Master the Dream World

Chapter 147

Chapter 146 (8,000 words) Expedition to the Iron Sta

“Kacha, Kacha.”

The huge and solid defense line of millions of light-years suddenly shattered. There were countless powerful practitioners, even the Nine Tribulations scattered immortals had no time to escape. In the face of space rupture, any space defense would be of no use, and trillions of cultivation had been completed. All masters died tragically under the attack of singularity weapons.

For a little while, the personnel of the Qinglong regiment looked at the originally unbreakable line of defense, and now it has become clean. There is no breath of life on it. Only the trillions of cultivation troops that the line of defense thought stood shooting and shaking in the starry sky.

Flee, now we are no longer able to stop the expansion of technological civilization. “A quasi-sage-level expert said with a serious expression of hatred.

“Knock in for me ”

After the army of the Blue Dragon regiment rushed into the defense line at random, there was no force to stop it. The previous cultivation world army could still compete with the Azure Dragon regiment, but after losing most of its strength, there was no resistance at all, and now it can only escape. And far away from the Dongsheng Star Boundary area.

The army of the Azure Dragon regiment is like no one’s realm, and it has been swiftly taking over one river after another. In just a hundred years, the Azure Dragon regiment has completely taken over the huge territory of Dongsheng Star Realm that is tens of billions of light years away.

Of course, the reform and development of science and technology has also encountered a large number of obstacles from the cultivation world, but their strength has long been lost on the battlefield, and all the current obstacles are futile.

When reforming technology, it was killing the blood-stained planet and the death of countless beneficiaries, but all this was worth it.

One hundred thousand years after the Azure Dragon regiment received the Dongsheng Star Realm, the entire team was already as powerful as the Halo regiment and the Tiger regiment, and formed three poles in the entire Earth Consciousness Space.

We must know that the entire Dongsheng Star Realm is a mature world. After receiving it, we can quickly transform the equipment and collect resources.

After Liu Yu, the biggest beneficiary, came to Dongsheng Star Realm, he collected more than six billion drops of soul origin and reached the middle stage of the **** emperor, that is, the middle stage of the tenth level of life.

Ding ,

The Qinglong group completed this world assimilation task and obtained 1.3 billion drops of soul origin.

Hahaha, all efforts were not in vain.


Yin Hongtao muttered silently, and his strength went from the early stage of the ninth level to the late stage of the ninth level.

“Hey, now there are more and more soul sources that are needed now, and the family has a big business. There is a group of people waiting to be fed. If you use these more than one billion soul sources by yourself, you can directly reach the level of the **** emperor, but you can reach the **** emperor level. The late imperial period is also good. You only need to work hard again to make a world, and you can reach the level of the **** emperor.” Yin Hongtao thought to himself inwardly.

“How is our strength now, can we attack that big world now?” Yin Hongtao pressed his wrist and asked Ma Fu.

“Head, this is a bit difficult. According to the news from our spies, the world is now at its peak and it is still growing. Among them, there are thousands of people at the level of the Lord of the Plane. The figures of the **** emperor are even more than tens of millions. I think we are still digesting the time for a while.” Ma Fu explained.

“And our space battleship has not completed the latest weapons and equipment, I am afraid that it will not be difficult to win that world, and if we do not do well, we will be annihilated.” Ma Fu said.

“What’s the matter, isn’t our time technology already very powerful? It can’t be applied to space battleships yet?” Yin Hongtao asked suspiciously.

“Commander, we only have some furs on this time technology now, and we have to use it to make space battleships, at least millions of years in the universe, which is our time here for ten years, and I have asked the Institute of Science Over there, I have studied this matter with all my strength.” Ma Fu said.

“That’s OK, so be it. When the time and technology are mature, we will try our best to attack the great world.” Yin Hongtao said.

Didi, the starry sky defense that shocked the mind rang through the border defense star field of the Qinglong group.

Hurry up

“Unknown civilization has invaded, and the energy level has reached eleven, which is extremely dangerous.” A series of whistling sounds sounded in the ears of the army.

