Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 959

Chapter 950 Valkyrie Spear

“Whirring whirring……”

Accompanied by the roar of a huge air current, 12 silver eagles rushed to the target area first.

The commander of this team, the commander of the 13th Aviation Division, Colonel Ralph, issued an order:

“The height is 100 meters, the 1304 team is in charge of the north of the target, and the 1305 team is in charge of the south!”

“In addition, all pilots should pay attention to keeping spacing and avoid crossing!”


A group of silver eagles spread out like butterflies piercing through flowers, swiftly swooping in all directions on the ice sheet below, and the beautifully curved wings swept through the air, pulling out pale white traces.

This is the drop of air pressure near the wing, causing the air moisture to condense into droplets due to oversaturation, forming a contrail.

If anyone who is familiar with the history of the main fighter jets of each generation of the Federal Air Force is here, they will definitely find a clear difference.

In the era of the silver kite biplanes, when the silver kites were flying in a queue, the minimum distance between the two fighters was sometimes even less than 5 meters. The wings were rubbing against the wings, which seemed quite thrilling.

But in the era of the Silver Eagle monoplane, you will never see this kind of sight.

Different Silver Eagle fighters must try their best to maintain a distance of more than 100 meters, and the flight paths will almost never cross. This is also the commander’s special emphasis on “keep spacing and avoid crossing.”

This is related to the characteristics of Yinying’s “Typhoon-7S” jet engine.

The engine uses the technology of the “subspace transition jet engine”, the aero engine of the “Aurora” aerospace shuttle.

When it activates a certain mode, the nearby space within 80 meters will be superimposed with a “subspace magic vector” and transformed into a powerful “subspace transition field”. All air molecules in the transition field will be marked with ” The way of “jumping” is to enter the suction chamber of the engine.

At this time, the thrust output of the engine will instantly double, reaching a staggering 32 tons, and the two engines are 64 tons, pushing the maximum speed of the fighter, breaking through to the staggering 5 times the speed of sound.

And this operating mode has a very profound name-afterburner mode!

If you don’t maintain enough spacing, once a silver eagle turns on the “afterburning mode”, the surrounding fighters will instantly be in a vacuum.

Judging from the performance parameters of the engine alone, the Silver Eagle of the other world has fully surpassed the fifth-generation fighter on the earth.

For example, Yingjiang’s F22 fighter jet is equipped with two Pratt & Whitney F-119-PW-100 turbofan engines. The afterburner thrust of a single engine is “but” only 156 kN, which is “only” 15 tons. Half of the alien black technology engine.

Two minutes later, Gulum received a report from Colonel Ralph:

“Dear Lieutenant General, we have visually observed the target area, and there are no civilians around.”


Grum nodded slightly and asked in a deep voice:

“1301 Bomber Squadron, has the weapon coordinate setting been completed?”


Gurum yelled decisively:

“Throw the’valkyrie spear’!”


The four “Yinpeng-2” bombers hovering at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters began to lower their altitude. The magazine at the bottom of the belly was opened, and a huge metal pylon was slowly pushed out by the magic motive.

Below the pylons are fixed three rather strange-shaped projectiles with a length of more than 8 meters. There are a pair of delta wings similar to wings on both sides, and a horizontal tail and a vertical tail at the tail.

The officer in charge of the bombing operation said with a serious face:

“Operators, start the’Magic Remote Control System’ and connect to the control center of the’Valkyrie’s Spear’!”


In the cabin of each bomber, three soldiers quickly put on a weird-looking metal helmet with three pairs of sharp horns inscribed with a large number of runes protruding from the top.

With a thought, the operators input a mental force into the rune square plate integrated in the helmet, and the 3 pairs of sharp corners instantly released a cloud of blue light.

At the next moment, a certain rune instrument inside the projectile had a special resonance with the helmet, and the magic wave transmitted back and forth between the two.

The operator reports loudly:

“‘Magic Remote Control System’ has been successfully connected!”

