Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 560 My Only Duty

Alice lay in her bed, her hands holding tightly to her stomach as she leaned back, staring at the ceiling and taking slow, shaky breaths.

"Alice?" Bell called as she entered the room. "Are you ok? They told me you felt like something was wrong?"

Bell hurried over to the bedside and immediately looked at the monitors, seeing nothing abnormal.

"Everything looks all right. Can you tell me what is going on?"

Alice took another deep breath through her nose.

"There is a sharp pain…" she said. Trying to keep her voice from shaking. "Like… It comes and goes. But it's like this hard jab down low. So that can't be a good sign."

Bell smiled. She reached down and touched Alice's shoulder.

"Hey," she whispered. "I know you're scared; I understand. But I think what you're describing is actually completely normal. I experienced it many times myself. It's called Round Ligament pain. It may not seem like it, but it's actually a good sign. It means your uterus is growing, so your body is stretching out and making room for what comes next."

Alice licked her lips nervously and swallowed.

"Really?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the ceiling.

"Yes," Bell smiled, "I promise."

Alice closed her eyes and sighed.

"Oh, this is going to be a really long few months," she said as she visibly relaxed.

"You have no idea," Bell laughed. "But I will be here for you every step of the way."

Alice looked up and saw Bell's smile and sincere kindness, but she also saw the redness in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I already told you, it's perfectly fine. But if you would feel more comfortable, we can do an exam–"

"No," Alice shook her head. "What is wrong with you? Why have you been crying?"

Bell swallowed and looked away.

"I'm fine," she said.

"Bell," Alice said. "You're pretty good at keeping your personal worries to yourself. Which is why I have to assume that whatever is wrong is pretty bad. Because your mask is slipping."

Bell sighed. She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip.

"Communications between the packs has been cut off," she said after taking a deep breath.

Alice's eyes widened, and she sat up in bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Right now, our only communication is through walkie-talkies," Bell sighed. "We can't speak to Summer or any scouts more than a few miles from our southern bored."

Alice took a deep breath.

"What about before communications went down? Do we know what was happening in Summer?"

Bell shook her head.

Alice closed her eyes.

"We need to prepare," she said, moving to get out of bed.

"What are you doing?" Bell asked, stopping her from actually getting up.

Alice looked up at Bell with a confused expression.

"I'm getting up."


"Because there are things we need to do," Alice replied.

"No," Bell stated firmly as she shook her head. "Not you."


"I already pushed my principles aside today, twice! I am not doing it again!" Bell shouted angrily. "I will not let you risk your life or your family!"

Alice looked up at Bell.

"Am I on bed rest?" Alice asked.

"No," Bell sighed. "But–"

"Is it unsafe for me to move around?" Alice interrupted.

Bell took a deep breath through her nostrils and closed her eyes.


"All right," Alice smiled. "Axel and Corrine are going to be busy preparing for an attack, and it will come soon."

Bell listened, unsure where Alice was going with this.

"Bell," Alice continued. "I have no intention of risking anything."

Bell furrowed her brows.

"I am not leaving the Safe Zone," Alice said. "But, we need to prepare the people here. To make it easier for Axel and Corrine to keep everyone safe."

Bell was surprised by Alice's words.

"We need to prepare medical teams that can go out to the field and offer treatment to the soldiers if needed. The refugees need to be brought together in a central location. Those who can fight need to break into patrols. No less than a party of three for safety.

"I believe Axel will protect us, but he can't be everywhere. Part of the problem with Winter's size is that a small party can easily skirt the borders and find its way deep into the territory before being spotted. So we need to be ready in case some of the enemies can make it this far."

"Wow…" Bell whispered.

"What?" Alice asked.

"I just… I'm surprised," Bell replied. "I thought you were going to fight me and push to go to the front lines. You know, to do your duty."

"Axel and I made a deal. I cannot make life-threatening decisions on my own," Alice smiled. "Besides, the only duty I have is to my family."

"Even as the next Luna of Winter?" Bell asked.

Alice sighed.

"I am no Luna," Alice replied. "Whatever the future holds, my family is my priority, always."

"I'm glad to hear it," Bell smiled.

"Good," Alice said, standing from the bed. "Now, we need to talk to Myka and Peter. I am sure they will be able to help with what we need to do."

"All right, I will send someone to Peter's house right now," Bell nodded and turned to leave the room.

"Oh, and Ashleigh, is she awake? She would be a great help with this," Alice called out.

Bell stopped in her tracks.

"Bell?" Alice called to her. "Is something the matter?"

Bell swallowed, then turned to face Alice.

"Well, uhm, Ashleigh…."

Alice's eyes widened, and she stood up straight.

"Did something happen to Ashleigh?" she asked with concern.

"No," Bell quickly replied, seeing the concern in Alice's eyes. "It's just… uhm, she's gone."

Alice furrowed her brow and tilted her head.

"What do you mean she's gone?"

Bell took a deep breath and looked away, her eyes filling with tears. When she returned to Ashleigh's room, she had hoped to find her still there. She wanted Galen to be safe, and she wanted the communications back. But she didn't like to send her best friend to war.

"I…. when the communications went down, I panicked. So I gave her my blood so that she would heal faster. And I told her to go to Summer to fix whatever was happening."

Alice closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then, she opened her eyes again and looked at Bell. It was clear she was regretting her actions.

Alice went to Bell's side and put her hand on her shoulder.

Bell looked up at Alice.

"She would have gone either way," Alice smiled. "At least ensured she was in the right condition for it."

Bell sniffled and nodded.

"Thank you."

"That being said," Alice continued, her expression becoming serious. "Do not tell Axel or Corrine."

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