Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 903

Chapter 894 The death of the church

Half an hour later, a huge fleet of more than 200 silver kite fighters and more than 30 silver goose transport planes flew over Guangming Shenshan.

Their mission is not only to eliminate the large number of alienated demons entrenched here, but also to destroy this religious sacred place.

The Church of God the Father must die!

The sacred mountain of light must also disappear from the world!

This is exactly a certain Mian’s usual style of doing things-to cut the grass to get rid of the roots.

The commander of the fleet, Major General Grum, the commander of the air force, looked down at the messy city below with indifferent eyes, and gave a light command:

“Drop a bomb!”


A response sound came from the communication channel immediately.

“Whirring whirring……”

The roar of large jet engines swept across this huge airspace like a huge tide, and more than 100 silver kite fighters left the array and flew to the outskirts of the city.

In this mission, all the silver kite fighters were loaded with as many bombs as possible, and they all reached full load. At a glance, under the pylons on both sides of the wings, dense black spheres were hung.

When the altitude dropped to about 500 meters, the pilots began to drop bombs.


Hundreds of “flaming preserved eggs” left the wing pylons one after another and fell like dense raindrops.


Hundreds of blazing flames bloom collectively on the ground, forming a giant “ring of flames” with a diameter of up to 8 kilometers, enclosing the mountain of light.

The destruction begins!

The commander of the Yinyuan Unit issued an order in due course:

“Start the second round of bombing!”

The silver kites lined up in a circle, flying around the Guangming Shenshan at low speed while dropping a string of bombs.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

More flowers of flame rose slowly, and the numerous gaps in the “ring of flame” were gradually closed by the rising flames.

According to the scheduled plan, the fleet will first bomb the outer areas, drive the alienation demons to the center of the city, and then use the more powerful “flaming duck eggs” to bomb them.

This bombing tactic has been used in the “Bronze Forge” of the White Antelope Kingdom. It has proven to be an extremely effective bombing tactic, and its killing effect on Alien Demons is extremely significant.

Later, the Air Force perfected this tactic and gave it an interesting name-mosquito coil bombing!

Some alienation demons did not escape to the center of the city, but escaped through the loopholes in the “ring of flames” to the distant wilderness.

Grumm stared at the small black spots, fled in embarrassment among the ruined walls, sneered, and issued a second command:

“Sniper fleet, kill them for me!”


In addition, more than 100 silver kite fighters, like a group of giant eagles attacking their prey, swooped down quickly to intercept the alienated demons trying to escape.

This is exactly the “mosquito coil bombing” tactic. One of the very important parts is that a sniper fleet must be kept to remove the fish that slipped through the net.

The scene of the silver kite on such a scale, using the “Storm Ripper” six-barreled machine guns, frantically “licking the ground” is enough to be called spectacular.

“woo woo woo woo……”

“woo woo woo woo……”

Accompanied by the screams of death, the alienation demons were shot into flesh and blood by bullets, and fell on the way to flee one after another.

The silver kites’ interception is quite structured. They are not swarms of rushing to shoot, but scattered into three small fleets to form three firepower nets. Any alienated demon who wants to escape into the sky must pass through these three deadly. “The Web of Death”.

Two huge alienated giant armored monsters, with more than 30 alienated monsters, rushed out of the fire from a weak area in the “ring of flame”, and rushed toward a dense forest 5 kilometers away.

This scene was immediately caught by the pilot in the first interception net.


The 4 silver kites lined up in a straight line and flew straight to face the alienated demon. 8 “Storm Ripper” erupted at the same time, spewing out a terrifying firepower net, which just shrouded the monsters.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

A violent rain of bullets swept across the ground, and countless rubble and dust sputtered high, and a cloud of smoke and dust nearly 40 meters wide was seen, which was very visually impactful.

“Oh, it’s so exciting! I really love this guy with six steel pipes. If it weren’t for this thing is too heavy, I really want to sleep with my arms around it every day!”

A pilot exclaimed excitedly.

“Hey, Buster, we don’t mind, you are now crawling to the nose of the aircraft, holding the’Storm Ripper’ for an addiction…”

The other pilot made a joke.

The pilot who was called to be the “Buster” snorted dissatisfiedly:

“Asshole, do you think I’m a fool? The 35mm machine gun bullets pass through the barrel at high speed and rub against the inner wall. The heat generated is enough to heat the barrel to 400 degrees… If I hold the barrel now, absolutely It will become a barbecue.”

There was a burst of cheerful laughter in the channel.

This wave of fire “licked the ground” caused a fatal blow to this group of monsters. Only more than 10 Alien Demons escaped from the range of the smoke and dust belt in horror.

Including the two alienated giant armor monsters, the other monsters stayed forever.

The pilots turned their heads and glanced, instead of turning their directions to sniper the Alien Demons, they continued to move forward, flying around the periphery of the fire field.

The remaining alienation demon escaped more than 30 meters away, and was strafed by two silver kites again. Another 7 alienation demon fell, and there were 6 remaining monsters still alive.

This is just the result of the first interception net.

In the second interception net, they failed to continue their previous good fortune, and they were all beaten to pieces by bullets.

So far, this wave of monsters has been wiped out!

And the above is just a microcosm of the battlefield.

The alienation demon that flees out has to go through nine deaths before there is a glimmer of hope to survive, and the alienation demon that flees inward is almost dead, especially when the silver goose transport plane joins the bombing array.

One by one “flaming duck eggs” weighing hundreds of kilograms fell from the sky, creating a super firework show on a large scale in this sacred place known for the human world.

Every place where the “flaming duck egg” landed, everything within a radius of 500 meters, whether it was a solid stone building, a hideous monster, or a believer who survived, all ushered in the end.

A bunch of giant red mushroom clouds with a height of more than 800 meters suddenly rose from the ground, towering high between the sky and the earth.

The climax of this performance appeared in the 16th minute of the bombing operation.

A full 12 “flaming duck eggs” hit the Holy Light Cathedral, which is famous in the human world, and the large square around the church.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

With several deafening noises and an extremely violent explosion, the majestic Cathedral of the Holy Light collapsed quickly, and was immediately engulfed by flames.

It was the last building to be bombed in the city.

At this moment, it represented the sacred mountain of light, which was completely erased.

This also means that the Church of God the Father, which has been in the human world for more than 2,000 years, has come to an end.

Gurum looked at the skyrocketing flames below, and said with satisfaction:

“Under the crown of the God of War, I don’t want the sign of Bright Mountain to appear on the map. It shouldn’t exist!”

An officer standing behind him echoed:

“Yes, the will under the crown is above everything!”

Gurum nodded and said faintly:

“Then, return home!”


The huge fleet immediately began to gather, whizzing and flying to the distance, leaving only a piece of land with a total area of ​​tens of square kilometers, continuing to suffer in the flames.

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