Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 931

Chapter 922 Vulcan Net

Silver Lion Republic, Hot Spring Valley.

Although the name of Hot Spring Valley carries the word “Valley”, strictly speaking, it is not actually a valley.

From the topographical point of view, this narrow strip with a total area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters is actually a “corridor” in the geographical sense, a “corridor” that happens to be sandwiched between two mountains that stretch for hundreds of kilometers.

However, the person who originally named Hotspring Valley did not know this.

The word “hot spring” refers to the most abundant thing in the area-hot springs.

Under the hot spring valley, there are large and small high-temperature hot springs, with a total of no less than 3,000. Among them, there are both above-ground hot springs exposed on the ground and hidden underground hot springs.

In some places where hot springs are dense, huge amounts of steam emerge from the ground and converge into large expanses of vapor clouds, which occupies the ground all the year round, forming a unique scenery. Therefore, some local aborigines also call the hot spring valley ” Cloud Valley”.

For some unknown reason, there are still many hot springs that are highly toxic, and the steam that overflows from the cracks near the poison spring is also toxic. If ordinary people accidentally enter the poison spring range, it is almost impossible to survive.

Because of this, Hot Spring Valley is an extremely dangerous place in the eyes of ordinary people.

Although you can reach the eastern part of the Republic directly by passing through the hot spring valley, no caravan dared to pass by here. They would rather detour the mountain roads near the “Marsa Mountains” and walk hundreds of kilometers longer.

Due to the large amount of heat released by hot springs, even in winter, the temperature in the hot spring valley area exceeds 30 degrees, which is considered hot.

At this time, it was midsummer, and the temperature reached more than 50 degrees. In most places, there was no grass growing, just like a desert of life. Without the green plants at the bottom of the food chain, wild beasts naturally rarely appear here.

At noon on this day, many huge magic vehicles appeared in this death area that people and beasts could avoid.

The height of each steel behemoth is 5 meters, and the length is not less than 8 meters. The 5 pairs of solid tires under the huge car body are more than one person in height. Normal people standing next to the vehicle will definitely feel tremendous pressure.

The weight of these behemoths is amazing, exceeding 250 tons.

This is impressively a “Titan-class” super-heavy delivery vehicle, code-named-Titan!

They rushed straight into the valley and drove to various positions.

On the top of a giant spirit Titan, a large 1 meter square crystal screen is erected. Four magicians wearing “heat-resistant protective suits” are watching the screen and discussing enthusiastically.

“That’Devil’s Pillar’ has been placed in the laboratory for so long, and none of the magicians has developed a reputation…It is only the Lord Lord who thought of bringing it near the lava to study, and then he understood its mechanism… …”

“The technology of the Void Demon Race is indeed beyond our imagination, and it has also subverted our previous inherent cognition… The’Devil’s Pillar’ seems to be adopting a certain method to explore the energy nodes of the earth veins…”

“It’s really unexpected that these nodes are scattered in a multi-dimensional space, rather than evenly distributed as we think…”

When the magician was discussing, the huge giant spirit Titan moved forward at a steady speed, leaving two deep track marks.

“How powerful is the technology of the Demon Race? It has not been easily cracked by the Lord Lord… Some time ago, Lord Lord personally reversed the analysis of the’Devil’s Pillar’, and within a week, 80% of the details were thoroughly studied. , Developed this’element superimposed node scanner’……”

“Our’Elemental Stacked Node Scanner’ is more advanced than the Devil’s Pillar of Devil… It adopts the’high-dimensional network distribution structure’ proposed by Lord Lord, and the efficiency of exploring earth vein nodes is much higher than that of the’Devil’s Pillar’. Pillar of the Devil’…”

One of the magicians glanced at the crystal screen, and suddenly said excitedly:

“Hi, guys, in the area between these two hot springs, the index displayed by the scanner has reached 276 points, exceeding the baseline of 180 points. This is a ground vein node, and it is still a high-energy node!”

Another magician quickly shouted in the communication channel:

“Your Excellency Captain Kendrick, we have found a high-energy node. Please help us to place the ‘Fire Element Energy-absorbing Prism’!”

A quick response came from the channel:

“Roger that!”

The next moment, the giant spirit Titan suddenly stopped advancing.

The rear compartment door was opened, and several soldiers who also wore “heat-resistant protective clothing” jumped out of the compartment, carrying a 2-meter-long triangular silver metal pillar.

The first officer, Captain Kendrick, knocked on his helmet and said in the channel:

“Mr. Magician, please tell us the specific location and the depth to be buried!”

A magician climbed down from the roof of the car with ease and reported a series of numbers:

“Everyone, please follow me… The node is about 10 o’clock ahead, about 350 meters ahead… Well, the magma layer is about 800 meters deep. We need the ‘fire element energy-absorbing prism’ to be buried 600 meters deep!


Captain Kendrick waved his right hand and followed the magician.

