Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 962

Chapter 953 Demon Army

After the elemental vortex dissipated, another huge wave of magic energy fell from the sky, and the information notification sent by the third satellite control center was passed into Grum’s ears.

“Under the crown of the lieutenant general, the total number of suspicious red spots shown in the cloud map scanned by satellites has exceeded 2000. This is an army of demons… In addition, the highest detected corruption index exceeds the upper limit of 1000, and we highly suspect that it is the master. Void demons of the order, please be careful…”

Before Gurum had time to say anything, he felt a wave of magic energy descending from high altitude.

This wave of fluctuation is obviously different from the mana wave of the “disaster exploration satellite”. The former has higher energy level and more violent fluctuations. Gollum even feels the mana in his body, which seems to have a strange response to it. .

“What kind of satellite is this? What the **** are those magicians doing…”

Gurum was taken aback for a moment, then whispered in a low voice.

But soon, he knew the answer.

“Under the head of the lieutenant general, the Second Satellite Control Center just sent a notification that they used the’ultra-high-level condensed light magic wave’ to conduct a deep scan of the target area and detected a large number of magical creatures, of which the awakening level The number of organisms is not less than 2500.”

“In addition, the Demon Race with the highest Mana Index reached 42910 points… However, the depth of the target is deeper and the thick rock layer has caused a certain degree of attenuation of the Mana Wave. The specific value of the detection is extremely high. It may be lower than the actual value…”

Gurum’s heart shuddered.

The number of detected enemies has increased again!

Based on past experience, the data of the second control center should be more accurate.

The entire human federation has three satellite control centers. The first control center is responsible for various communication satellites, the second control center is responsible for the “Sky Eye System”, and the third control center is responsible for the “Disaster Detection Satellites”. The three major centers perform their duties. .

“damn it!”

Gurum’s complexion changed suddenly.

Because 42910 points have entered the dominance level, his hunch has been confirmed!

At this moment, he had a strong urge to turn around and leave, but as a soldier, he had to perform his duties with due diligence and couldn’t take a step back.

The only hope is to expect the Supreme Crown to airborne from orbit and rush to the battlefield earlier.

“Anastasia, Aglaia…”

He muttered the names of his wife and daughter silently in his heart, and his expression gradually became determined.

“Anastasia” is the princess of the former Silver Lion Kingdom. The two were married 6 years ago, and now they even have one child.

Gurum took a deep breath, grabbed the communicator, and shouted loudly:

“Attention everyone, there is an army of demons hidden underground. It is certain that there is a master-level powerhouse. Be sure to keep a distance from the demons and never get close to the opponent!

“Attention, the silver eagle teams, immediately dispersed, the height increased to more than 4000.”


The tidy cluster of aircraft hovering in the sky split instantly and flew in all directions. The airflow from the engine swept across the sky like a rolling thunder.

Gurum turned his head and glanced at the four Yinpeng bombers, and shouted:

“Lieutenant Colonel Ateli, the bomber squad led by you, immediately activated the’optical stealth system’, raised the altitude to 15,000 meters, headed southwest at full speed, and maintained a safe distance of more than 50 kilometers from the battlefield. All operators are ready. , Throw the’valkyrie spear’ at any time to support the battlefield.”


A strange wave flashed by, and the four huge bombers instantly became blurred. After half a breath, they disappeared without a trace.

This is the standard tactics for bombers in the Federal Air Force Operations Manual.

As bombers, they have poor maneuverability and their appearance is extremely conspicuous. They can easily become targets for enemy siege by staying on the battlefield. Instead, it is better to stay away from the battlefield and use the “valkyrie spear” to attack the enemy from a distance.

Relying on the awesome “magic control system”, the operator can control the “valkyrie spear” like a finger. Even if it is 50 kilometers away, Yinpeng’s attack accuracy is too high.

After a few breaths, Grum received another good message, and his eyes were full of joy.

He didn’t hesitate to turn on the full-frequency broadcast, and said in a deep voice:

“Attention, all Silver Eagle fighters, temporarily leave directly above the target, and cruise around 5 kilometers away… repeat it, leave directly above the target…”

“Whirring whirring……”

The violent whistling sound rang out in pieces, and the large group of war eagles deflected their wings and turned around and flew towards the outlying area.

The sky over the ice sheet that had been blown out of 12 giant craters became empty again.

The first shot of this battle did not come from a fleet of aircraft in the sky, but an X fighter at an altitude of more than 400 kilometers.

“The ‘Sky Eye System’ signal has been synchronized, and the subspace coordinates have been entered. Put in the ‘Space Anchor’!”


An X fighter opened the magazine and dropped a shuttle-shaped metal object, allowing it to fall straight to the ground.

This is impressively the special weapon of dozens of deadly creatures “floating whales”-the anchor of space.

Two seconds after the “Space Anchor” fell, it suddenly disappeared.

The shuttle of subspace begins.

7600 kilometers away, the “Hand of Thanos” command center.

The Supreme Commander Lockwood, received a message from the X fighter team:

“Your Excellency Lockwood, the’Space Anchor’ has jumped into the subspace and will soon reach the target location. By then, the subspace will be completely sealed off, and the Demon Lord cannot use [Flashing].”


Lockwood switched to another channel and issued a loud command:

“Everyone, according to the detection of the’Sky Eye System’ just now, the Demon Ruler’s hiding depth exceeds 3 kilometers, immediately adjust the output power of the’Hand of Thanos’ to the maximum!”


“Connect to the’Magic Resonance Sensing System’ of the’Sky Eye Array’, and synchronize the signals of the’Biphasic Magic Resonance’!”

“The signal is synchronized, the target is locked!”

Lockwood yelled:


Several magicians uniformly activated the rune square.

Several mana wave signals instantly crossed hundreds of kilometers of distance and reached Blue Star’s low-level orbit space, and were received by dozens of space-based weapons floating in space.

Grum, who personally controlled a silver eagle, witnessed an extremely vast scene with his own eyes.

Dozens of bright red light beams cut straight down from the distant sky, and instantly hit a certain position on the ground, a vast and dreadful wave radiated from the light beam.

All the creatures within a radius of 50 kilometers felt the deadly threat, as if a group of death messengers waving the death sickle were dancing in the sky, watching every creature with enthusiasm.

The beam of light continued for a while, and suddenly collapsed and disappeared, leaving only traces of light red, still standing between the sky and the earth, like a bridge that passes through the sky and the earth.

This is a highly concentrated energy that interferes with the remaining traces of real space.

“God, is this the’Hand of the Tyrant”? It’s really terrible…”

“My mother, I was scared to pee my pants just now…”

“Oh, this is definitely a weapon of the gods, I don’t believe that the demon master can survive…”

Except for a few people, most of the people present witnessed the attack of the “Hand of Thanos” at close range for the first time. This scene left them with an unforgettable impression.

The second satellite control center.

The person in charge of the “Sky Eye Array”, the high-level magician Phoenix, stared solemnly at the newly refreshed display screen and the densely packed light spots in the image, and solemnly said:

“Inform all units, the mana index dominated by the demons dropped from 42910 points to 23431 points, but this value is not accurate, and it is likely to be lower than the actual value… According to the data changes, it is speculated that the rock layer weakened [heat death] ] Ray, the dominator has received a certain amount of damage, but has not died, and still has the power to fight.”

“In addition, the Lieutenant General Gollum on the front line was informed that according to the comparison of the front and rear images, the position of more than 80% of the light spots has changed significantly, and they are gathered in certain locations underground… We believe that the demon army is about to launch an offensive. !”

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