Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 437: "Your Name"(Kawaki Tsukuyo Edition)

Maybe a Fafke Gintama Chapter 437 "Your Name"(Kawaki Tsukuyo Edition)

Early morning.

Ring Ring Ring Ring...

"Ah, so annoying..."

After hearing the sound of the alarm clock, [Kawaki], who was lying in the quilt, muttered a little irritably. He stretched out his right hand from the quilt without opening his eyes and smashed it on the alarm clock at the bedside.


"It hurts!"

[Kawaki] suddenly opened his eyes and clenched his right hand. He curled up in the quilt, and there were even tears in the corners of his eyes.

"That hateful woman!" [Kawaki] gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, "What kind of weapon did you change my alarm clock to? Bastard!"

"No other way, just get up."

After saying this, [Kawaki] rubbed his sleepy eyes, stood up, yawned, scratched his butt, and walked in the direction of the bedroom door with a dazed look.

'My body feels a little strange,' [Kawaki] thought to himself as he opened the bedroom door and walked to the bathroom, yawning. 'Is it because I played too late yesterday? I feel a little light, but my chest seems a little heavy... I should have slept a little longer if I had known...'

After entering the bathroom, he turned on the tap and washed his face. [Kawaki] raised his head and opened his eyes, but he saw Tsukuyo standing opposite him when he looked in the mirror.

"Is there no water in your room? Tsukki," [Kawaki] looked at Tsukuyo who was also sleepy, and asked, "Why did you use the bathroom in my room?"

Looking at Tsukuyo in front of him who only opened her mouth but did not make a sound, [Kawaki] was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted. He hurriedly lowered his head to look at his body, and at the same time, reached out to touch his face.

Looking at Tsukuyo who was doing the same action as him in the mirror in front of him, [Kawaki] finally understood what happened at this time.

"NOOOO!!" [Kawaki] raised his head and shouted crazily. Then he rushed out of the bathroom and headed straight to the door.

On the other side, in the corridor, [Tsukuyo], who was also wearing pajamas with a slightly red face, was also rushing in a certain direction.

[Kawaki] opened the door and saw [Tsukuyo] who was staring at him with a face full of shame and anger.

At the same time, a familiar... it could not be said to be familiar. It's clearly the sound of BGM secretly recorded from other works.

"Your name... No! Give me back my body!!" [Kawaki] and [Tsukuyo] instantly grabbed each other by the collar and said while gnashing their teeth.

"Wait! Stop!" [Kawaki] pointed to Hinowa who was pushed by Seita outside the door, "Turn off the recorder! We don't need that kind of secretly recorded BGM!"

"Oh my, do you two not like it?" Hinowa turned off the tape recorder on her leg and looked at the two with a smile.

"Bastard! What did you do?!" [Tsukuyo] cursed through gritted teeth, "What did you do to my body?!"

"I wanted to ask you the same! What did you do to my body?!" [Kawaki] gritted his teeth and said hatefully, "Return my body!"

"Brother Kawaki, Sister Tsukuyo." Seita shouted at the two of them, "Stop arguing."

"Can you tell us apart from each other?" Thinking of something, [Kawaki] pointed at himself and looked at Seita, "Who am I?"

"Brother Kawaki," Seita replied.

"Then me?" [Tsukuyo] also pointed at herself and looked at Seita.

"Sister Tsukuyo," Seita replied again.

"How did you know?!" [Kawaki] shouted frantically. Then, he pointed at the smiling Hinowa, "And you! It's so weird! The BGM of "Your Name" was played early in the morning. Could it be that you knew about this development early in the morning?!"

"I know." Hinowa narrowed her eyes and smiled. Then, she raised her index finger and continued, "After all, it is a special project. The production team suddenly sent an urgent call in the early morning, saying that the sponsor suddenly requested to change the protagonist, but it seems that it is not easy to find someone at this time. After all, this kind of person is not very popular, and they are not willing to come here to be the protagonist. "

"Then, if we can't change the protagonist, how about changing the character of the protagonist, that is, the soul? Now it seems that it is really an unexpected success."

"Where did it succeed?!" [Kawaki] shouted frantically, "My most important thing in GINTAMA is gone! And there are two useless fats on my chest! Although I indeed like Oppai, that is when I am a man! If you go out and say something like that with this body they will definitely be thought of as Lily! I can't do my things anymore! Although I haven't done that kind of thing for a long time recently, but... no! This kind of development won't work!"

"That," [Tsukuyo] suddenly reacted at this time. She pointed at herself and looked at Hinowa, "Does that mean that from now on, I am the protagonist?"

