Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 621 Please… Send Help

Winter, Autumn, and Summer each of them, had their own unique landscapes. But all of them had forests. Rows of trees would spread throughout the entire territory as a convenient shortcut if you knew how to travel through the branches quietly. Which, of course, Alice did.

She carefully moved through the branches, leaping from one to the other with the grace and experience of a cat. Just as she had so many times before while watching various packs.

Though Alice did have to tip her hat to Summer. They had cleared all the trees surrounding the main compound, preventing easy spying. But she had found other ways to accomplish her missions there.

She paused here and there, looking down through the foliage at those that moved below her. She had seen allies and enemies, small battles all over the land. But nowhere among them did she see Axel.

Alice took a deep breath, feeling the anxiety rising again. She needed to find him. She needed to know that he was safe.

She took a cleansing breath and closed her eyes. Focusing on him, on what she had felt through their bond. The cold began to spread over her fingertips, hand, and arm. All over her body, she felt a layer of frost biting her skin.

The cold burn was painful in a way that she couldn't ignore.

Pain was not new to her. They were old friends. Separating her mind from her body was second nature, but this was something she couldn't push away from. No, this clung to her. It reached into her bones until she clenched her jaws and felt the sweat beading on her brow.

It was almost too much, almost too painful. Alice wasn't sure how much more she could take. But then, she caught the faintest whiff of chocolate in the air.

Her attention was immediately drawn to it. She felt the growl in her chest and the wind on her face as she was already moving toward the scent. Over the trees, ignoring the sounds of battle below her, nothing would stop her from reaching him.

Suddenly she stopped, her breaths heavy and visible before her eyes. Alice leaned forward, peering down between the branches to the ground. She saw drag marks in the snow. She followed them with her eyes down the slight incline until she saw something.

Her eyes widened, and her breath hitched as she recognized the golden braids. Then, hurrying down from the treetop, she ran to him.

"Axel!" she shouted.

There was no response as she neared him. She dropped down beside him, turning him onto his back. Alice gasped.

His lips and finger were blue. His skin was cold to the touch.

As her heart pounded heavily in her chest, she leaned forward, turning her ear toward him. It was faint, but it was there. The soft beat of his heart. She watched his chest and glanced at his lips; small puffs of air were barely noticeable. He was still breathing.

Quickly she reached down to her belt, grabbed the radio, and brought it to her lips. But before she said a word, her eyes fell over a tear in his pants. She tilted her head to get a better look.

Below the torn fabric, she saw thick, dark lines bulging under his skin. Her stomach fell at the sight.

She reached down and pulled at the fabric, tearing it to see more of his leg. The dark lines spread down into his calf and the back of his leg. They were all coming from a large wound in his thigh, a wound that she could see was deep but covered in ice.

Alice closed her eyes, swallowing the fear and concern that threatened to drown her. Then, taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and looked up at his face, touching his cheek gently.

"Alpha Axel has been found," she said softly into the radio. "He is alive but severely injured, and the hybrid infection is spreading in his leg…."

A soft sob escaped her lips.

"Please… send help."


Myka and the Summer wolves arrived at the gate. At first, everything seemed normal. And for a moment, he wondered if he had overreacted. But after a few minutes, he knew there was a problem inside. The golden light of the portal was gone, replaced with blue now. He didn't know what had happened but could still feel the Dark Queen's presence.

The wolves spread out, drawing their weapons and preparing for anything that might come through.

Myka stared into the blue light, trying to see into it. Trying to listen for anything that might tell him what to expect. For a moment, he thought he heard a cry.

"Something's coming!" One of the Summer wolves shouted.

Myka narrowed his eyes toward the portal. He could see something taking shape, getting closer.

"Get ready!" another wolf called out.

Myka's eyes widened as he realized who it was only a moment before she came through. Ashleigh flew out of the portal, landing hard on her back with a whimper. She lifted her head. Myka, too, looked up at the portal just as the blue light was absorbed back into the mountainside.

He stared at the rock, feeling the thrum of the ley line inside of him still.


Myka was startled by her scream. He turned back to her as she flung herself at the mountain. Slamming her fists into the rock.

"Ashleigh!" he cried out.please visit

Several of the other wolves had already run forward. They were trying to pull her away from the mountain as they called out to her. But she didn't seem to hear them.

"Ashleigh…" someone whispered beside him with concern.

Myka turned to see one of the Valkyrie staring in horror as the mountainside was smeared with the blood from Ashleigh's fingers.

The Valkyrie ran forward, pushing through the others and grabbing Ashleigh by the shoulders and waist, dragging her back from the mountain as she screamed her name.

"Ashleigh!" she cried. "Please, listen to me!"

Ashleigh fought against her, elbowing her hard until she was set loose and ran once more to the bloody wall of stone.

Myka felt a terrible grip on his heart as he watched her. He didn't know what had happened, but he needed to quickly get her away from here.

He ran forward and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back until he knocked her down into the snow. He climbed on top of her, trying to pin her down with his weight, while the Valkyrie held her shoulders.

She tossed and turned, trying to break free as she screamed and cried.

"Ashleigh!" he shouted.

She finally stilled, looking up at him with recognition.

"Myka…." She whispered.

Everyone eased at this, the Valkyrie pulled back her hands, and Myka moved back off her.

Ashleigh sat forward and stared at him. Then, she reached out and grabbed hold of his jacket, moving closer to him with a wild and desperate look in her eyes.

"You…" she said, grabbing tighter to his shirt, pulling him closer as she spoke. "You can hear the ley line... maybe you can open it?"

The jacket pulled tightly at his neck, scratching his skin painfully as he tried to keep her from pulling him further.

"Maybe you can pull him out!" she cried, her voice shaking.

"Ashleigh!" Myka shouted, grabbing her shoulders. "You aren't making any sense! Please slow down."

Ashleigh clenched her jaw and closed her eyes. Myka wanted to help, to ease the pain she was clearly in, but he had no idea what was happening.

"Caleb…" she whispered, letting go of Myka's jacket. "Caleb… is… he was right behind me... and then she grabbed him. She pulled him back… Caleb is trapped inside!"

There were soft gasps and whispers all around them. Myka felt his stomach drop as he leaned back from her and stood up.

Ashleigh let out a sob and then looked back up at Myka desperately. Finally, she got to her feet and grabbed his arms.

"But you can hear him, right?" she asked.

Myka felt a heavy weight in his chest.

"So we can go back inside and find him because you can hear the ley lines, right?"

Myka lowered his gaze sadly. He clenched his jaw and breathed deeply before looking at her again. He had noticed it before he ran to her, the hum fading.

"Ashleigh…" he whispered. "I'm sorry… but I don't hear anything…."

Ashleigh stared at him, unmoving.

"The ley line… the connection is gone. Just like after we destroyed the mound…" he continued. "Right after the portal closed… it stopped."

Ashleigh shook her head as the tears fell. She looked back at the mountainside. Myka didn't know what to say or do. All around them, the other wolves also hung their heads. Their Alpha was gone.

"No…." Ashleigh whispered.

Myka turned back to her, wishing he could do anything to make her feel better.

"Ashleigh, I'm so sor–" he began when suddenly he saw her eyes roll back and her body slump forward. "Ashleigh!"

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