Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 942

Chapter 933 Lord’s Fall

One person, one book and one bird combined forces to set off a wave of void. When it came to the area where the obelisk was located, all creatures within a radius of more than 40 kilometers, whether they had auditory organs or not, all heard an extremely violent roar.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

This is not the sound of the real world, but the sound that rang directly from the soul.

Due to the wide range of space storms, in the mountain forest directly below, there is a forest with an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers, which just happened to be wiped by the edge of the storm.

At this moment, a jaw-dropping spectacle appeared.

All the plants in this area, whether it is a tall tree, a leafy shrub, or a low grass, the leaves and grass leaves all break away from the branches and “rusty” fall.

Suddenly, a weird “green snow” fell in the forest.

After a few breaths, all the trees became bare, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of leaves.

Any wood supernatural being here can easily feel that there is a shocking breath of death in the forest.

Because the vitality of these hundreds of thousands of trees was instantly stifled!

The various insects and small animals in the forest did not escape the fate of death, and they all died.

This vast area has become a dead zone with no life.

The power of the space storm is so terrifying, the forest is only swept by the edge of the storm, and it becomes such a bleak appearance. The three dominant creatures with a distance of less than 10 kilometers from the center of the storm will naturally not be better.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The thunderous sound shook the souls of the giant beasts, and the violent amount of violence from the high-dimensional space constantly impacted the “dimensional barriers” around them.

The “Dimensional Barrier” only lasted for less than one breath, and then it began to falter. A large number of cracks appeared in the originally tight space energy layer, and more and more, the cracks became bigger and bigger.

Reynolds used Space Storm to explode the heads of more than one strong man.

He once thought that the power of the space storm was unmatched, and no creatures could stop it, but the dominant “dimensional barrier” was blocked.

The name of the master is well-deserved!

Because the sea of ​​magic energy was completely disturbed, the three giant beasts lost control of the wind element, and the extremely large body lost support, and fell straight down to the cloud layer below.

The overwhelmed master, struggling in a panic, tried his best to mobilize the “power of the law of secondary space” to try to repair the “dimension barrier”.

However, they discovered to the utter horror that the “power of the secondary space law” was hindered by some indescribable force, and the energy transfer speed was suddenly slowed by dozens of times.

On the other hand, countless small energy turbulences penetrated through the cracks in the barrier, and the raging magic energy mixed therein began to crazily counteract the spiritual power and magic energy of the master.

At this moment, they only felt that the whole body seemed to be torn into ten thousand pieces, no one was painless, and no one was uncomfortable.

However, the formidable behemoths actually took the pain abruptly and desperately used their mental power to fight against the backlash of the violent demon energy, and their “dimensional barriers” had not yet collapsed.

If it was a Profound-level creature, it couldn’t bear this kind of pain at all, and the energy in the body would instantly run away.

When the space storm entered the second second, signs of attenuation finally appeared.

The amplitude of Void Tide has been significantly reduced, and the frequency of energy turbulence has also been greatly reduced.

If the masters hold on for a few more seconds, they might really survive.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

A hundred kilometers away, Renault wiped a handful of bloodstains on his face, endured the pain of a needle in his head, used [Nian Power] to grab the magic communicator to his mouth, and shouted:

“The second group, attack!”


Two seconds later, the 14 “Hands of Thanos” space-based orbital strike weapons that had already targeted the creatures, erupted.

14 brilliant red rays, divided into 2 groups, descended from the firmament, tracing a distance of more than 500 kilometers in an instant, hitting the “dimensional barriers” of 2 giant beasts with unparalleled precision.

This is the last “straw” that crushes the camel.

[Thermal Death] The “power of the secondary law” contained in the rays completely exceeds the upper limit of the “dimensional barrier”, and only less than 15% of the energy is introduced into the different time and space.

Subsequently, the “Dimensional Barrier” completely collapsed.

If you zoom in and slow down the speed by 1000 times, you can see that there are more than ten [heat death] rays at a certain position above the head dominated by the 2 heads, staying for a while, and then piercing them indefinitely. body of.

The part where the giant beast was hit by the red light beam instantly became pitch black, and then turned into patches of flying ash, and then the flying ash turned into countless extremely tiny particles, which were swept away by the howling wind.

This scene is almost like a shot of a certain purple potato spirit snapping his fingers in a sci-fi movie that Renault has seen in his previous life.

On the backs of the two giant beasts, a hole with a diameter of more than 4 meters suddenly appeared.

Within 4 or 5 meters of each hole, the flesh became charred, many parts were even completely carbonized, and large areas of cells were necrotic. This is exactly the damage caused by the [heat death] energy spilled from the past.

After suffering such severe damage, the two giant beasts quickly entered a state of dying.

Their tail fins and fins no longer struggle, just like dead fish that have been poked several large holes, and continue to fall downward.

The only remaining dominating creature seemed to have a premonition. It turned its head and glanced at its motionless companion, suddenly opened its mouth and let out a desolate cry.


At this time, the space storm had subsided, and the giant beast regained its control over the “power of the secondary space law”.

Layers of ripples appeared in the air out of thin air, completely enveloping its body. It suddenly turned over its huge body and swam towards the dark clouds on the lower right at the fastest speed.

After 5 seconds, the figure of the giant beast sank into the dark clouds.

It ran away.

I’m also scared.

“Lord Lord, successfully hit 2 targets in the 4th round of attack!”

In the communicator carried by Renault, the high-level magician Phoenix’s excitement sounded.

“According to the data displayed by the ‘Sky Eye Array’, there are still 3 targets in the ‘Elkan’ area, but compared to the beginning, their Mana Index has undergone a huge change…”

“The index of No. 1 target plummeted from 122,000 to less than 50,000, and it continues to decrease… No. 2 fell not too much, from 137,000 to 102,000. Its current moving speed is very fast…3 The number plummeted from 112,000 to 42,000…”

“Gosh, No. 2 suddenly disappeared. What happened?”

“It’s nothing, this guy has escaped home…Let the’Hand of Thanos’ continue to charge and stay alert!”

Renault quickly replied.


Reynolds rubbed his stinging head, and while doing his best to mobilize the power of the super dimension, he hurriedly flew to the location where the two giant beasts fell, and prayed religiously:

“Damn, I hope those two big guys are stronger and don’t fall alive, otherwise the master will be busy for nothing…”

In the soul space, the “Book of Thermodynamics” became active uncharacteristically, with golden light flowing on the cover, and the pages of the book kept trembling, as if looking forward to a super meal.

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