Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 507 Unsettled

The Alpha and Luna of Summer enjoyed their time together, but all too soon, that time ended.

Caleb got dressed as Ashleigh watched from the bed. He could feel her trying to mask her worry.

He smiled back at her.

“It actually feels kind of good,” he said.

“What?” she asked.

He gave her a lopsided grin and a chuckle.

“Knowing that you’re worried about me,” he said.

Ashleigh rolled her eyes and laid back in bed.

“It’s annoying and frustrating,” she sighed, pulling a pillow over her face.

Caleb watched with amusement as she pouted. He moved to the bed and sat beside her, gently pulling away her pillow. He smiled and stroked her cheek.

“I know,” he whispered. “That’s exactly how I felt the entire time we were in Moonguard.”

Ashleigh glanced up at him with surprise.

“I didn’t know that,” she said. “Why were you worried? You were right there with me.”

“I know,” Caleb nodded, “and I could feel the confidence that gave you.”

Ashleigh nodded. Having Caleb by her side made her feel like nothing could go wrong.

“I have fought alongside Galen, my mother, even my father, and never once did I worry,” he began. “I have sparred with you. I have seen you take down monsters. You are magnificent, a warrior through and through, with no need for my fear or my aid. But, you are also… my everything.”

Ashleigh pushed herself up to her elbows, listening intently to him.

“I’m going to be honest with you,” he said with a gentle smile. “I’m relieved to be going to the battlefield. I always want to be by your side, but, I’m afraid my fear will only get in the way of what you need to do.”

Ashleigh swallowed. Caleb leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

“It’s ok to worry about each other, Ash, and it’s not a sign of weakness or a curse. It’s love,” he whispered. “I love you, so I worry. You love me, so you also worry.”

Ashleigh chewed her lip and nodded.

“But at the end of it all, we both know that the other will make it through,” he smiled. “So, I will see you after my mission, and I will help you finish yours.”

Ashleigh smiled. She pulled him close and kissed him hard. Caleb hugged her, returning her kiss.

As they pulled away, Ashleigh touched his cheek.

“You and me,” she said, “we will finish this war together.”

Caleb smiled.

“As it should be.”


Saul and Caleb had barely left the northern territory when Ashleigh arrived at her brother’s office. Inside she found Axel and Corrine amid a conversation about the newest arrivals.

“Ashleigh,” Corrine smiled, “I didn’t expect to see you until this evening.”

“I had a little time,” Ashleigh replied. “I spoke with Myka this morning, he asked for the day to think over what I told him, and Caleb and Saul just left. So…I find myself with a little free time.”

“Well, we were just discussing the state of our supplies and where we should house our newest arrivals,” Corrine smiled.

Ashleigh glanced at Axel. Suddenly feeling irritated.

“Supplies and housing arrangements…” she repeated, moving further into the room.

“That’s right,” Axel said, noticing the slight shift in her demeanor.

Ashleigh plopped down onto the couch and laid her head back to stare at the ceiling.

“I’m preparing to launch an attack on the power system that controls life and rebirth so that our enemy can’t use it to enslave and zombify us all…. Caleb and Saul have just left to protect the pack working tirelessly to provide specialized weapons to all of Summer and Winter from an attack by an unknown number of fae and hybrids.”

She paused, lifting her head. Then, she turned and looked at them with a sarcastic smile.

“Meanwhile, the Alpha of Winter is using his time to discuss supplies and housing arrangements.”

Corrine crossed her arms over her chest.

“Yes,” she replied. “Because Winter is hosting the refugees of every pack in the territories. Keeping count of our resources and housing arrangements is important work, Ashleigh.”

Corrine spoke with a smile on her face, and a warning in her voice.

“Some of these packs have long-standing rivalries, feuds that go back centuries. Others bring skills and supplies with them. And many come with illness or injury. So coordinating where they will reside while they are here is a complicated matter that must be seen to with care.”

Ashleigh clenched her jaw and lowered her eyes.

Axel set down the papers in her hand and observed her.

“It is important that Axel be a part of these matters and that he be seen by all refugees. He is Winter's Alpha, and they seek shelter from Winter. They must recognize his authority overall while they remain our guests.”

Corrine clenched her jaw and took a slow deep breath through her nose.

“Honestly, I am surprised you wouldn’t realize all of this on your own,” she said with a sigh as she smoothed her shirt.

“She does,” Axel said simply.

Ashleigh looked up.

“Ashleigh, keeping an active count of supplies is a basic practice that you know is important,” he said. He then focused his gaze on her. “And you are very aware of the need to establish a presence. You proved that at my ceremony.

“Dressing in a way that would draw attention, smiling and flirting with those who showed too much interest. All on the day you knew you would be announcing your marriage to Caleb, the wheelchair-bound Alpha.”

Ashleigh swallowed and averted her eyes; she hadn’t realized that her brother had understood her intention that night.

“So,” Axel continued. “What is this really about? Why have you come in here looking to start a fight?”

Ashleigh took a deep breath.

When Caleb told her he was going to Burning Ember, she understood and agreed with him. There was no doubt in her mind that he needed to go. But ever since she woke up this morning, she had this sense of worry, this fear. It was gnawing at her.

But it wasn’t until they were at the car that she felt that deep grip on her heart as she turned and watched Saul approaching with his bag in hand.

As he got closer, the grip tightened, and then a flash in her memory saw Saul in the hospital, sitting on the gurney with his arm immobilized.

He came back, saved Mateas, and even returned Devon home to have his sacrifice honored before his return to the Goddess.

But he didn’t bring her father home.

Ashleigh had never blamed Saul for what happened. She still didn’t. But, watching her husband get into the car with Saul just as her father had done the last time she saw him left her unsettled.

“Why didn’t you go to Burning Ember?” she asked, holding Axel’s gaze.

Axel sat up, but it was Corrine that cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

“Why is Caleb the one that needs to take care of this problem?” Ashleigh asked. “You may have only gotten the report of the confirmed fae presence the morning after we arrived, but you already knew there was potential for a threat. So why didn’t you take care of it?

“You said that Winter’s resources are already spread too thin, and so is Summer’s. We are in the same situation, but you already have scouts there, so doesn’t it make more sense for Winter to handle this rather than Summer?”

“Saul is my Beta,” Axel replied. “Caleb isn’t going alone. There will be a Winter presence.”

“We both know you could protect those people better than a small team of your best men. So why send a Beta when an Alpha could get the job done more efficiently?” Ashleigh asked accusatorily.

“Do you have a problem with betas?” Axel asked with mock curiosity. “Strange, if I’m not mistaken, the Beta of Summer has recently been acting much like the Alpha,” Axel snapped back.

Ashleigh growled in response, and Axel let out an irritated sigh.

“You worked with him before at Broken Crag. Why not go with him now, when you know there will be danger!? Since when is the Alpha of Winter so weak, he will stay behind his walls while his men fight his battles!” Ashleigh spat in anger.

“All right!” Corrine shouted. “That is enough!”

Ashleigh crossed her arms.

“Ashleigh, I understand that you are worried about Caleb, but there is no reason to attack your brother over it,” Corrine sighed and turned to her son. “Axel… just tell her the truth.”

Ashleigh furrowed her brows.

Axel clenched his jaw and sighed. He looked at his sister, but his eyes were guarded.

“I cannot leave Winter,” Axel said.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

He let out an exasperated sigh.

“I made an oath. I promised I would not leave the borders of Winter until the war has ended.”

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