Watching the soldiers go away, a magician who was on the roof of the car smiled and said:

“It is unbelievable. Combining the research results of Lord Lord on the’multidimensional stacked subspace’ with the technology of the void demons, the performance of the’fire element energy-absorbing prism’ will increase so much… when it transmits energy The loss is at least 40% lower, and the transmission distance is more than 80% higher…”

Another magician shrugged:

“It even has a remote energy absorption function. It can absorb fire elements within a radius of 2 kilometers without throwing it in the hot magma. I think it is too advanced… I’m sure if the **** Alienator knew These amazing data, they will certainly take away a’fire element energy absorbing prism’ at all costs…”

This sentence caused a burst of laughter.

“Even if it’s taken away, it’s useless. The Void Demon’s technology is based on the magicweave system, and we are based on the rune. This is basically a different technical system… Even if the Demon Race’s research on subspace is very deep, I am afraid it is not so Easy to crack…”

“I agree with Eliot! To be honest, I really can’t imagine why Lord Lord can parse out the mystery contained in the magic pattern in such a short period of time…”

“Oh, these things are as obscure as a heavenly book. I tried to analyze the part of a magic pattern, but after studying it for three days, the more I look at it, the more confused…”

These words made several magicians become silent.

After a few breaths, a sigh broke the silence:

“The wisdom of mortals, of course, cannot be compared to gods!”

On the other side, Captain Kendrick and others arrived at their destination.

The captain turned his head to look at the accompanying magician and asked:

“Mr. Magician, is this this place?”

The magician finally confirmed the small crystal screen he carried with him and nodded affirmatively:


The captain gave a soft drink, stamped his foot in the dry and compacted soil, and made a “bang”.

The soil suddenly surged like water, and a 10-meter-deep pit appeared on the ground. Two soldiers immediately threw the metal prism into the hole.

The magician looked at the bottom of the pit, took a palm-sized rune square from his belt, and tapped it a few times with his fingers.


Vibrations immediately sounded from the bottom of the pit, as well as the sound of cracking rocks.

“Drilling has begun!”

The magician murmured, his eyes locked on the crystal screen.

Several soldiers walked behind the magician and stared at the crystal screen curiously.

I saw a triangular light spot, slowly creeping, and on the right side of the screen, there was a number constantly changing.


The magician noticed the soldier’s gaze, raised the crystal screen in his hand, and smiled:

“The second generation of’Mozi crystal light screen’, the latest product of the Institute of Optics, supports digital display function, graphics display function, and split screen linkage function… I also heard that all optical research projects are under development. Bingguangping’, it is estimated that it will not be long before you all will distribute one.”

A soldier asked in surprise:


The magician nodded affirmatively:

“Of course, this is part of Lord Lord’s’informatization strategy’. By then, every fighter, every chariot, and every soldier on the battlefield will be connected to the Mozi network, and the commander of the battlefield can know at any time. Where are you guys… This is the “information warfare” mentioned by the lord, and it is also the direction of future warfare!”

A few unheard of unheard words made several soldiers bewildered.

Only the captain knew a thing or two, he asked curiously:

“Mr. Magician, can you tell us something?”

The magician smiled and said:

“Well, in fact, I don’t know much about this aspect. I just heard something while chatting with my colleagues… Well, the so-called’informatization strategy’ is like this…”

When several people were chatting, the vibration from the soles of their feet gradually became lighter, and the number of drilling depths on the light screen kept getting bigger.

“…With the’Devil’s Information Tower’ as the core, all units on the battlefield form a huge information network… The’Single Soldier Light Screen’ can accept orders from the’Devil’s Information Tower’ at any time, follow the command of the commander, or at any time. Report the current situation to the command center, or request support, and it can also be connected locally to form an independent small combat group…”

“This is roughly the case. I don’t know much about it. After this strategy is fully implemented in the future, the military will train you… Oh, the drilling depth is coming soon…”

After saying this, the magician stared at the light screen closely, and when the number climbed to 600 meters, he immediately clicked the rune square board a few times.

Then he checked again, then activated the communication channel, and said loudly:

“Hi, McMaraman, the’Fire Element Energy-absorbing Prism’ has reached the predetermined position and can be connected to the’Remote Energy Transmission System’.”

“Roger that!”

There was an answering sound in the channel.

In the subspace that is invisible to the naked eye, the “fire element energy-absorbing prism” buried deep underground shook slightly, and an invisible wave spread from its core device and jumped into the mysterious subspace.

The fluctuations crossed a vast distance instantly at a super high speed of hundreds of thousands of times the speed of sound, arriving at a weird projection in a certain subspace.

The Gagarin Plain, 530 kilometers away, is the construction site of the “Hand of Thanos” classified project.

In a sturdy underground fortification, a giant crystal screen measuring 5 meters by 10 meters is hanging on a wall.

Almost at the moment when the “Fire Element Energy Draining Prism” was activated, there was a silent additional light spot on the crystal screen.

A young novice magician immediately caught this scene and shouted:

“The 347th node has been connected to the “Vulcan Network”, and the remaining unconnected nodes are 933!”

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