepter hidden in his robe with his right hand.

Renault made a gesture to the Eskimo and whispered:

“Make an ice mirror!”

Countless ice mirrors congealed out again, and the “mirror world” reappeared.

The Crown of Holy Flame let out an annoyed “hum”, and when he was about to activate the extraordinary thing to clear the ice mirror, a single figure, no, should be countless figures, suddenly appeared in the “mirror world”.

“Under the crown of the God of War!”

The two Upanishads cried at the same time, their voices extremely solemn.

A sharp look flashed in the eyes of the Grand Pope:

“Under Garfield’s crown, clear the ice mirror!”

He was ready. Once the ice mirror disappeared, the figure under the crown of the **** of war was revealed again, and he immediately used “Father’s Wrath” to destroy this terrifying enemy in one fell swoop.

“Swish swish… swish swish…”

“Wind Sting Needles” flew all over the sky, sweeping away tens of thousands of ice mirrors.

A small figure is hanging in the air more than 100 meters away. His hands are open, and his left and right palms are holding a group of blazing flames and a ball of ice.

“Huh! Huh!”

In the next moment, the ball of flame and the ball of ice turned into “the dragon of flames” and “the dragon of ice flames” respectively, whizzing through the sky and hitting the Pope and the crown of holy flames.

The Grand Pope suddenly raised his skinny left hand, and a strange wave of magic energy erupted from the palm of his hand.

To be precise, it broke out from a black stone bead.

The air was like the surface of water, with faint ripples, and the ripples expanded rapidly, instantly forming a sphere with a diameter of more than 10 meters, enveloping the two of them.

This is surprisingly the ability of a certain space system.

In other words, the black stone beads held by the Pope are actually extraordinary objects, and they are extremely rare space-based extraordinary objects.

When the flame ball and ice ball hit the “Ripple Ball”, they suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if they were swallowed by some invisible behemoth.

These two attacks were directed into the subspace.

“Under the crown of God of War, go to hell!”

The great pope exhausted all his strength and roared, and at the same time inspired the most extraordinary creature in the human world, the scepter of light, hidden in his sleeves.

A beam of light, extremely bright and extremely bright, emerged from the cuffs of the Pope and rushed straight into the sky.

If you play it back in ten thousand times slow motion, you can see that at this moment, the sleeves of the Pope collapsed into countless elementary particles, and then the elementary particles also disappeared.

This is annihilation!

Renault on the other side was overwhelmed by the beam of light before he could move.

Then the beam of light hit the dome of the Holy Light Cathedral, annihilating a piece of construction material, and shooting high towards the sky.

At the same time, an extremely strong wave of magic energy swept across an area of ​​10 kilometers, and huge waves were set off in the sea of ​​magic energy.

All the surviving civilians were trembling with terror and slumped to the ground.

The awakened person performed slightly better, but he also felt out of breath, his hands and feet became soft, and his heartbeat became extremely rapid.

The transcendent felt that the operation of transcendental power had stopped for a very short moment.

The transport aircraft and fighter jets in the sky were also affected. All pilots noticed that the output power of their engines had unexpectedly dropped by 10%.

After the light disappeared, the Pope looked at Renault’s location for the first time.

In the same place, there was no one.

“Hahahaha, the God of War was killed by my ‘Father’s Wrath’…The Church of the Father’s God will surely return to its peak and rule the entire human world…Haha…”

The grand pope’s facial muscles were distorted with joy, his expression looked terrifying.

He smiled, and suddenly felt something different behind him, and hurriedly looked back.

A silent voice came into the ears of the Pope.

“Hey, is it so funny?”

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