Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 944

Chapter 935 【The Third Law of Thermodynamics】

After crossing into another world, Renault himself couldn’t count the creatures he had killed.

Only in the “Alpine Valley Battle” that shocked the human world, he single-handedly destroyed an army of 200,000 black orcs. In addition to a slaughter over the years, the total number of creatures that died in his hands increased. Get up, even if there is no 1 million, I am afraid it is not less than 500,000.

The number of powerful creatures at the level of profound meaning alone, including the human profound ones, will not be less than 10.

To describe Renault with words such as “butcher”, “executioner”, and “killing like hemp” is a serious underestimation.

However, every time the “Book of Thermodynamics” drew souls, whether it was an ordinary black **** or a super sea monster of the level of profound meaning, he had never seen any memory.

Until I met these two “fat-headed fish”.

Although Renault was relatively calm in front of the Huskies, deep down, he was extremely shocked.

Because it means one thing-part of the memory that dominates living things has been initially energized!

Only in this way can the “Book of Thermodynamics” transmit the energized memory to him, allowing him to see part of the past experience of the two “fathead fish”.

However, the dominator can only convert part of the memory into energy, and most of the memory is in a fragmented state, which shows that the dominator’s “memory energy” is not stable.

In other words, the memory can only be saved “temporarily”.

This is far inferior to the Eskimo, who is the power of law.

This ice mist bird preserved all the memories since it came into being. The time span is nearly ten thousand years, and the memory is very coherent, without any breaks.

Based on this, Renault deduced more information:

According to the view that “everyone who masters the power of the law must be immortal”, “memory energization” must be closely related to the length of life.

The “immortals” hold the power of the law and can fully energize memories, so they have an endless life span.

After Renault was promoted to the “Master of Space”, he mastered the lower “power of the secondary law”, and could only energize part of the memory. Although it is impossible to live forever, the life span is not too short.

In the past, he calculated according to the standards of the Upaniers and believed that the ruler could only live for more than 500 years, but now it seems that this is not accurate.

He has a feeling that 1,000 years does not seem to be an unattainable upper limit of life, maybe 1,500 years, or even 2000 years is not impossible.

After experiencing the use of “the power of the secondary space law”, Renault took out the remote magic communicator and issued a command:

“Phoenix, immediately use the’Sky Eye Array’ to scan me once and tell me the result.”

After a pause, he added:

“By the way, the specific mana index obtained by the scan, remember to keep it secret… well, it will be classified as an S-level secret for the time being!”


A respectful response sounded immediately from the communicator.

Satellite control center.

The person in charge of the control center, the high-level rune magician Phoenix, suddenly waved his hands and yelled unceremoniously:

“Everyone, have you all heard what the Lord Lord said? The next work will be a scanning test with a confidentiality level of S… Now, anyone with a secret authority lower than the level of S will let me put down all of them. Things, leave the control center quickly.”

The hall immediately turned into a pot of porridge.

Phoenix looked around and continued to roar:

“Gast, before you leave, remember to disconnect the magic network connection with the’Hand of Thanos’ command center… Carter, you immediately notify the guards and arrange a cordon near the control center. Anyone who dares to approach People, give a warning first, and if you don’t leave, you’ll be killed on the spot…”

The hall quickly became empty, leaving only Phoenix himself and another middle-aged magician wearing the badge of a high-level magician.

Phoenix greeted the middle-aged magician:

“Hi, Lord Norris, help me, I can’t operate the’Sky Eye Array’ alone!”

The conjurer called “Norris” nodded, strode to the satellite’s main console, and said straightforwardly:

“I am responsible for connecting to the’Vulcan’s Net’ ultra-long-range energy transmission system and controlling the’Magic Resonance Scanning System’. You are responsible for the other modules!

Phoenix walked to the other side of the main console and worked with his colleagues to activate the “Sky Eye Array”.

In the low-level orbit hundreds of kilometers high, five “devil scan satellites” suddenly lit up, casting a “condensing magic energy wave” on the ground.

Then, on the large crystal light screen, a bright spot firmly attracted the attention of the two magicians.

Phoenix stared at the rapidly rising Mana Index on the right side of the screen, and his mouth opened wider and wider.

The moment the number stopped, he couldn’t help but swallowed, and looked at Norris at each other, both eyes were filled with great horror.

Norris said incredulously:

“Gosh! I remember half an hour ago, Lord Lord’s mana index, the maximum value was 93,827 points…How can the measurement data before and after differ so much? Shouldn’t the’eye of the sky’ be broken?”

Elkan Mountains.

“Lead… Lord Lord, sweep… the results of the scan came out…”

In the communicator placed next to Renault, Phoenix stammered.

From the sound, you could hear that this guy was shocked.

“Say it!”

Renault shouted softly.

“Lord Lord, you… your current mana index has reached… 132,670 points.”

Phoenix’s voice was obviously nervous.

“However, we suspect that there may be a problem with the value. Should we re-measure it?”

“No, there is nothing wrong with the data.”

Renault faintly explained:

“I have just been officially promoted to dominate, so the data changes before and after are so huge…Okay, seal the data in time and do a good job of confidentiality!”

The word “master” came from the communication channel, like a thunderstorm, which shook the brains of Phoenix and Norris completely, leaving them completely lost in their language ability.

It took several seconds for Phoenix to recover. He hurriedly bowed respectfully to the communicator, and replied in a nearly religious tone:

“Lord Lord, we understand!”