The officer shouted without hesitation:


“Crack! Crack! Crack!”

The 12 “Valkyrie’s Spears” broke away from the pylons of the four bombers and fell into the squalls and snowflakes of the call sign.

“Whirring whirring……”

The spout at the tail of each “Valkyrie’s Spear” immediately sprayed out a strong air current, pushing the weapon to rush forward rapidly.

“The ignition is successful!”

The operator wearing a helmet, staring at the crystal display light screen on the operation console, shouted in a hurry.

The other soldiers in the bomber who were watching this scene suddenly let out a slight cheer.

The 12 “Valkyrie’s Spears” that are flying rapidly, the delta wings and tail wing are constantly swinging, and the body traverses a clear arc in the air and dives toward the ice below.

“The other parts of the projectile are working properly!

On the left side of each light screen, a light spot that keeps moving is flying fast towards a red spot, and on the right side of the light screen is a topographic map similar to a magic radar scan, constantly changing.

“The current speed is 550 m/s!”

If someone from the earth sees the flying posture of the “Valkyrie Spear”, they will definitely recognize it. Isn’t this a drone?

Yes, this weapon is actually a remotely controlled “suicide drone”.

The design concept of the “Valkyrie’s Spear” originated from missiles on the earth. Unfortunately, the technology tree in the alien world has been crooked. It is too difficult to realize automatic control by means of rune magic weapons.

As a last resort, Renault decided to adopt another technical route with different characteristics.

Since automatic control can’t be done, then the master will try remote control!

The control helmets worn by the operators are the “magic remote control system” developed for this purpose. It can let the spirit of the operators feel the “valkyrie spear” through the principle of “magic resonance”. Position, operation weapon without any hindrance.

Due to the characteristics of the magic wave, the distance of this black technology control system is far away, the maximum distance is more than 1500 kilometers, if the energy level of the magic wave is increased, the distance exceeds 5000 kilometers, or even 10000 kilometers, it is not a problem.

Of course, if the distance is too far, the magic wave signal may have a long delay.

“Whirring whirring……”

At the moment before the 12 “Valkyrie Spears” hit the target, their speed was accelerated by gravity and the thrust of the jet engine to a high speed of 2 times the speed of sound.

The 12 big guys are like meteors falling from the sky, they used to fall straight down, hitting the ice heavily, making a series of sky-shaking blasts, spreading far away.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The “valkyrie spear” weighing several tons blasted large pits more than 10 meters deep in the ground. The projectile body went deep into the ground tens of meters deep, reaching the hard rock formations, and penetrating more than 20 Meter.

Countless crushed ice shot all over the sky, snow dust like mushroom clouds rose up, and the ground vibrated strongly.

“Hit the target…”

“Successful hit…”

“The landing point of the projectile is completely accurate…”

The results of the release of “Valkyria’s Spear” were immediately summarized to the Supreme Commander Grum, who smiled satisfied and gave the order again:

“Start the high-speed drilling probe of the projectile!”

“In addition, tell the’Third Satellite Control Center’ that every time a penetrating scan is completed, the results will be sent over as soon as possible… If there are real demons underground, they will definitely not be indifferent to the impact.”


Every “valkyrie spear” that hits the ground has become completely unrecognizable. The shell of the projectile is completely shattered, and the delta wings and tail wings on both sides disappear so that no shadow can be seen, only a dark alloy pillar remains. , And its top is a bit like a drill.

This is the “weapon” loaded by the “suicide drone”.

Strictly speaking, the “Valkyria’s Spear” is actually just a weapon platform, or launch platform.

According to different needs, it can be loaded with different weapons, such as “Fire Demon Explosive” with terrible explosive power, or “Ice Demon Potion” that releases deadly cold air.

These 12 “valkyrie spears” are loaded with another unique equipment-a magic drill!

Its production material is the “Black Star Ferroalloy” transported back from the space factory. It is so strong that it can be staggered. The impact of a few hundred meters per second is not enough to damage it.

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