Master the Dream World

Chapter 96

Chapter 96 The five weapons are washing the ground

One hundred and fifty transport ships slowly landed on the Namei military base.

“Send an unmanned reconnaissance plane to find the place where the Namei people gather in this world, and try not to use nuclear weapons above 100 million tons. This world will be ours in the future.” Cross-eyed said.

On this day, countless drones filled all corners of the world, searching for tribes large and small in this world.

A battleship came over a medium-sized tribe. Under the operation of the operator, the microwave weapon was slowly activated.

The Nameis from the tribe below were lying quietly on the ground. Suddenly they felt irritable, headache, neurotic, and memory loss. Their body surface was gradually warming up. Many Nameis could not stand the rising heat of microwave weapons, and jumped into them one by one. Go to the creek to reduce the heat in your body.

Microwave weapons are not that simple. Let alone jumping into water, even if you are hiding in a glacier, microwave waves can penetrate the ice and reach the human body, intertwining with the fluctuations of the human body, causing the human body to heat up, and finally turning into ash. .

It didn’t take long for the entire Namei tribe to become a bare land, and no one survived.

More than a thousand space warships gradually expanded from the base to the distance. Wherever the warships passed, none of the Namei tribes continued to exist, and they were all wiped out.

In just one day, from the center of the base, it expanded to a radius of 5,000 kilometers. No matter the second-level or third-level strong, all died on the microwave weapons, and the powerful Nubuat tribe was as bad as the small orbital guns. In just one day, more than one billion Nameis were wiped out.

“Brother Ji, shall we continue to advance?” Wen Xiubing asked.

“The order is on. All the warships will return. We will mine some of the pumice and transport it back. After all, our base camp is now waiting for the pumice, and there are three sixth-level lifeforms in this world. We can try our best not to provoke us now. If you provoke them, we won’t be able to deal with it if those creatures start to freak.” said Crosseye.

Steel machines were assembled one by one. This is a starry sky magnetic field melting furnace, but this is a simplified version, but it is easy to melt those floating islands.

Day by day, a large number of creatures in this world have been wiped out by nearly a million genetic warriors. After all, to mine floating islands, the starry sky magnetic field melting furnace needs to be moved to another location. Naturally, it will be moved to another location. The fierce beasts in this world attack, the powerful beasts have four levels and five levels, but under the planned attack of the human army, the fierce beasts are eliminated one by one, and the harvest of floating ore is also increasing. For safety, As long as the warehouse is full, it will be shipped back to avoid incidents in the novel.

Cock-eyed sitting in the office this day drinking Dahongpao tea, looking very leisurely and enjoying.

The whining alarm sounded…

“Can’t these **** creatures stop for a while?”

Cross-eyed slammed the tea cup in his hand to the ground and said fiercely.

“Xiao Ji, who immediately notified the battleship control center, Wang Deshun, Chen Ji, and Yuan Xing will ruthlessly clean up the places where there are no Namees.” Cross-eyed ordered.

“Okay, Brother Chicken.”

Xiao Ji twisted his **** and walked out after speaking.

“Report to Brother Ji, the control center has news that all creatures in this world have united and moved towards us, are we now sniping them?” The person in charge of a control center in the video said.

“No, wait until they have gathered, then fight, now? Don’t you want to destroy the planet?” said Cross-eyed.

“You continue to pay attention to the movements of those creatures and find the creatures to control them. I don’t believe that the creatures of the whole world will unite. There must be something strange in this.”

“Okay, Brother Chicken.”

“Cockeyes squeezed his fists. This time, I completed the large-scale task alone. As long as I complete it perfectly, I will be the second-in-command in the entire Tigers.” Cockeyes thought with excitement and ferociousness.

“After the notification, all weapons are carefully inspected, all ammunition is ready, and the outer space fleet is ready to respond at any time.”

Cockfighting eyes took a five-leaf **** and pulled it up. In the past six months, he has changed a lot. Now his strength has not only reached level three, but he can also command a million army. Even if he put himself in ancient times, no one can fight with him. Compare yourself.