“Warning, warning! The unknown fleet ahead, stop advancing immediately. This is the territory of our Qinglong regiment. If we don’t listen to the advice, we will use force.” The Qinglong regiment’s defense alert reminded the unknown civilization.

“Report to the general, this civilization is the civilization we are looking for.” said a person who looks like a human being.

“Okay, very good. I didn’t expect that there are civilizations here that violate the rules of the Universe Alliance and use the cosmic killer. If they are not punished, where will the face of our truth and civilization be put?” the leader said fiercely.

“By the way, let me connect with the civilizations over there. I want to see what kind of civilization dares to use taboo weapons under the jurisdiction of our truth civilization.” After the leader said, he blinked the middle of his eyebrows. Dissipated a little unhappy.


“Huh, what a civilization of truth, actually claiming that our current starry sky territory is under their jurisdiction is really deceiving. If you don’t show them a little bit of color, they won’t know how good we are.” Yin Hongtao slapped the best. Said the table made by Xianshi.

“Yes, who is our Blue Dragon Group afraid of? Even if we have not fought with the more than ten trillion troops of the Dongsheng Star Realm, what truth and civilization will we be afraid of if we have a big killer like the singularity bomb? What if they also have such weapons? I think we should catch them now and get where they are.” Mafu said.

“Yes, our Qinglong regiment is not the Qinglong regiment one hundred thousand years ago. We now have tens of billions of singularity bombs, and although our space battleships have not been completely refurbished, they are not without fighting power.” Yin Hong Tao said.

After Zhu Tao received the information from the base camp, he immediately dispatched tens of millions of space warships to encircle the 100,000 space warships of the truth and civilization.


“They dare to surround us? You know that we are the ninth level of truth civilization, who gave them the courage?” Ge Liu could not confidently say.

“Li Ga, immediately send a message to the base camp, saying that the Qinglong civilization is a barbaric civilization, and he will start with our envoy.” Ge Liu said.

“Yes, my envoy, I will send a message right away.” Li Ga replied.

“People of truth and civilization, listen, you immediately turn off the power system of the space battleship and accept the inspection of our Qinglong group, otherwise you will be executed as interstellar pirates.” Zhu Tao announced.

“We are a civilization of truth, maybe you don’t know our strength, but our civilization of truth rules dozens of star realms, or one of the five major members of the star realm alliance, you have to think carefully.” Ge Liu said threateningly.

“What, the truth is not the truth, you will be unlucky when you meet our Qinglong regiment.” After Zhu Tao finished speaking, he ordered the fleet to fire on the truth civilization fleet.

Even if this fleet is very elite, there is no resistance in the face of tens of millions of space warships. It took less than an hour to completely solve the envoy fleet of truth and civilization.

At the same time, the Qinglong regiment also learned that the truth civilization is indeed a powerful civilization, as the messenger said, a ninth-level scientific and technological civilization, and a powerful civilization that has initially mastered time, technology and technology.

After probably knowing the strength of the truth civilization, Yin Hongtao also let go of his worries, and inferred from the science and technology on the space battleship that the messenger was riding on, the time technology of the truth civilization is not much better than that of the Qinglong group. It is just a comparison of the time when the truth civilization exists. It is about three billion years long, and its background is very deep, which is not comparable to the current background of the Qinglong regiment.

“Captain, since we have offended the truth and civilization, then we should immediately prepare the armed forces, and we have enough time, we must know that we can end a hundred thousand years, he may come to us, you can know, The civilization of truth is far away from us, and it is said that we also have enough time to transform all the universe into space battleships with space and time technology, and then we can send troops to the civilization of truth.” Ma Fu said.

“Well, what you said is right, we are now going all-out to prepare the armed forces, and strive for 30,000 years, to replace all space battleships with time and space technology.” Yin Hongtao said.

In a flash of time, thirty thousand years have passed, and the fifty thousand space legions of the Azure Dragon regiment have also been completely replaced.

