Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 912

Chapter 903 Historic moment


A large group of silver kite fighters, with 4-6 units as a unit, a team skimmed at high speed from the Uranus-class flying winged monsters, dropping extremely dense ice element bullets.

A large fleet of as many as 36 silver kites attacked the flying wing monsters frantically from all directions and angles, setting off a wave of craze.

“Mitchell, Tinsley, hurry up and turn the’Bingtang Preserved Eggs” into the ‘Detonation in Air’ mode. After 5 seconds, you will drop 3 ‘Bingtang Preserved Eggs’. Remember to detonate them in time…


“The 06 team speeds up, there is a gap on your right side, preventing the flying wing demon from moving to the gap…”

“Mallory, Rockwell, you two are responsible for the fourth round of bombing. The number of bombs is also 3. Don’t detonate early or delay detonation…”


“Please note that the Flying Wing Demon just completed a leap, and the 03 squad should take care to avoid it and don’t let the Flying Wing Demon approach…”

“Jon, Hamm, you are in the fifth round…”

The communication channel is busy, and all kinds of shouts continue to be heard in the ears of every pilot.

In the rain of bullets in the sky, there are often several black spheres, which are the “preserved sugar eggs” in the pilot’s mouth, falling to the vicinity of the Flying Wing Demon, and then bursting with a “boom”.

After the “Bingtang Preserved Egg” burst, what appeared was not a blazing flame, but a terribly low temperature mist.

However, this thing has nothing to do with “sugar”. What it brings to people is not a sweet memory, but a fatal threat.

The reason why it is called “Bingtang preserved egg” is just the evil taste under the crown of a certain person.

As soon as the cold mist appeared, its volume expanded sharply, and it instantly spread to within 30 meters. Then, under the influence of the ice element, countless ice crystals condensed out of thin air, looking like a dream and illusion, beautiful and moving.

No, it should be “frozen people”.

After a short while, more ice crystals continued to appear, condensing into head-sized pieces of ice, the ice cubes grew crazily, and finally turned into giant ice cubes of several meters or even more than ten meters, falling to the ground.

It is conceivable that if you are in the range of cold mist, the end will definitely not be too beautiful.

Even if it is as strong as the Upanishad Wing Demon, facing an attack of this level, he has to use his best efforts and frequently use [Flashing], so that he can barely retreat.

Dozens of silver kites are like a group of flying hounds chasing their prey to a position about 5 kilometers away from the forest.

Captain Collins said loudly:

“Please pay attention to all units. Just before the Flying Wing Demon is about to dive into the forest, we will use the’Bingtang Preserved Eggs’ to carry out the most violent bombardment… According to the plan previously reported in the communication channel, this wave of attacks will Divided into two batches, different batches have different detonation times, which will result in two empty parts.”

At this point, he emphasized his tone and his tone became sonorous and powerful.

“And this is exactly the death trap we left for the Flying Wing Demon!”

“After 30 seconds, officially launch an attack. Success or failure depends on this!”

A neat response sounded from the channel:


As the scenery on the ground became larger and larger, the fleet quietly completed its transformation.

However, due to Yin Kite’s rapid maneuvering all the time, the Flying Wing Demon didn’t notice all of this at all.

When the Flying Wing Demon was only more than 500 meters away from the forest, Captain Collins roared:


“woo woo woo woo……”

All the silver kites fired collectively, and the screaming sound of the air current converged into a huge tide, sweeping the entire nearby airspace.

With the ice element bullets, there are more than 130 “Bingtang preserved eggs.”

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The extremely cold ice fog formed by the explosion of many bombs was as thick as a huge cloud, covering the sky above the forest, and at the same time blocking the sight of the Flying Wing Demon.

The fighter planes of Captain Collins and Captain Philips shook slightly, and each dropped a dark oval metal object, which fell straight to the cloud of ice mist.

Then the two extraordinary winds quickly left the cockpit, grabbed the tail of the metal object, and controlled them to aim at a corner of the cold mist.

The changes in the trees in the forest have fully demonstrated how terrifying this “extremely cold cloud” is.

