Mated To An Enemy

Chapter 670 He Treasured Them

They stayed in Bustling Bush for two days.

When they first arrived from Moonguard, the Summer team had gotten to work on caring for Stefan and Ashleigh. Luckily, they had the supplies to treat them immediately. Still, Ashleigh would need much more than what was available in Bustling Bush.

The doctor that had tended to Stefan told Myka that it would be best if he went to Summer as well, but Myka wanted to take him home. After calling on a favor from Bell, it was decided that Stefan could return to Winter and be put in Peter’s care.

Two medical trucks were sent from Summer, one to bring Ashleigh back, the other to take Stefan to Winter with the supplies Peter would need to treat him.

One of the Bustling Bush wolves volunteered to drive the other children back home while Myka rode with Sadie and Stefan.

Stefan was strapped into the bed attached to the wall of the truck. He was kept on an IV that fed him antibiotics and painkillers. He had only been awake for a few minutes over the two days they had been in Bustling Bush.

When he woke the first time, he could only cry out in pain. The threat to his life had passed, and he would heal entirely in time, but it would be painful for a while. So, it was decided that it would be in his best interest to keep him sedated for the journey home.

Arriving at the southern border of Winter, Myka felt exhausted. They still had another two hours before they would be home.

He had hardly slept since the attack, and he hadn’t slept at all during the drive. Instead, he kept his eyes on Stefan sleeping in the bed, his tiny body covered in bandages. Meanwhile, his hand stroked Sadie’s hair gently as she slept with her head in his lap.

None of the other children had been injured, and he was thankful for that. But that didn’t stop the ache in his heart as he looked at the two children he had sworn to protect for the rest of their lives.

Myka took a slow deep breath through his nose.

How would he be able to face Peter? Myka had promised that they would be safe. That he would never put them at risk. That promise had been broken. No matter what Ashleigh did or didn’t do, Myka brought them, and it was his job to keep them safe.

But now he was left wondering if they were even safe with him.

Myka could no longer deny what he had already suspected. The power inside of him, the power that the Dark Queen had encouraged him to use, the ability to impose his will on another living creature, felt good.

Taking their power into his hands, using it to crush his enemies, there was a pleasure in that process that disturbed him as much as it stirred him.

He had only taken hold of one creature at a time, the roots, the monster by the lake. But the Dark Queen had held an entire army in her control. For just a moment, Myka had wondered what that must have felt like.

He clenched his jaw as he leaned his head back against the truck. Closing his eyes, he fought to push back the rising doubt and fear in his heart.

The truck took them directly to the hospital. Myka had expected to find Peter waiting for them on their arrival. But when he got out of the car, it was not Peter that greeted him.

“Peter is inside,” Axel said, noting the confusion on Myka’s face. “When we got word that you were almost here, he wanted to double-check that the treatment room for Stefan was properly arranged.”

“There are supplies in the truck that he will need—” Myka began.

“Daddy?” Sadie called from inside the truck.

“I’m here,” Myka replied, hurrying to the door. “Are you okay?”

Sadie nodded with a smile when he came into view. She sat up and scooted out of the truck. Myka reached out to help her down. Once she was out, she took Myka’s hand.

“Welcome home, Sadie,” Axel said in a warm voice. “I am glad to see you.”

Sadie looked up and smiled.

“Thank you, Alpha Axel,” she replied sweetly.

“Nurse Elaine will take you inside,” he said, waving over one of the three nurses that stood back waiting for instructions. “She will look at your wounds, give you clean bandages and get you anything you need.”

Nurse Elaine stepped forward with a soft smile. She reached her hand out to Sadie.

“Will you come with me?” she asked.

Sadie was familiar with Elaine. She had met her several times while visiting with Peter, and she liked her very much. Still, she looked up at Myka and held tighter to his hand.

“Can’t I stay with you?” she asked quietly.

Myka smiled and knelt beside her.

“I will come to see you very soon,” he whispered, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. “For now, go with Elaine. I need to make sure that Stefan is taken care of first. Peter and I will be by to see you very soon.”

Sadie clenched her jaw.

“Dad,” she said firmly.

“What?” he asked.

“He is Dad. You are Daddy,” she said with a pout on her lips.

Myka smiled as he felt a warmth bloom in his chest. She had attached to them quicker than he expected, getting comfortable enough to accept them as her family. Moments like these, where she pouted and acted like the child she was, were rare, and he treasured them.

He gave a soft chuckle and then nodded.

“All right, Dad and I will be by to see you soon,” he said. “Just promise me something, okay?”

“What?” she asked.

“Make sure I am there the first time you call him Dad,” Myka grinned. He couldn’t wait to witness that moment.

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