One space legion is equal to one hundred star field legions, and one star field legion is equal to 100 million space warships.

Fifty thousand space legions, or 500 trillion space warships, are very powerful, and a plane space is specially built to store space warships. The entire universe plane space has an area of ​​millions of light years. .

On this day, at the edge of the Cangming Star Territory, the void squirmed for a while, and then rushed out of a space legion, that is, tens of billions of space battleships, and then came out a series of interstellar fortresses three light-years old.

The interstellar fortress is a space-time fortress, a space-time dam, and it exists like a space warship warehouse.

The three-light-year interstellar fortress can not only suppress the starry sky in the range of three million light-years, but also constantly absorb the universe and replenish energy.

The defensive ability of the interstellar fortress has a space node that suppresses 3 million light years, making the enemy unable to make space jumps, space shuttles and other space technologies.

Another function is to block space. This blockade space is a powerful skill that can block a dozen or so river systems in the starry sky. Any energy attack or physical attack from the enemy is completely useless.

This time, the Azure Dragon Group sent out ten interstellar fortresses in their expedition to Truth Civilization. It is said that the expedition is actually based on luck. If you are not lucky, you can fight the Truth Civilization halfway and then fight the Truth Civilization on the spot. Avoid the flames of war to the mainland.

Ten huge interstellar fortresses, with a flash of light on their bodies, disappeared into the space dimension layer, and then flew at extreme speed in the space dimension.

Sitting on the top of the interstellar fortress, Ma Fu could not help but sigh for the power of human beings. The entire star fortress, which is several light-years old, can quickly navigate the astral world. In less than ten years, it has now crossed 300 billion light-years. In these river systems, they have also encountered powerful technological civilizations and cultivation civilizations, but their overall strength is not as strong as the original Azure Sea. Those who have been suppressed by the ten interstellar fortresses don’t want them. It can be said that the interstellar fortresses have passed. , Basically destroyed the country by the Qinglong regiment, gained massive wealth, and became stronger as he fought.

The total internal area of ​​the ten interstellar fortresses amounts to tens of millions of light-years in size. They are equipped with a variety of complete technological manufacturing. It can be said that the Azure Dragon Group has invested 70% of its wealth and power in it.

During the millennia of voyages in the sky, the ten star fortresses increased to a hundred, and the technological strength of various space battleships also doubled.

Because the plane space in the interstellar fortress and the time flow of the universe are different, in fact, tens of millions of years have passed in the interstellar fortress.

“It is reported that a powerful civilization was found in a zone of tens of billions of light-years ahead. Its energy level is several times stronger than the original Dongsheng Star Realm. Are we going to attack it now?” A communications soldier said to Ma Fu .

“Let the order go on and immediately attack this civilization.” Ma Fu said lightly.

In the space dimensional mezzanine of the Napo star realm, where is the interstellar fortress that is hundreds of light-years in size quietly stopping.

This is an interstellar fortress ten light-years in size, and its internal space forms its own world.

On a very aura-rich planet in the interstellar fortress space, Ma Fu is discussing with his staff how to attack that world.

“According to the news from our spies, the star realm is called the steel star realm, and the civilization inside is a kind of intelligent robot civilization, and its strength is several times stronger than the original Dongsheng star realm.”

Originally, the civilization here was also a powerful technological civilization, but later due to the rebellion of intelligent programs, the entire civilization’s carbon-based creatures died tragically under the hands of intelligent robots.

Now this intelligent robot has ruled the steel star realm for billions of years, and its territory has reached 30 billion light-years in size. There is no technological civilization around it that is their opponent, but there is another civilization here that allows intelligent robots. Civilization can’t eat it, that’s the mechanical civilization here. Although the mechanical civilization and the intelligent robot civilization seem to be composed of cold steel, they do have essential differences.

“The core of the life of an intelligent robot is a virtual program, and mechanical civilization has the same thing as carbon-based creatures, that is, they have souls, and their souls grow in the core of the brain like a fire.”