"That's right. From now on, you are the protagonist." Hinowa tilted her head to the side and looked at [Tsukuyo]. With a smile, he said, "Gambatte!"

"There's no other way. That's the only way. From today on, my name will be Male Tsukki." Male Tsukki nodded and picked up a cigarette that she had found somewhere and put it in her mouth.

"Hey, wait a minute." [Kawaki] narrowed his eyes and looked at [Tsukuyo] with a face full of contempt, "Why did you accept it so easily? Could it be that this special project has a part of your contribution? Did you use the "Although I stay by the protagonist's side, I still don't have many roles, so I'm very distressed." reason?

"No... No..." Male Tsukki silently turned her face away, but her cheeks were unnaturally red.

"Hey, your level of lying is too low," [Kawaki] ridiculed expressionlessly, "Also, quickly return my body, or I might do something strange to your body..."

"You bastard, are you trying to use my body to threaten me?!" Male Tsukki scolded with a red face.

"It's too close! It's too close!" [Kawaki] pushed Male Tsukki's face away, "It's awkward to see your own face so close!"

"Let me tell you in advance, even if you use that body to do strange things, I won't say anything." Male Tsukki folded her hands, hummed, and replied lightly, "That was Tsukuyo's body, and now I am Male Tsukki. Even if you do something shameful to that body, I will not feel it. Moreover, I have said before that I have already abandoned my identity as a woman. You did not expect that I would even abandon my original body. So now, no matter what you do to that body, it doesn't matter to me."

"Eh----? Is that so?" [Kawaki] narrowed his eyes, and then stretched out his hand to his chest, "After all, it is my body now, so you don't care what I do, right? Then take this opportunity..."

As he spoke, [Kawaki]'s hand was already pressed against his chest.

"Ah, it feels ordinary. Compared to softness, it feels more like muscles." [Kawaki] commented while rubbing. He did not notice that Male Tsukki's face had turned completely red.

"You... you bastard, where are you touching?!" As she shouted, Male Tsukki directly punched [Kawaki] to the ceiling.

"No... Didn't you say that you don't care what I do?" The [Kawaki] hanging on the ceiling said weakly, "And this is your body, right? Why are you even doing this in your own body? Speaking of which, my original body is that strong?"

"Indeed," Male Tsukki clenched her fist, carefully felt her strength, and nodded, "With this strength, Hyakka's work will be much more relaxed in the future."

"That's my strength!" After pulling his head out of the ceiling, [Kawaki] pointed at himself while gnashing his teeth, "That was my original body! It was something that I used since I was born! It was my body that I used for twenty-seven years! Speaking of which, I noticed something wrong! Or are you really not going to exchange it back?"

"I think this is pretty good," Male Tsukki replied.

"Bastard!" [Kawaki] cursed softly, then turned to look at Hinowa, "Hinowa, do you have any special guests that need to be received recently? Let me go! I will make good use of this body!"

"You bastard, what are you going to do with my body?!" Male Tsukki cursed angrily.

"What am I doing? It's just work," [Kawaki waved his hand and said indifferently, "In the past, weren't you called Courtesan of Death? Today, you have changed your name. Now, you are called the first Courtesan of the Oppai S Kingdom!"

"You bastard!"

"By the way, I'm going to take a shower and get ready first." With that, [Kawaki] directly turned around and walked into his room, "Hinowa, please make arrangements for the guests. I will serve the guests well. There will be no problem if three people travel together and a hundred people travel together! "

"Stop right there!" Male Tsukki directly rushed in and pressed down [Kawaki] on the shoulder while shouting in shame and anger.

"Hey? Are you going to be the first guest?" [Kawaki] turned his head and said indifferently. Then he waved his hand, "This won't do. No matter what, I can't do that kind of thing with my original body. But if there are three hundred million, I can consider it. I will entertain you well..."

"Die!" Male Tsukki directly waved her fist.

"Come," [Kawaki] pointed to his face, "Punch here, punch here, it is not my body anyway. As long as you think it doesn't matter, I don't care. Even if I feel pain, I'll just bear with it a little and it will pass. Come on! "

"Bastard!" Male Tsukki gritted her teeth and cursed. Then, she turned around and said, "Then, I will go and relax a little. Yoshiwara has all kinds of shops."

"Bastard! Stop right there!" [Kawaki] instantly reached out and stopped Male Tsukki. He stared with his red eyes and said word by word, "What are you going to do with my body?"

"Go and do something."

"I'll really kill you!" As he spoke, [Kawaki] raised his fist and fiercely punched his "own" face, "You didn't expect this, did you?! This method can be done because it's my own body!"

