Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 934

Chapter 925 Historic mission

“Let me take a look at the display crystal screen. The current height of the’Sky Shuttle’ is 278 kilometers… Oh my god, I must say, the scenery we see now is really beautiful… at an altitude of hundreds of kilometers. Looking down, it’s a completely different feeling. It’s really fascinating.”

“The earth has become a huge sphere. The place covered with green is the land. It is surrounded by blue ocean… Oh, I don’t know how to describe it. It is so beautiful that it is hard to describe in words… I regretted once, I didn’t read a few more poems before…”

In the communication system of the command center, astronauts full of admiration sounded constantly, and the rune magicians listened quietly, trying to imagine the description of the astronauts in their minds.

Massimo, one of the two astronauts, sighed:

“Suddenly I remembered that I had studied geography textbooks in middle school, which was the first edition of textbooks written by Lord Lord… Lord Lord clearly mentioned in the book that the reason why planets are spherical is all because of gravity.”

“When a planet is formed, gravity pulls the matter that makes up the planet in all directions… The source of gravity, the so-called’center of mass’, is located right at the center… All matter is equally pulled toward the center of mass by huge gravity… …Because of this, the matter gathered together will naturally take on the shape of a sphere…”

Moratti, another astronaut, murmured:

“I said Massimo, you are such an idiot… Gentlemen of the command center, who is not clear about the forming process of the planet, do you need to show it off? Can’t you talk about mission-related things?”

“Oh, can’t I say that I can’t speak?” Massimo complained dissatisfied, “I just want to relax, understand? The current height is so high that I feel dizzy and panic…Look at it Outside the window, there is nothing…”

His voice paused, as if he was looking at space through the glass windows of the aircraft.

“…As if we are about to be lost in the endless void, and will never be able to return to the earth…I sincerely hope that someone knocks on the glass window of the Sky-Sky Shuttle and says to me, “Man, good day”. ”

“Damn it!” Moratti interrupted his companion roughly, “You shut up, I don’t want anyone knocking on the door, it will be scary!”

The conversation between the two astronauts caused many magicians in the command center to laugh.

The director of the Rune Research Institute, Seth, suddenly said:

“Two sirs, I must remind you that Lord Lord is also in the command center. If possible, you’d better pay attention to your words.”

The two astronauts immediately apologized:

“I’m extremely sorry, Lord Lord!”

“Lord Lord, please forgive our rudeness!”

Renault said with a smile:

“It doesn’t matter, I understand your mood very well… Maintaining a relaxed and happy attitude during the task will help you complete the task better. You can continue to chat and don’t care about me!”

Although Renault said he didn’t mind at all, he, as a super figure everyone looked up to, stomped the human world to shake a few times, and his own existence carried a huge deterrent.

The two astronauts were obviously much silent, and the atmosphere in the command hall was no longer as warm as before.

Renault turned his head, gave Seth a fierce look, and turned to the second floor viewing platform of the command center, where he had a better view and would not affect the staff on the scene.

The leader of the R&D system wiped out the cold sweat from his forehead, and while following Renault’s footsteps, he explained in a low voice anxiously:

“Lord Lord, I didn’t mean it…”

In the next period of time, the conversation between the command center and the space shuttle became quite boring.

“Aurora, what is the current state of the aircraft?”

“Command center, everything is good!”


“Aurora, how is the operation of the various modules of the aircraft? Are there any abnormalities?”

“Command center, the power system is normal, the carrying compartment is normal, the instrument compartment is normal, and the communication module is normal…”

Then there is a long list of “normal”.


“Goddess of Dawn, what are the readings of the ‘Magic Index Detector’?”

“The command center, the reading has been reduced to 138 points, compared to the ground, it has been reduced by 95%, and it is still decreasing… This confirms the prediction made by the Lord Lord that the distribution of magical energy in real space is not a continuous state. ‘, it is positively related to gravity… the closer you are to the ground, the higher the concentration of free magic energy, and the farther you are from the ground, the lower the concentration…”

Another example:

“The Aurora, the current altitude is 350 kilometers, what is the current gravity situation? Two sirs, are you still used to it?”

“Command center, the current acceleration of gravity displayed by the gravity sensor is 0.2g. We don’t have any discomforts… Uh, the feeling of weightlessness is very strange and unforgettable.”

“Oh, that… that’s good!”

I could hear that the magician who was in charge of contacting the aircraft wanted to chat with the astronauts and asked about the feeling of weightlessness, but he was worried that a certain important person was on his head, and he finally suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Only when the height displayed on the large screen of the command center reached an astonishing 530 kilometers did the communication change.

“Goddess of Dawn, you are about to reach the predetermined altitude, please start to slow down and prepare to separate the’carrying compartment’!”

“Received, command center!”

The atmosphere in the hall became tense.

The core purpose of the launch mission this time was to deploy the first Thanos Hand loaded in the carrier in low-Earth orbit.

“The Aurora, the current altitude is 550 kilometers, please install the standard procedure to separate the ‘carrying compartment’!”


In low-Earth orbits of hundreds of kilometers, the speed of the “Aurora” has been reduced to less than 10 meters per second.

After the astronaut Massimo received the order, he immediately activated a rune plate that controls the carrier.

The entire aerospace shuttle shook slightly, and the four “blue petals”, which are the propulsion wings of the “Devil Thrust Engine,” and the lower part of the cabin with a length of more than 5 meters, instantly separated from the aircraft.

“Command center, the’carrying compartment’ has been separated!”

“Good job, Aurora! Please stay beside the’carry bay’ for the time being and wait for further instructions.”

“Roger that!”

Massimo responded.

Through the large transparent observation window, the two astronauts saw that the shell of the carrier suddenly split into four pieces.

A dark column was revealed.

It shows that it is the rumored “Hand of Thanos”!

The two understand that this is the magician in the command center, who is conducting remote control. If the deployment of the “Hand of Thanos” fails, they will leave the cockpit and manually troubleshoot the problem.

Subsequently, eight 5 meters long and 3 meters wide wings were simultaneously unfolded on the side of the cylinder, and densely packed runes were carved on the surface.

Two telescopic tubes with a length of 4 meters extend out from the bottom one by one, the surface is also engraved with runes, and the top is also inlaid with a large blue crystal ball.

This seems to be the location where the “Hand of Thanos” launched the legendary “Heat Death Ray”.

This made the two astronauts look curiously.

The two had already known that although this thing looked unremarkable, it was actually an extremely powerful weapon, and it was also the strongest weapon invented by Lord Lord with his supreme wisdom.

It is said that the attack of the “Hand of Thanos” is stronger than the “Holy Light Scepter”, the most extraordinary creature of mankind.

Unfortunately, they could not see the scene of this super weapon when it was launched.

“Goddess of Dawn, your mission has been completed, you are allowed to return!”

This time, the voice of the command center was obviously excited.

“In addition, congratulations to both of you for completing this historic task, and welcome home!”

“Received! This is our glory, and also yours!”

Just as Massimo spoke this sentence, he heard enthusiastic applause from the communication channel, and his face suddenly burst into laughter.

Astronaut Moratti, who was in charge of controlling the aircraft, immediately deflected the propulsion of the “Devil Thrust Engine”, causing the entire aircraft to reverse 180 degrees and dive straight down toward the ground.

Massimo looked back at the vast space, and couldn’t help but breathe out softly.

At this moment, the two were extremely eager to set foot on the ground again.

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