Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 948

Chapter 939 Planetary engine

Valkyrie asteroid belt.

This is a dense area of ​​asteroids surrounding the “Ya’an”, one of the two moons. The distance from the human planet is about 28-40 million kilometers.

The reason why it is not a fixed distance is because on the one hand the orbit of “Ya’an” around the planet is an ellipse, with perigee and apogee, on the other hand, because the asteroid belt is affected by the gravity of the sun and the planet, and the orbit is stretched. very long.

Mining in the asteroid belt far away from the planet, looking around, there is an endless void, and the feeling of loneliness is particularly strong.

Especially when the working asteroid enters the dark side of “Ya’an”, that is, the side facing away from the sun, everything is shrouded in darkness. This kind of environment makes people unable to help but produce a kind of “abandonment” or “abandonment” or “abandonment”. The terrible feeling of being exiled.

However, the presence of Renault himself greatly eased the insecurities of the mining team members.

The reason is very simple. Even the first ruler of mankind personally led everyone to work on this 300-meter-long asteroid. Who would worry about being abandoned? Who has reason to complain?

“Guys, how is the exploration of the 1207 asteroid?”

Renault activated the communication channel in the aerospace helmet and asked loudly.

A somewhat excited voice quickly replied:

“Under the supreme crown, we used the’Magic Material Analyzer’ to quickly analyze the ore samples collected from exploration sites No. 1 to No. 10. The results of the’Shibel Magic Spectrum’ showed that the average iron content was 83. %, the average content of the magic metal’Black Star Iron’ is 2.2%. I think this is an extremely valuable asteroid…”

Another equally excited voice reported:

“Under the Supreme Crown, the results of exploration points 11 to 18 have also come out. The average iron content is 85%, and the average content of’Black Star Iron’ is 2.6%… According to estimates, the weight of asteroid 1207 is not less than 3000. 10,000 tons, then the “Black Star Iron” has at least 600,000 tons. Based on the market price of 25 kinnars/kg, the total value is more than 150 billion kinnars… God, I have to say, space mining is really Too promising…”

The third voice immediately said:

“Under the supreme crown, we also discovered the rare’Xingyu Titanium’ at the No. 24 exploration site. This is a super magic alloy only available in space. Its mechanical properties are 10 times better than that of’Star Blue Iron’. It has never been found on our planet.”

“During the entire year of mining last year, we only found 7 asteroids, and the content was extremely low… I have a strong hunch that the content of’Xingyu Titanium’ in asteroid 1207 will definitely not be too small. , Maybe there will be as many as 3,000 tons…Under the crown, no wonder you often say that our journey is the sea of ​​stars…”

This sentence immediately caused a burst of exclamation.


“Oh my god, this is an amazing discovery…”

“Tsk tut, 3000 tons, this is really a surprising number!”

“Stevenson, I hope you are right, so that we can get a little more bonus…”

Renault interrupted the comments of the players:

“It seems that our harvest this time is very good. Regardless of whether the ‘Xingyu Titanium’ has as much as 3,000 tons, the 600,000 ‘Black Star Iron’ is enough for us to do a great job.”

“As long as the 1207 asteroid is pushed to the’Dragon Palace Space City’, the resources extracted from it will be enough to expand the scale of this space city by more than 30%… Then, guys, start construction!”

After a pause, Renault issued another command:

“Millennium Falcon, I order you to immediately transport 12’planetary engines’ to the vicinity of the asteroid, and then unload them, and we will fix them on the surface of the asteroid together.”

“Well, let me check the time first… It is now 9:26, and in 3 hours and 34 minutes, the asteroid 1207 will be close to the’perigee’. We must accelerate it to a certain extent before then, push Off the track of’Ya’an’.”

“Only in this way, the transportation distance will be the shortest, and the ore can be transported back as soon as possible…Forget it, after the ‘planetary engine’ has been transported, I’ll be responsible for the installation!”

A neat response came from the channel immediately:

“Yes! The Supreme Crown!”

The name “planetary engine” undoubtedly comes from Renault.

This time of traversal is just later than the release time of a certain science fiction movie. Of course, this guy who is full of evil taste will not let go of this tall name.

In fact, the “planetary engine” of another world is completely different from the movie.

The latter is the legendary “heavy nuclear fusion” artifact, which relies on “burning stones” to generate power and has a terrifying 15 billion tons of thrust.

The former is a high-power “Devil Thrust Engine” with a maximum thrust of only 500,000 tons, which is just a drop in the rank of the latter.

In the void dozens of kilometers away, a weird-looking space transport ship, the “Millennium Falcon” as Renault called it, activated the “Devil Thrust Engine” and quickly approached the asteroid.

The shape of this transport ship is not in touch with the “Millennium Falcon” in the movie “Star Wars”.

It is more like a 260-meter-long giant rocket with a non-stop rotating metal ring on its head. The rocket includes the cockpit, transport compartment, and engine compartment. The metal ring is the living compartment.

