Master the Dream World

Chapter 171

Chapter 170 The Xuanhuang of Xicheng District is bac

Choppers, axes, wooden sticks, and slabs were flying around on the battlefield.

The soldiers of the Water Snake Gang don’t say how strong the discipline is, but it is already a great thing to be able to stay in line on the battlefield. After all, a few days ago they were just undisciplined punks, even ordinary people.

On the other side of the gang alliance, the real gangsters were fighting. They basically rushed into the battlefield in a swarm, and then fought their own. This did not give rise to a multi-person advantage, and they were soon beaten by the Water Snake Gang. Steadily retreating.

He Feng of the gang alliance looked at the people on his side and was so fragile that he was so vulnerable. Everyone is also a gangster. Why are you so unbelievable?

He Feng knew that he couldn’t wait any longer. Now that he didn’t send elite personnel, the morale of his own party would collapse in less than ten minutes.

Fortunately, here is a gang fight, basically knocked to the ground, let go without resisting, there is no killer, of course there are accidents, how can tens of thousands of people fight without casualties?


At this time, behind He Feng walked out of more than 300 second-rate martial arts elites, each of them holding a long wooden stick in his hand, and his expression was also very vicious.

When more than 300 second-rate martial artists joined the battle, the army of the gang alliance slowly stabilized their heels, but that’s all, it is not so easy to defeat the Water Serpent Gang further.

Liu Yu decided not to wait anymore. The longer he procrastinated, the more dangerous he was. This was an innate feeling.

At this time, Liu Yu also walked out behind more than a hundred second-rate martial artists, each of them wore powerful armor transformed by Liu Yu’s soul origin, and their defense power was very high.

When the elite members of the Water Snake Gang rushed into the battlefield, they immediately beat the members of the gang alliance, crying and crying, and they never dared to get up from the ground one by one.

Even though there are nearly a hundred fewer elite members of the Water Snake Gang than those of the Gang Alliance, they are invulnerable in armor, and they don’t need defense at all when they fight with them. They just take turns to do it when they see people.

With the passage of time, the number of people in the gang alliance who can fight has been less than 5,000. As time goes by, the 5,000 people are also rapidly decreasing.

Seeing He Feng here, where would you dare to stay here, if you don’t run away now, you will definitely not be able to run away later, you may become a younger brother of the Water Snake Gang by then, which is definitely not what I want.

Brothers, let’s withdraw first, and come back next time.

After He Feng left a harsh word, he ran away with hundreds of cronies.

Seeing He Feng’s escape, Liu Yu didn’t order a chase, because now there is a more important thing, that is, heal the people lying on the ground, and then take over the territory of the gang alliance.

Half a day or so has passed, and the entire Xicheng District has been completely occupied by the Water Serpent Gang, and it has become one of the third largest forces in Ziguang Town, and its strength is not much worse than that of the Little Sword Sect and the Urban Management Team.

Just after the Water Snake Gang completely took over the territory of Xicheng District, the Water Snake Gang became stronger and stronger, and it could be said that no one was ignorant.

However, after the Water Snake Gang seized all the territory of Xicheng District, as the master of Ziguang, it could not tolerate another powerful force no matter what.

Blade’s Edge Mountain, as the sect resident of the Little Sword Sect, is already closed at this moment, obviously something important is about to happen.

In the solemn and clean hall, Sect Master Xiaodao was sitting on the main seat, and then he closed the booklet forcefully and said, “Huh, you really know how to do things, huh? I was in retreat for a few months, and it happened in the town. After such a big thing, do you think our Little Sword Sect has fallen from now on?”

Everyone in the hall bowed their heads and dare not speak!

“Okay, since you guys don’t speak, then I’ll call them,” Chen Feng, you come out and talk about what your information hall does?

When Chen Feng saw what the Sect Master asked himself, he didn’t dare not to speak, so he said with a bit of bitterness: “Sect Master, it’s not that our Intelligence Hall is not strong, but that the Water Serpent Gang is developing too fast. They use It only took less than two months to swallow the entire West City Gate. Our Information Hall simply couldn’t respond. It is true that the Water Serpent Gang has risen too quickly. When we found out, it was too late to stop them. Fortunately, after they occupied the Xicheng District, they did not expand outward, which also shows that their vision is very short-sighted.”

After listening to Chen Feng’s words, Sect Master Xiaodao didn’t say anything, because the incident had already happened, and it was of no use to hold accountable, and now he could only restrict the continued expansion of the Water Serpent Gang.

“Let’s go ahead, the gangs in the three places of East City, South City, and North City are doing their best to stop the expansion of the Water Serpent Gang. If they can’t handle it, they can come directly to our Little Sword Sect.” Sect Master Xiaodao said.

With the start of the Little Sword Sect, this also caused the Water Snake Gang to open up new territory and expand their territory. The main reason is that the gangs in several other districts are unwilling to contact the Water Snake Gang, and their attitude is very unfriendly. .

Liu Yu didn’t care about the suppression of the Little Sword Sect. As long as it did not go to full-scale war, the Water Serpent Gang would be safe and sound. The Water Serpent Gang now needs time to digest the land it has acquired and work hard to cultivate. As long as there is enough time, what little Sword Sect , Will be swallowed by the Water Snake Gang sooner or later.

The originally turbulent Ziguang Town also calmed down, and the Water Snake Gang also guarded its one-acre three-quarter land, but the Little Sword Sect was still as before, worry-free, living in the world where he was the boss of Ziguang Town.

The reason why the Little Sword Sect did not take full action is because they know that the rise of a gang is not so easy. For a gang like the Water Serpent Gang, regardless of their large numbers, they actually have more than 1,000 people to fight. , And there are tens of thousands of Knife Sect, and this is the foundation of the Knife Sect for decades, and it is so powerful.

After the water snake gang is strong enough, the high level of the small knife sect will raise the butcher knife, and then swallow the water snake gang.

Regardless of the Little Sword Sect for the time being, Liu Yu is now at a critical moment and may break through to the first-class martial artist level at any time.

But Liu Yu, who was preparing to break through in the secret room, suddenly felt the coordinates of the world’s earth, which made Liu Yu pleasantly surprised and excited that he could directly return to the earth from here.

As for the breakthrough, Liu Yu gave up. After all, it is important to go home. Although it is also important to break through the first-class martial artist level, but now he has reached the first-class martial artist level with one foot. If he doesn’t break through now, he can still break through after a period of time. .

If you don’t return to the earth now, if the coordinates appear randomly, then it will be troublesome. Liu Yu didn’t dare to delay any longer, so he quickly explained briefly and disappeared into this world.

At the same time, while Truth Civilization was preparing for the final war, Xuanhuang Civilization was also trying its best to search for powerhouses in all corners of the universe. Basically, after reaching the seventh level, they would recruit strong men and then concentrate on training.

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