Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 937

Chapter 928 State of war

When the time came to about 2 pm, the dark clouds covering the sky became thicker, and the sky was as dim as the evening, with heavy rain pouring down, and the rain was so dense that the distant scenery could not be seen clearly.

“Boom… boom…”

The sound of thunder that tore through the sky echoed in the vast sky, shaking the doors and windows of each house slightly.

Renault stood up with a “swish”, raised the small remote communicator in his hand, activated the rune square board, and issued a light command:

“Command center, this is Renault…I order that the space-based strategic strike weapon “The Hand of the Tyrant” enters a wartime state, and all personnel are on standby at any time!”

Then he quickly said a series of commands:

“Activate the ‘Sky Eye Array’ in space and scan the ‘Elkan’ mountain area at the junction of the Silver Lion Republic and the Golden Ling Republic, focusing on the clouds above the area!”

“Activate the ‘Earth Pulse Energy Draining Network’ to extract all the energy of the Earth Vessel!”

“Start the ‘Vulcan’s Net’ system and begin ultra-long-range energy transmission!”

“Start the’Orbital Strike Group’, start pre-charged, maintain full energy state, and wait for my instructions!”

There was an immediate response sound from the caller:

“Yes! Lord Lord!”

“Understood! Lord Lord!”

“Yes! Lord Lord!”

As a wave of magical communication rushed across the void, a super war far beyond ordinary people’s imagination began quietly.

Hot spring valley.

More than 1,000 “fire element energy-absorbing prisms” in the deep underground rock layer instantly released a misty blue light.

The invisible magic energy fluctuated across a 1km radius in an instant, turning it into a peculiar energy field.

In the sea of ​​magic energy that is invisible to the naked eye, the countless fire elements that are constantly pulsing in the hot lava, like iron filings from a magnet, continuously jump through the void in a [flicker] way and sink into the triangular prism.

The fire element in the energy field has just been drawn out, and the fire element farther away spontaneously jumps over to fill the gap left by the former, but as soon as they enter the energy field, they are firmly attracted by the prism and become a “flame”. “The moth”.

In this way, the fire element flows endlessly to the prism.

After just a few breaths, the color of the prism changed from blue to red.

Gagarin Space Base, Command Center.

“All 1280 nodes have been connected to the “Vulcan Net”!”

A rune magician stared closely at the huge crystal light screen and shouted.

“very good!”

Another man wearing the badge of a high-level magician nodded when he heard the words and issued a command:

“Start transmitting energy! In addition, let the No. 1 and No. 2 backup systems stand by, and be ready to start up immediately, ready to take over the “Vulcan Net” at any time!”

In the entire set of “The Hand of Thanos”, the “Vulcan Network”, which is responsible for ultra-long-distance transmission of energy, is an extremely important part and also a very fragile part.

Once destroyed by the enemy, the “Hand of Thanos” will be instantly paralyzed.

Therefore, Renault deliberately ordered the establishment of five backup systems. The “systems 1 and 2” mentioned by the magician are just two of them.


Located in a hidden stone room 350 meters underground, there are 6 giant metal monuments with a height of more than 10 meters. The dense runes inscribed on the surface are instantly dyed blue by the surging magic energy.


Suddenly 5 blue light bands burst out on each giant monument, which are connected with other giant monuments in pairs to form a dazzling giant blue light network.

“Gosh, it’s so beautiful!”

“Oh, I dare say, I will never forget this scene in my life…”

The group of magicians in the hidden stone room couldn’t help but exude a heartfelt admiration.

Almost the moment when the “optical net” took shape, in a mysterious subspace, a pattern that could not be described in words condensed silently.

This is exactly the projection of the “Vulcan Net”.

Between each projection of the “Fire Element Energy-absorbing Prism” and the projection of the “Vulcan Net”, a unique ultra-long-range magic resonance appears, and finally a “ultra-long-range transition channel” is formed.


Every “fire element energy-absorbing prism” in the hot spring valley suddenly trembled and returned to calm.

The fire element absorbed by the prism seemed to be squeezed by an invisible hand, and a certain change in form that ordinary people could not understand occurred, and a group of groups jumped into the subspace and disappeared from the void.

In the center of the giant light net in the hidden stone room, countless extremely subtle red light spots suddenly flashed.

The time for each light point to light up is less than 0.01 seconds, and the duration is pitifully short, but because the number of light points is almost astronomical, they actually form a red light ball with a diameter of more than 5 meters.

The 15 blue light bands that make up the optical network gradually turn red.

These six monuments were named “Vulcan’s Net” for this reason.

The appearance of the red light spot is actually a phenomenon caused by a certain kind of magic wave diffracted by the fire element after reaching the “Vulcan Net” through the “long-distance transition channel” and interfering with the real space.

The torrent of fire elements only stayed here for a while, and was “transmitted” to the vast space by the power of the “Vulcan Net”.

This is why the light spot has a very short duration.

In the low-level orbital space 550 kilometers above the ground, 23 cylindrical giant magic devices are floating quietly in a vacuum. The top of each column is opened with 8 wings carved with tens of thousands of runes.

They are the “hands of the tyrant” in the eyes of the magician.

Strictly speaking, they are actually just the “transmitting terminals” of the “Hand of Thanos”.

At this time, the 23 big guys have been remotely activated by the command center, and the blue light wanders through the runes on the surface of the wing board, turning it into a beautiful dazzling blue light wing.

When the fire element transmitted by the “Vulcan Net” arrived, the blue light wing quickly changed to red light wing.

“The subspace energy transmission channel has been built, and the transmission has officially started! The current energy storage index is 1%. It is estimated that after 6 seconds, the energy storage index will reach the lowest emission state of 12%. After 50 seconds, the energy will be full!”

The magician who paid close attention to the crystal light screen yelled with joy.

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from the command center.

Gagarin Space Base, Satellite Control Center.

The slowest response is the “Sky Eye Network”, although the magician responsible for operating it has the earliest time to receive the order.

This is no way. In the age when there is no automatic control, the magicians can only perform hard manual control.

“Satellite 3, deflection 0.32 degrees, 9 o’clock direction…”


“Satellite No. 2, it turned too much angle just now, it must be turned 0.1 degree in the opposite direction…”


Five minutes later, Skyeye finally aimed at the “Elkan” mountain area.

This set of weapons system that transcends the times has gone through three years of arduous research and development, involving more than 300,000 magicians and engineers, and the resources consumed are countless. If calculated in Kinnar, it is absolutely impossible No less than 25 million Kinnars.

In Renault’s view, the “Hand of Thanos” project is comparable to the “Manhattan” project on earth.


He fixedly stared at the sky and murmured:

“Let’s take a look, between the master-level creatures of different time and space, and the world’s most advanced magic black technology, who is stronger!”

As soon as Renault’s voice fell, another huge thunder that was extremely loud was chopped down in the clouds.


This seems to be the response given by heaven and earth, and it also seems to be the response of the dominating creature.

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