According to the collected information, this mechanical civilization and robot civilization may be subsidiary civilizations of the truth civilization, but the relationship between the two subsidiary civilizations is very unmatched. There will be a war every 100 million years to destroy each other, but among them There is a civilization of truth in the middle of adjustment, and the result is that neither of these two civilizations has won.

“How far are we from the civilization of truth now?” Ma Fu asked.

Reporter, we are still 50 trillion light-years away from the center of the world. “An assistant behind Ma Fu said.

“Now they have sailed 30 trillion light-years. That is to say, the time and space communication of the truth civilization has been conveyed to the truth civilization. Now they need to organize their military equipment. It is estimated that it will take tens of thousands of years in the world. Ten trillion light-years, at least tens of thousands of years, which means we need to take down these two civilizations within 40,000 years. If we don’t take them down within this time, we will face the truth civilization. The flanking attack.” Ma Fu thought to himself.

“If the order goes on, we will immediately prepare to fight, and try to fight the intelligent robot civilization by surprise, and use all the weapons casually.” Ma Fu arranged step by step.

After Ma Fu’s order was issued, hundreds of interstellar fortresses quickly started to operate.

Space battleships, space-time fortresses, monks army, and other weapons are all being quickly arranged.

In the Nabo star realm, in a starry sky, there are ten star portals tens of millions of kilometers high. These ten portals are designed to fight the intelligent robot civilization.

The main reason is that the steel star realm is too large. The entire steel star realm 123 has an area of ​​more than 30 billion light-years. If you want to quickly break through the intelligent robot civilization, you must use the star portal to destroy it internally. This means that a large number of space warships are directly projected into the steel star realm, and the entire steel star realm is directly divided into four parts from the inside, each area is about 8 billion years old.

As a result, intelligent robots cannot effectively organize the army and engage in a tug-of-war with the Qinglong regiment.

A civilization tens of billions of light-years in size is not so easy to strike down step by step.

Moreover, the intelligent robot civilization is not the cultivation civilization of the Dongsheng Star Realm. The resource utilization of scientific and technological civilization can reach the extreme. If it is a tug-of-war with such a civilization, the intelligent robot civilization can burst into an army of tens of trillions. thing.

The huge starry sky portal does not require precision to open the coordinates of the steel star realm. It only needs an approximate position. Even if it deviates from more than one billion light years, it is a small problem. In other words, the space portal does not need coordinates, just Just set how far to send.

Eight trillion cosmic battleships quickly passed through the starry sky portal and conveyed to the robot civilization tens of billions of light-years away.

Drops, drops, intruders are found, the hazard level is the highest, all major military regions are requested to rush to the target point immediately.

The shrill alarms were transmitted to the intelligent robot program.

Intelligent robot civilization, among them, intelligent robots that really have their own independent thoughts are very rare. Among the entire robots, robots with independent thoughts are less than 800 billion people, which can be said to be pitiful. You must know the robots owned by the entire robot civilization. But there are hundreds of thousands of trillions, which is simply an unimaginable concept.

When the space battleship of the Qinglong regiment descended on the territory of the intelligent robot civilization, the robot civilization army also quickly assembled to attack the space battleship of the Qinglong regiment.

Everyone has entered the territory of intelligent robots on a large scale, and the robot civilization will naturally not ask you what you are here for. This is already an aggression.

Eight trillion cosmic warships descended in the range of tens of billions of light-years, cutting the territory of robotic civilization.

This is the Cosmos Army composed of 10,000 Star Legions, and its space warships have reached one trillion cosmic warships. To this Cosmos Army, 800 have attacked the robot civilization.

The working efficiency of intelligent robots is very efficient. When the Qinglong regiment had just established its footing, the robot civilization assembled 15 trillion space battleships, mechas and other forces to attack and counterattack the Qinglong regiment.

Although there are a lot of robot civilization army, it is not very likely to determine the direction of victory or defeat on the battlefield, but a lot of cannon fodder.