“Ka Ka… Ka Ka…”

In this area with a total area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters, all the leafy trees were instantly covered with frost. After half a breath, a forest of ice suddenly appeared in the forest.

At this moment, the figure of the Flying Wing Demon “swish” disappeared.

In a hollow area between the two layers of cold mist clouds, the monster suddenly appeared.

As Captain Collins expected, it performed the first [flash].

What is even more surprising is that the Flying Wing Demon seems to be worried about being caught fire by the ice element bullets, and actually mobilized the power of the fire element to create a giant “flame shield” around it.

Originally, through the gaps between different layers of cold mist, the Flying Wing Demon could still see something, but the existence of the “flame shield” completely blocked its sight.

This makes up for the last flaw of the plan.

At this time, the two extraordinary winds completely activated the elliptical metal object and released their hands.

Two weird and strong waves of magic energy erupted from the metal.

Flying Wing Demon sensed this fluctuation for the first time, and Ling Sense started to alarm frantically. With its insight, of course, he knew what this fluctuation was.

Without thinking about it, it tried to gather all its magical energy, and planned to launch a second [Flashing] to leave this ghost place that it felt extremely dangerous.

However, the Flying Wing Demon was horrified to discover that the converging speed of the magic energy suddenly became dozens of times slower. It took a few seconds to do something that could be done easily.

This is naturally due to the “element vortex”.

When the ice element bullet bursts, it will cause an “elemental vortex”. The “Bingtang preserved egg”, which is thousands of times more powerful than a bullet, will of course produce an “elemental vortex” that is thousands of times larger.

The “Elemental Vortex” caused by more than 100 “Bingtang Preserved Eggs” is enough to make it difficult for the Upanishad-level creatures to use the skills.

Flying Wing Demon finally realized that he seemed to have stepped on a fatal trap.

It roared wildly and slammed into the cold mist cloud desperately.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

At this time, the mana fluctuations of the two elliptical metal objects finally climbed to the top.

In the next moment, they disappeared suddenly, as if swallowed by something invisible.

After a short while, the elliptical metal object appeared bizarrely near the Flying Wing Demon. The one closer to it was only 30 meters away, and the other was slightly farther away, about 50 meters away.

This is impressively [flicker]!

Flying Wing Demon’s eyes immediately caught the elliptical metal object, and the four red eyes showed fear.

“Bang! Bang!”

With two soft sounds, the oval metal object split into two halves.

The space around the Flying Wing Demon was strangely distorted.

If you look at it from the left, its head swells strangely, and its lower limbs are shortened. If you look at it from the right, its belly bulges and a membrane wing is bent about 20 degrees.

Flying Wing Demon opened his mouth with difficulty, and his body was torn apart silently.

Its head seemed to have been bitten by something, and it was missing 1/3 out of thin air, and a large amount of brain swelled out; a large belly was missing, and **** organs flew out; the left side membrane wing was mostly missing, The right membrane wing was cut into three pieces.

This terrifyingly powerful monster, shattered into more than ten pieces, died silently.

Afterwards, the stumps and pieces of meat fell into the cold mist, frozen into ice blocks in an instant, and finally fell into the forest of ice below.

“Oh, the’Subspace Shuttle’ hit the Uranus-class Flying Wing Demon, and the light spot on the radar screen disappeared!”

An ecstatic voice sounded in the communication channel.

The enthusiastic cheers resounded instantly.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it, we actually killed a Uranus Grade Flying Wing Demon…”

“The’Subspace Shuttle’ invented by Lord Lord is really amazing…”

“Guys, we really made history…”

“I can guarantee that Lord Lord will personally honor us…”

In the past, no one thought that 3 transcendents plus dozens of awakened ones could withstand a terrifying Profound Level creature, but now, they not only defeated it, but also killed each other in an incredible way. One casualty.

This is definitely a historic moment!

The death of the Profound Wing Demon also marked the first time that the power of the rune magic weapon and the wisdom of mankind surpassed the Profound Truth.

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