Although the real world is only half a year old, in the mission world, I have been around for nearly a hundred years, and tomorrow is when I become famous in the first battle.

The third-level cockfighter leaned on the sofa and fell asleep thinking about it!

Cockfighting watching the video, the densely packed fierce beasts are no less than the monsters in the exorcist world. The number has reached at least tens of billions. All kinds of birds and beasts, amphibious beasts are all coming towards the human settlement, two million warriors of mankind. Like a flat boat in the sea, it may capsize at any time.

“Order, the fleet releases weather weapons, microwave weapons, ion cannons, intelligent robots, and biochemical viruses.”

After giving the order, Cross-Cock Eyes was a little worried, and flew into the fleet in outer space on a small warship to take a seat.

“Cheng Zhiyuan, what’s the matter with you guys, you haven’t found anything to control these animals yet, do you still want to reward them?”

After roaring a few satellite operators, Cross-Cock Eye personally operated the satellite and scanned the satellites side by side throughout the week without missing any suspicious locations.

At this time, Crossing Eyes saw a fifty-meter-high humanoid giant ape with a large number of ferocious beasts.

After thinking about it for a while, Cockeye personally operated the battleship, and a secondary ion cannon flashed brightly and rushed into Namix from outer space.

In less than two seconds, the secondary ion cannon hit the fifty-meter-high giant ape. In an instant, the huge giant ape was smashed by a three-million-ton secondary ion cannon. All the ferocious beasts of a hundred kilometers were killed.

After Cockeye fired more than a dozen ion cannons, he still couldn’t find anything capable of operating more than 10 billion yuan, and he couldn’t help but feel a little irritable.

Cockfighting linked Wen Xiubing’s video and said: “Tell the ground troops to throw me three fifty-million nuclear weapons and clean up those monsters.”

The ferocious beasts on the earth over the mountains have encountered heat and cold. When they met their companions, they suddenly became ripe and sweet and delicious. They also encountered their own companions suddenly bodily pus, but they had never encountered three mushrooms. It’s just that billions of animals are blind for a short time, and nearly permanently blind.

In less than twenty seconds, five hundred million beasts were overturned by three nuclear weapons, and then they were roasted at high temperatures.

In fact, Cock Eyes wanted to order all the warships to fire immediately and come to an ion cannon to wash the ground, but they did not find the operator behind the scenes. How could Cock Eyes be willing?

Above the earth is a humanoid humanoid figure, holding weapons to expand the territory. On the frontal battlefield, hundreds of thousands of genetic warriors fired laser beams with laser guns, and the dense laser beams tore a powerful beast into pieces. Fragments.

“Request microwave support at three o’clock.”

Less than five seconds after the words fell, millions of beasts died.

The fierce war dyed the whole world red, and the corpses on the ground spread thousands of kilometers away, and the river water became thick as corn soup, drowning a one-meter-long fish.

Whenever the beast is two hundred kilometers away from the human base, it will be hit by the ion cannon, and as long as it is not close to two hundred kilometers, it will not be hit by a powerful weapon.

“Cheng Zhiyuan scanned all the creatures with energy levels of level 5 and above for me, and then targeted them. I don’t believe it won’t come out.”

After dozens of lights pierced the atmosphere, dozens of giant star mushroom clouds appeared on the earth.


“Keep on hitting me, first hit me with a high energy level. The bottoming is much simpler, he said with excitement.”

“Our Lady, the weapons of those invaders are too powerful, our army can’t beat them at all, and we have lost dozens of witches.”

Jialuo knelt down under a giant tree sadly, and asked the Virgin to take action to eliminate the evil invaders.

At this time, the big tree in front of Jialuo suddenly stretched out a large number of tentacles, which were then linked to Jialuo’s hair.

If you study the creatures of this world carefully, you may find the difference in this world.

“Brother Ji, we just captured an energy source close to level 7 and we have already locked the target.” said Cheng Zhiyuan, the person in charge of satellite control.


Cross-eyed stood up excitedly and said.

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