“My lord, I found that the robot army is 30 trillion yuan. It may be gathered in a large army. Are we attacking them now?” Qian Wenzhong said.

“Of course we are going to attack. Our goal is to intercept the robot army in various places, and then destroy the robot’s logistics factory.” Wang Wenbo said.

The trillions of space warships entered the dimension with a flash of light, and flew tens of millions of light years away in a very short period of time.

“Attack ”

Tens of trillions of various violent energy beams attacked the robot civilization army. Suddenly countless robot space warships propped up space shields, and the powerful energy was completely empty without harming the robots or any space warships. .

“Grass This is a team of elite troops equipped with space technology space warships.” Wang Wenbo cursed.

“Hmph, a simple civilization with a preliminary mastery of space technology, dare to squat a tiger in front of the space warships of our Qinglong regiment, and immediately release me space strangulation weapons.” Wang Wenbo ordered.

After a while, the abdomen of the trillion cosmic battleships on the Azure Dragon regiment lit up, and waves of gray energy quickly attacked the robot army.

Where the gray space energy passes, the entire millions of light-years of cosmic starry sky is cut into a piece of fast and long strips, and a large number of cosmic oceans flow out of each strip, and countless star fields along the way are covered. The universe was completely destroyed.

When the space strangling energy attacked the robot civilization army, the original super-defense space shield was destroyed by the space strangling energy in an instant, and countless robot space warships were torn to shreds by the attacking energy.

In this wave of attacks, hundreds of billions of space battleships were destroyed by the space strangulation weapons of the Qinglong regiment.

“Bang, what kind of civilization is this? Our intelligent civilization never provokes them. They dare to invade us rashly. If the order is passed on, all the space warships will hit me severely against the invaders.” The commander of the Star Fleet “Steel” Speaking harshly.

As the first full force figure in the Star Fleet, can Gang Ju not be angry? In the past days, I was bullying others by myself. I didn’t expect that carbon-based creatures would dare to attack intelligent civilization now. Isn’t this going to shake the sky?

Facing the counterattack of the intelligent robot civilization army, a huge light curtain rose immediately in front of the Qinglong regiment fleet. The entire light curtain has an area of ​​500,000 light-years, wrapping the Qinglong regiment space battleship in the middle, and then the huge As soon as the light curtain flashed, it disappeared into the space.

This is a space blockade weapon, similar in style to a space shield, but the space blockade technology is many times more powerful than a space shield.

After the entire space blockade wraps the space battleship, it will form an independent world similar to the parallel world. No matter what weapon the opponent attacks, it will pass through the space battleship, but will not cause any harm to the space battleship, just like taking it. Just like cutting a shadow with a knife, it won’t hurt people.

A series of program information, and the super energy passed through the universe of the Qinglong group in an instant, but it did not cause any harm to Qinglong’s space battleship army.

“What? Impossible, how could the other party possess such advanced space technology?” Gang Wei said in shock.

At this time, the space battleship of the Qinglong regiment did not use ordinary ordinary space energy to attack, but directly launched tens of millions of virtual particle bubble bombs.

Virtual particle bubble bombs are now a cheap weapon for all teams, and effective. Although the attack range of virtual particle bubble bombs is somewhat out of keeping up with the rhythm, the number of them is still considerable.

After the first wave of virtual particle bubble bombs based on the space shield of the robot civilization, the entire space shield was instantly swallowed up by the virtual particle bubble bombs. The virtual particle bubble bomb behind immediately rushed into the robot army. intermediate. Then the light flashed, and the large tracts of space battleships suddenly disappeared.

Tan, the steel was frightened, the enemy’s weapon was so powerful, I saw a light flashing on the virtual screen, and my space battleship disappeared cleanly.

“Retreat, retreat, Gang Chu hastily issued an order to the army to retreat. If it doesn’t retreat, the whole army will be destroyed here.”

Want to run?