Although the act of saluting to a magic instrument seemed quite funny, Norris couldn’t laugh at all, because he would make the same action if he changed it.

The moment the magic communication was closed, the two magicians looked at each other again and sighed together:

“Oh my God!”

The two of them were very clear about the significance of the brief words of Lord Shi Cai.

In history, the first human master was born.

This is a historic moment.

“Yes, the magic index has increased by 388,043 points, a little more than I expected…”

Renault felt the incomparable magic energy in his body and smiled with satisfaction.

Fight with the dominant creature, and the upper limit of mana can increase by more than 40%. What kind of cultivation methods are there in the world, and what potions can achieve such a terrifying effect?


The little bird flew around Renault and cried out crisply:

“Renault, I can feel that you are now stronger than those big villains!”

“of course!”

Renault smiled smugly.

Eskimo sounds a bit strange.

You know, at this moment, Renault’s mana is 133,000 points, and when the three dominating creatures just appeared, the “Sky Eye Array” detected the most powerful behemoth, and the upper limit of mana was as high as 137,000.

Comparing the two, Renault seems to be a bit weaker than the Behemoth.

However, the account is not calculated like this.

In another world, the level of magic power is closely related to the size of the creature.

At the same level as the master, Renault is less than 2 meters tall, and the giant beast is more than 50 meters long. The former is just a trivial little point in front of the latter, but the magical powers of the two are actually equal, which is extremely incredible. Things.

Even the silly bird knew that Renault was much stronger than the behemoth in terms of combat power.

Renault didn’t pay attention to the Eskimo anymore, he closed his eyes for himself, and his mind was immersed in the soul space.

Jin Cancan’s “Book of Thermodynamics” was immediately printed in his eyes.

Beside the book, a very strange “chain” seemed to shuttle from the void, quietly traversing it.

This chain has no color and is transparent. Each segment is composed of countless fine runes, the total number of which is not less than millions, but under the perception of mental power, it can’t hide.

One end of the chain is connected to the mysterious high-dimensional space, and the other end is connected to the subspaces of various dimensions. This is the manifestation of the “law of secondary space”-the chain of laws.

However, Renault did not pay too much attention to the “chain of laws”, but instead set his sights on the “Book of Thermodynamics.”

“The Book of Thermodynamics” seemed to have a sense. Before his mental power approached, the book suddenly opened automatically. The golden pages of the book flipped quickly, turning to the last page, revealing a golden page inscribed with countless mysterious patterns. .

This is [the third law of thermodynamics].

There is no doubt that this is the last and greatest gain of this “battle of dominance”.

The huge soul power that dominates creatures at both ends completely opened this page that Renault had longed for a long time.

Immediately, the pattern on the surface of the page shone with brilliant golden light, and a small golden ball composed of countless runes slowly floated from the page and hung above it.

Renault’s mental power entangled gently, and he understood what kind of skill Rune Orb is.

This is absolutely-[Absolute Zero]!

When communicating with the rune ball, the information he got told him that this is an extremely powerful skill, and it is more powerful than the [heat death] ray!

Renault sighed contentedly. Just as he was about to leave the soul space, something that almost horrified him happened.

“The Book of Thermodynamics” suddenly exploded!

Its cover, book page, and every rune instantly overflowed into light spots, most of which were golden light spots, and the rest were green light spots. The number of light spots was so large that the boundless soul space was all Was filled.

After a while, all the light spots disappeared, and only a transparent chain remained, lying horizontally in the empty soul space.

Renault was stunned.

How could this be?

In the end what happened?

Before Renault came back to his senses, ripples appeared in the soul space, and two new chains of laws emerged silently.

A chain is golden, almost twice as thick as the chain of the law of space.

The other slender chain is green, less than half the diameter of the chain of the law of space, and a large number of defects are visible on the surface of the chain.

Without anyone’s explanation, Renault naturally understands that the golden chain represents “the power of the secondary law of heat”, heat transfer skills such as [heat conduction], and the three major [laws of thermodynamics] are all part of the chain of this law.

The incomplete green chain represents “the power of the sub-laws of the spirit”, which is transformed from the power of mind.

“Renault… Renault, Entropy… Entropy… has left us…”

The panicked sound of the bird came into Renault’s ears.

Renault was taken aback and opened his eyes quickly.

He opened his mouth, and when he was about to speak, he suddenly felt that the sea of ​​magic energy pierced through the heavens and the earth, faintly forming an inexplicable connection with himself.

Renault’s heart moved, and he blurted out:

“No, Husky, Entropy has not left!”

He stretched his fingers to the sky, his voice getting louder and louder.

“Entropy just returns to the sea of ​​magic energy. It is always with us… It is the power of the law of this world and the magical life born in the sea of ​​magic energy. It is destined to return there!”

At the same time, Renault developed a kind of enlightenment:

The chain of these two laws is the final gift of “entropy”.

The skills engraved on the “Book of Thermodynamics” are actually entropy skills, which are only “tentatively loaned” to him. If this book disappears, he will lose these skills.

But the chain of laws is different. They are built in his soul space and are originally part of him.

In the past, Renault was not strong enough to master these 8 “power of the secondary laws” level skills. After he was promoted to Domination, Entropy gave him all the skills in a single brain.

In other words, he didn’t really own them until this moment.

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