Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 924

Chapter 915 Devil’s Pillar

Facing the gray dolphin problem, Renault just smiled:

“We have our own news channels. The invasion of the demons ten thousand years ago is no secret to us… In fact, we also know that when the Void Demons withdrew from this world, they left a cross-boundary in the Western Hemisphere. The teleportation device, which is the’Void Gate’, is immersed in the lava below the sea of ​​mist, right?”

“In addition, the Grey Dolphins are aquatic creatures, and the environment of the Misty Sea is not friendly to you. If I’m right, the reason why you chose to live here is to guard it, right?”

Probably because Renault said the words “peaceful coexistence”, this time Gu Gu La behaved very simply:

“You are right!”

Then it tells the relevant historical secrets:

“The great shepherd told me that in the lava sea below the sea of ​​mist, in addition to the’Void Gate’, there is also a’Star Ring Tower’, whose function is to extract the fire element from the veins and send it to the’Void Gate’. ‘, and then teleport to the world of the Void Demon Race.”

“It is said that the’Starring Tower’ is hundreds of meters high. It can form a giant energy network through the’Devil’s Pillars’ buried in other places to collect heat from the veins in a large area…”

After hearing the words “Devil’s Pillar”, Renault was shocked.

At this moment, his mind suddenly thought of a prehistoric relic he personally dug up a few years ago in the depths of an extinct volcano on “Midway Island”. It was a crystal column with a devil’s head carved on the surface. . (For related introduction, see Chapter 222)

Later, in an accident in the Rune Research Institute, the Void Demon transferred the alienated energy from the “coordinates” to the relic, demonizing two magicians who happened to be close to the prehistoric relic.

This fully demonstrates that prehistoric relics have the function of “subspace conduction”. According to the words of Cuckoo, the “Devil’s Pillar” has a high probability of having the same function besides absorbing energy.

Could it be that the relic is… the Devil’s Pillar?

With a move in Renault’s heart, a large number of ice crystals were condensed out of thin air, and the ice crystals grew rapidly, and finally turned into an ice cylinder with several weird devil patterns protruding on its surface, the shape of which was exactly the same as a prehistoric relic.

This scene immediately attracted Gu Gu La’s attention.

Renault pointed to the ice column and asked some eagerly:

“Miss Cuckoo, is this the “Devil’s Pillar” you call it?”

Miss Gray Dolphin looked at the column carefully, her eyes lingering for a moment at the terrifying devil head, she couldn’t help revealing a look of surprise:

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it. There are two’devil’s pillars’ sealed in our clan, which are exactly the same as this one…under the crown of Renault, have you also got a’devil’s pillar’? Where did you get it?”


Renault nodded slightly and gave a rough description of the experience of digging the “Devil’s Pillar”.

This kind of bizarre thing made the foreign lady very surprised to hear:

“Mian, you are so lucky!”

Renault smiled slightly and said:

“It’s no wonder that there has never been any record of volcanic eruption in the historical books of the human world. It turned out that the Void Demon Clan made a ghost… When the Demon Clan invaded ten thousand years ago, they must have buried a large number of’devil’s pillars’ all over the world. And a part of the energy of the veins was extracted, which caused the lava movement in the ground to be greatly weakened…” (No Volcano in Other Worlds, mentioned in Chapter 217)

“Well, from this point of view, maybe I should send a large number of people to various locations where there are suspected signs of volcanic eruption to excavate the’Devil’s Pillars’ on a large scale to avoid using these’Devil’s Pillars’ when the demon army descends in the future. column’……”

Miss Gugula replied convincingly:

“Xiamen, what you said must be the truth…I think that digging the’Devil’s Pillar’ is a very necessary work.”

In addition, from the words of Miss Gray Dolphin, Renault realized that the technology contained in the “Devil’s Pillar” is quite remarkable. As long as it is thoroughly studied, it will definitely advance the research progress of the “Heat Death Project”.

Especially among the four systems of the “energy collection and transmission system”, this system has the slowest development progress among the four systems in the entire research plan.

Although Hai Chao received the “destroyer artillery” left by the prehistoric magical civilization, the fragmentation of the magic source core caused drastic changes in the magic sea, and many of the technical details were extremely difficult to crack and restore.

In comparison, it is the Void Demon’s technology, which is more adaptable and is more helpful to the “heat death plan”.

Renault turned his head and stared at the icicle, feeling the wonder of fate in his heart.

It turned out that the mysterious power in the dark had already sent certain key items to him.

Miss Gugula looked suspiciously at the weird look on Renault’s face, and said:

“In that war ten thousand years ago, the floating magic fleet of the Black Crown Empire, together with our Gray Dolphins, desperately attacked the’Void Gate’ and the’Starring Tower’, and finally successfully created a huge The earthquake caused the earth to split and caused the two buildings to sink into underground lava.”

“The Great Shepherd told me that it was during that war that we got two’Devil’s Pillars’…”

Renault touched his chin and continued to listen to the other party’s next words.

“Later, the army of human magicians lost consecutive battles, and the situation became more and more deteriorating. The Supreme Council of the Black Crown Empire determined to detonate the’Magic Power Core’ and destroy the entire world to expel the **** demons.”

“According to the records in the water-stripe crystal shells preserved in the clan, it is said that on the day when the’magic power source core’ was detonated, the demon battleships in pieces were completely out of control, falling from the high sky, and there were countless demons. The clan suffered a serious magic backlash, igniting fierce magic fire all over the body, until it was burned to ashes. The stronger the demon clan, the more serious the backlash and the faster the death.”

“However, the Black Crown Empire is also very miserable. Almost all the magicians above the middle level have had a terrible runaway of magic in their bodies, and they have died in this huge disaster… and our Grey Dolphins are no exception. The magic of water tore most of the ocean shepherds to pieces.”

At this point, Miss Gray Dolphin’s sharp voice contained a trace of sadness, as if she felt sorry for the tragic experience of the ancestors.

“In addition, the loss of control of the’magic source core’ also set off a super flood that swept the world. Most of the land was submerged by the monstrous flood. It took a full few months for the flood to completely subside and the land to reopen. Out of the sea…During this period, countless land creatures died, not one in a hundred.”

“After the great flood, our Grey Dolphins completely lost contact with the Black Crown Empire. No one came to look for us. We once thought that humans might have been wiped out by the flood… Until more than 3000 years ago, our people met on the edge of the sea of ​​mist. We tried to help the human crew of a human sailing ship in trouble, but unfortunately, the crew treated us as monsters and attacked us…”

Hearing this, Renault couldn’t help but sigh:

“After the disaster of the world, the Black-Crowned Empire has perished. The few remaining survivors are almost ordinary people. It is estimated that no one knows the existence of the Grey Dolphins.”

Gu Gu La swung his tail fin and said:

“This is also our guess, so the shepherds gave up the idea of ​​contacting mankind… For thousands of years after the flood, our gray dolphin family has been living here, studying the restraint of the’Void Gate’ and the’Stars’. “The Tower of the Ring’ method.”

“Because we know that the Void Demon Race is eager for the energy in the earth veins, just like the gray shark is eager for flesh and blood. One day in the future, the Void Demon Race will invade again.”

“Oh? Research?”

This sentence immediately aroused Renault’s interest, and he asked with interest:

“After so many years of research, what good things have your Gray Dolphins come up with?”

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