“Pass the order and follow it to me.” Wang Wende said quickly.

Gang Ju kept running away with nearly 20 trillion space battleships, but Gang Ju did not know where to flee now, because the general space battleship army could not stop the enemy’s offensive of the trillion space battleships.

Although the Star Fleet led by Gang Ju is an elite army of the robot civilization army, how could it have escaped in the face of the Qinglong regiment, which has initially mastered the technology of time?

With the acceleration of time technology and space technology, the space battleships of the Qinglong regiment can no longer compare the speed of space battleships in the cosmic dimension.

With the acceleration of time and technology, space battleships can cross one billion light-years in an instant without any problems, except that the energy consumption is a bit severe.

Time technology is to create a time field, the entire field is wrapping the space battleship in it, and the space battleship spends thousands of years in the space field, ten thousand years, and only one second outside. This is the time technology. The magic.

Of course, the personnel who operate the space battleship certainly do not always operate the space battleship in the field. Instead, they rest like their own home in the space battleship space. They can work and do other things, as long as they spend a set amount of time inside, Then you can return to your post immediately.

The one trillion space battleships led by Wang Wende did not take a day to say that the 30 trillion elite army of robotic civilization was wiped out cleanly, and countless machines were received inside the space battleship.

“It turned out to be a paper tiger. I didn’t expect that the robot civilization that has mastered space technology is so weak that it can’t even be an enemy with us.” Ma Fu said with disdain.

Of course, Ma Fu is just a disdain. If it was placed 100,000 years ago, it would not be so simple to lay down this robot civilization. However, the development of science and technology has allowed the strength to be earth-shaking, just like countries with nuclear weapons and countries without nuclear weapons difference.

The civilization level is different, and the strength is naturally different. When a higher-level civilization beats a lower-level civilization, the speed is faster than the massacre.

In this way, the space battleships of the Azure Dragon regiment ran rampant freely throughout the robot civilization territory, and the army of robot civilization was basically wiped out.

Of course, all robots with independent thoughts in the entire robot civilization will be eliminated. It can be said that as long as there is a robot with independent thoughts and run into a technological civilization one level lower than theirs, it can control that in a short time. All things in civilization that use the Internet, military weapons are naturally no exception.

After the Qinglong regiment swept through the robot civilization, the massive amounts of materials obtained were basically precious metals and energy.

If a star field with a size of tens of billions of light-years is fully developed, it would not be possible to develop it without tens of thousands of years. The Dongsheng Star Realm and the Cang Ming Realm would simply receive surface materials. As for nature Many of the materials in it are undeveloped.

Countless various machines were all melted into metal by the Qinglong group using the super large starry sky magnetic field melting furnace, and then various weapons and space battleships were manufactured.

The number of space warships in the entire robot civilization exceeds 2.5 trillion and more than 1,000 trillion for military use. Such a huge steel object is naturally all used by the Qinglong regiment to make space battleships.

Ten thousand years later, the number of space battleships of the Qinglong regiment has reached 15 trillion, which has increased by half, while the number of interstellar fortresses has increased to five hundred.

In order to create interstellar fortresses, space-time fortresses, space-time dams, planets over 200 million light-years away from the starry sky, and various meteorites, all have been melted clean.

When the Qinglong regiment destroyed the intelligent robot, the mechanical civilization under the banner of the truth civilization naturally also knew it.

Mechanical civilization and intelligent robot civilization are only a billion light-years away.

When the army of the Qinglong regiment crossed the robot civilization, the mechanical civilization made all kinds of weapons at full power. Now, ten thousand years later, the military power has increased by more than ten times.

The flame star realm, the dark star realm, and the dark star realm are also the core areas of mechanical civilization.

After Wali, covered in dark gold, arrived in the Dark Star Territory, he immediately summoned the important personnel of the entire mechanical civilization for a meeting.

“Let’s talk about it, how do we respond to the pressure from the Qinglong civilization army?” Wali threw the question out and asked everyone to think of a general strategy.

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