It is not necessary to design the transport ship into this ugly appearance, but to use other methods to create gravity, which is an extremely high-end technology.

The rune magicians under Renault have yet to work out a way to use magic energy to create gravity.

Even if it can, in the long run, many mana will be consumed, and it is far less economical than the existing method.

The Millennium Falcon was very fast. It only took less than 3 minutes for this giant space transport ship to appear 2 kilometers away from the asteroid. The signal lights installed in every corner of the hull kept flashing and became this dark space. One of the few light sources in the world.

“Start to unload the’planetary engine’!”

The hull shook suddenly, the cargo door in the middle was opened, and the crew slowly pushed out the behemoths.

From the visual point of view, this scene looks quite weird.

Because the crew with an average height of 2 meters seemed so insignificant in front of the 20-meter-long “planetary engine” weighing more than 800 tons, but they just shook the latter.

In gravity-free space, this is a common occurrence.

“Start the’Magic Belt’ to assist in the transfer of the’Planetary Engine’!”

More than 20 mining team members staying on the asteroid activated a metal belt around their waists, jumped up from the surface of the stone, and flew in groups to meet the transport ship.

The rune engraved on the surface of the metal belt is exactly the original [Psychic Mind Power] created by Renault based on the [Mind Power] skill. You only need to input the mental power into it to generate the “Mind Power”.

The conversion efficiency of “Induction Mind Power” is less than 30% of [Mind Power], that is, inputting the same amount of mental power, the thrust generated is less than 30% of the “genuine”.

However, in the vast space, it has proven to be an extremely efficient and extremely flexible power, because the magnitude and direction of the force can be controlled at will.

This is far stronger than the “jetpack”, which is the tool used by Earth astronauts during their spacewalks.

Anyone who has watched the movie “Martian Rescue” or “Gravity” can understand that this thing is not generally difficult to use, and most people can easily turn themselves into a spinning top without a long period of training.

At the same time, Renault was not idle.

He quickly flew around the asteroid, chose a suitable location, and began to “lay the foundation.”

As a peerless powerhouse in charge of the “power of the secondary laws of heat” and “the power of the secondary laws of the spirit”, as well as the “power of the secondary laws of the material control system”, Renault has now evolved into a “super humanoid factory”.

He landed on the top of a huge boulder, and with a thought, a large piece of ore within a hundred meters below his feet instantly melted into a blazing red melt, releasing a dazzling red light.

From a distance, the entire asteroid is illuminated.

All those who saw this scene showed unstoppable awe in their eyes.

“Oh, my God…”

“Guys, look at it…”

“The power under the supreme crown is really too powerful…”

Renault did not pay attention to the discussions in the channel, but focused on his own work.

Within his soul space, a chain of incomplete laws moved lightly, and the chain suddenly extended rapidly, shooting into the high-dimensional space, and the strange fluctuations spread from the chain and spread to the surroundings.

In the next moment, every particle in the melt has undergone an inexplicable change.

Compounds such as metal oxides are instantly decomposed into elemental substances; natural elemental substances will be uniformly mixed with other elements according to Renault’s intentions to become a strong magic alloy.

The molten liquid seems to have life, it surging quickly, the low-lying areas are automatically filled up, and the raised areas automatically collapse, and then rapidly cool down.

After 2 seconds, the original rugged surface quickly turned into a flat and smooth circular metal plate with a diameter of more than 150 meters, perfectly embedded in the surface of the asteroid.

This is exactly the effect of “the power of the secondary laws of the material control system”.

It is also a chain of laws that Renault has independently condensed by combining “the power of metal control”, “the power of the profound meaning of the earth”, and the rune group [decomposition] and so on.

This kind of power is extremely powerful, there is no uncontrollable matter, and the control range and control precision are all far higher than the power of metal control, and the mana consumption is an order of magnitude lower.

Renault glanced at the metal disc, nodded in satisfaction, raised his right hand, and beckoned gently.

Twelve black circular holes appeared in the disc silently, neatly arranged into a ring, each of which was more than 8 meters in diameter. This is where the planetary engine is installed.

At this point, the base is fully completed.

Time-consuming, 2 seconds!

This metal plate made of magic alloy seems to be redundant, but it is a must.

Once the 12 engines are started, if there is no base to withstand the huge thrust of up to millions of tons, the asteroid is very likely to be torn into several pieces.

Renault turned his head and shouted:

“Guys, I have done it here, you just push the’planetary engine’ directly, don’t think about the problem of deceleration… Believe me, I can catch them!”

“Understand! The Supreme Crown!”

Dozens of crew members and mining team members pushed the engine to the asteroid.

Renault controls the 【Nin Power】, easily catches the engines and installs them on the base one by one.

Then he switched the communication channel to another confidential channel and issued a new command:

“Call ‘Moon Palace’, this is Renault…I order you to activate the ‘Light God’s Web’ system to connect the 12 ‘planetary engines’ on the asteroids and transmit energy to them!”


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