"Then I'll do it too!" As she spoke, Male Tsukki threw a punch at her "own" face.

Outside the door, looking at the two people who were punching each other one after another, Hinowa and Seita were both speechless.

"The two of them... aren't they abusing themselves?" Seita squinted his eyes and retorted expressionlessly.


In the bathroom.

The blindfolded [Kawaki], who was bruised and swollen, was holding a towel to cover an important part of his body and was enjoying Male Tsukki's back rub service.

"I say... why did it become like this?" [Kawaki] said expressionlessly, "Isn't it too strange? Why can't I even take a bath myself?"

"Shut up! If you dare to take off your blindfold, I will go for a sex change!" Male Tsukki threatened.

"In the end, didn't you still see it all using my own eyes? Are you okay? Are my eyes okay? Will they be directly blinded? Remember to wash my eyes later! Please!"

"Whose body are you talking about that makes people blind?!" Male Tsukki scolded.

"Of course it's yours," [Kawaki] replied without thinking, "And can you talk less? It's strange to hear your own voice. No, that's not right! The voice actors have been swapped because of the body swap."

As he spoke, [Kawaki] waved his hand in front of him, "Goodbye, Hiroshi. Hello, Yuko! Please take good care of me, Yuko! And goodbye, Kawaki's fans. Tsukuyo's fans, please take care of me. I will try my best to provide benefits to everyone and show you my thighs every day."

"Hey, shut up. Otherwise, I will go and make an appointment for this body sex change surgery now." Male Tsukki said coldly.

"Bastard!" [Kawaki] instantly got up and pulled off his blindfold. He turned around and looked at Male Tsukki with hatred.

But before he could open his mouth, [Kawaki] accidentally stepped on soap, slipped down, and involuntarily fell down. His forehead smashed hard on Male Tsukki's forehead.


After this blow, the two fell to the ground at the same time...

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts," Kawaki stood up, rubbed his forehead, and complained, "Are you a man now? Shouldn't you be a gentleman at a time like this?"

As he spoke, Kawaki opened his eyes. However, what he saw suddenly stunned him. Of course, there was also Tsukuyo who had opened her eyes.

"Re...Recovered..." The two of them looked at their own bodies.

Then, Kawaki suddenly reacted and ran straight to the bathroom door. At the same time, he shouted, "I didn't see anything!"

Tsukuyo, who had also reacted, paused for two seconds. Then, her face turned completely red, and her eyes turned into a mosquito coil.

"You... you... you..." Tsukuyo clutched her chest and said incoherently. Then, due to excessive humiliation and anger, her eyes rolled over and she directly fell to the ground.

Hearing the noise behind him, Kawaki, who was ready to open the bathroom door, asked without looking back, "What's wrong? Are you okay? Hello?"

Half a minute passed, but Kawaki did not hear Tsukuyo's voice. Instead, he straightened his back and tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes. Then, he covered his eyes and turned around. Then, he walked toward Tsukuyo, who had fainted, step by step...


When Tsukuyo woke up, it was already night.

"Let me make it clear first. I really didn't see anything." Kawaki's voice came from the side.

"You bastard! Go die!" Tsukuyo thought of something and instantly got up with a red face, stomping Kawaki's head, who was sitting cross-legged on the side, into the floor.

"Eyes covered! I didn't see anything at all!" Kawaki's voice came from the floor, "And taking ten thousand steps back, I don't want to see it at all! I'm not interested at all!"

"Go to hell!"

Tsukuyo used all the weapons she could use, kunai, table, chair...

"At worst, I'll let you see it once too! That's fair!"

"Give me the memory of your head!"

"I have forgotten it all!"

"Sure enough, you saw it! You frivolous, disgusting man!"

"No----! Wah-----!!"

------Dividing Line------

"Huff... huff..." Kawaki sat up on the bed with cold sweat all over his head. After seeing his surroundings, he patted his chest and said with lingering fear, "Great! Fortunately, it was just a dream~"

"You..." Tsukuyo, who had just pushed open the door and walked in, stood in the same place and looked at Kawaki in disbelief, "Is your head alright? Are you sick?"

"Huh?" Kawaki let out a confused cry, but then he suddenly thought of something. He instantly stood up and shouted angrily, "Why does just getting out of bed early make you think my head is not okay?!"

"Isn't it?"

"It really makes people angry! You damn woman! I will really be angry!"

Just as he finished speaking, several kunai appeared on Kawaki's forehead. Along with the sound of gushing blood, Kawaki rolled his eyes and fell on his back...

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