Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1383 Infectious Joy

1383  Infectious Joy

"The weather god has something against us," Cloe put forward her opinion once she noticed the change in the weather outside. Although this change was welcomed after the sultry summer day, it was quite late for these women who ran around under the burning sun earlier.

"Or maybe it's you," said Raelle. "After all, you were the one who suggested scavenger hunt. So, it's definitely you who has something against all of us. If I got tanned before my wedding, I'd come looking for you with a knife!"

Cloe leaned back to keep a distance from the scary boss and said, "When did you become so image conscience?"

"It's my wedding!" reminded Raelle. "Even if I don't care about such things on a daily basis, I have to look like the most beautiful bride on my wedding day for my husband. That is also a form of respect towards my partner and it also shows how much I value him and our relationship and our wedding day."

"I miss the days when you barely spoke," tsked Cloe. "Lately, you like giving long explanations."

"Don't look for a fight," said Xiang Wai as she came back with her drink. "What are we doing next? Can I decide on the next activity?"

Looking at the glimmer in her eyes, Raelle was the first one to refuse, "No! I don't trust you."

"Sister, don't be so mean to me all the time. Where else are you gonna find a heroic elder sister like me?"

"Who said I needed a heroic sister?"

"Then? What kind of a sister do you want? Tell me, I'll change."

Raelle gave her a complicated look before shaking her head, "Who asked you to change? Are you that easy? You should insist on being your true self whether I like it or not."

"I can do this much to make it up to my sister."

"To make up for what? For hating me unreasonably for years? For not coming to find me for years? For forgetting my existence or wrongfully blaming me for your broken family? Or for just being you?"

Xiang Wai bit her lips before she lowered her head and put the straw in her mouth to take a sip of the cold drink. "Maybe I want to make up for all that."

"Who asked you to?" asked Raelle. "Did I ever say I have any complaints?"

"But doesn't you not having any complaints mean that I mean nothing?"

"No wonder it took you so many years to stabilize your relationship with Zhai Yanjun. Stop overthinking. I don't have any complaints because I don't like whining. Everyone has their own reasons. Yes, you had unreasonable and inexplicable dislike towards me for years but deep down, you also knew that you were wronging me. You just needed an outlet for your pent-up emotions. I became that outlet. I don't care about your thoughts because when we met, the only wrong thing you did was to lock me up for investigation!"

Xiang Wai wrinkled her nose saying, "I thought you forgot about that."

"I don't forget," replied Raelle. "Stop thinking so much. If I had any complaints with you, you wouldn't even be here. If I didn't care about you, you wouldn't be my bridesmaid too."

Xiang Wai smiled at her and said, "My sister is so adorable."

"Shut up!"

"Oh. Then can we follow my lead?"

Raelle gave her a look and Xiang Wai jutted out her lower lip and made a pitiful look which actually didn't suit her image at all but Raelle felt helpless against her too so she nodded, "Sure. It's not my day anyway. As long as you don't take me to nightclubs."

"Alright," agreed Xiang Wai. "Then let's play in the rain."

"What?" asked Raelle.

Xiang Wai pointed outside where rain came so unexpectedly and one could hear pitter-patter outside the window. "Rain. Let's get wet."

"Didn't you have enough fun in the water park?"

"How is that the same?" asked Xiang Wai. "Sister, have you ever gotten wet in the rain just for the sake of fun? Don't answer because I know the answer is no. So, I'll let you experience the joy of rain splattering on your face, especially after such a hot day." She held Raelle's hand and pulled her outside on the street.

Raelle looked at the kids who were also playing in the rain and then at Xiang Wai before sighing mentally. Was she supposed to have all the experiences on this day? Raelle actually did not want to get wet but here she was standing on the cobblestone street lined with quaint shops and cafes, their awnings providing little shelter from the gentle, steady rain. The sky was muted gray, and puddles were beginning to form on the uneven surface of the street. The rain brought out the fresh, earthy scent to the air, mingling with the faint aroma of coffee and baked goods from a nearby bakery.

Raelle was composed and reserved while Xiang Wai had a youthful spirit despite being the elder sister. Raelle watched Xiang Wai enjoying herself in the rain, looking carefree and playful, embodying the essence of a child at heart.

"Wai, you are going to catch a cold," said Raelle.

"Sister, stop being so prudent. Close your eyes, look at the sky, and let the rain kiss your face." Xiang Wai twirled around, her arms outstretched, her laughter ringing through the air.

Raelle had to say that Xiang Wai's joy seemed quite infectious right now. She felt the rain soaking through her hair and clothes. She followed Xiang Wai's words and really closed her eyes as she turned her face upward and felt the raindrops falling on her face gently and steadily.

She didn't realize how or when a smile tugged at the corner of her lips and she felt the weight of her reserved nature lifting off. Thinking of something, Raelle being mischievous for once actually kicked at the puddle herself, sending waves of water at Xiang Wai who was left shocked by this turn of events.


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