Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 502: After All, Christmas Is a Western Holiday…

Maybe a Fake Gintama Chapter 502 After All, Christmas Is a Western Holiday…

'But... whether it's genuine or fake doesn't matter anymore...' Both Umibouzu and Gintoki thought to themselves at the same time. They slowly got up simultaneously and then rushed towards each other with clenched fists.

'Santa Claus... is me!!' x2

Two very slight snaps that were not loud! sounded at the same time.

"Hey hey, that's enough." Kawaki stood between the two with his arms crossed in front of his chest, and he opened his hands to block Umibouzu and Gintoki's fists respectively.

However, what everyone didn't notice was that behind Jiang Cheng, in the shadow under the wall, there was still someone who seemed to have just jumped down from the wall, holding a knife and a scabbard respectively, intending to come over and stop Gintoki and Umibouzu... this so-called Santa Claus.

'What?!' Umibouzu was surprised in his heart. 'How could this brat block my full blow so easily?! Growth... this can't be considered growth anymore, can it? Can someone really reach this level in just twenty years?! What a monster!!'

'Why are you causing trouble at a time like this?!' Gintoki inwardly cursed. 'I'm about to finish him off and become the real Santa Claus!'

"Um, I'm really sorry." Kawaki let go of their fists, scratched the back of his head somewhat embarrassedly, chuckled a few times, then reached into his pocket again, took out his wallet, and reluctantly pulled out ten thousand yen and stuffed it into Umibouzu's hand. "You guys fought over such a boring thing, well, now everyone has it, very fair, everyone gets ten thousand yen. Now everyone's happy, right?"

Looking at the ten thousand yen in his hand, Umibouzu was stunned for a long time without coming back to his senses.

'Does this idiot think we're fighting over such a boring thing?!' Gintoki thought with black lines all over his head.

'Can't you read the atmosphere?!' After stuffing the money into his pocket, Umibouzu gritted his teeth and thought bitterly. 'There's no way we would fight for such a boring thing in this situation!'

'It hurts, it hurts! What's up with these two guys?' Kawaki thought to himself. 'My arm almost broke; these two guys are definitely not ordinary people! But... I didn't expect them to fight over such a boring thing. But it's okay now. With both of them having ten thousand yen, they shouldn't fight anymore. In order to continue the happy Christmas party and ensure Kagura-chan and the Shimura siblings have a joyful Christmas Eve, I can only do this. Although it hurts a bit, I have to do it!'

"Um, that..." Umibouzu laughed awkwardly. "Actually..."

"I'll tell you the truth, can you guys take a look at the atmosphere?" Kawaki sighed helplessly, interrupting Umibouzu's words, then pointed to the group of people inside the house. "You guys are ruining the atmosphere of our Christmas party here. It was a very happy Christmas party, but with you guys fighting in the yard, we're really troubled. I don't know if you're volunteers from that volunteer group, but that's enough; we really don't need this kind of show. Please leave..."

"Huh? Happy? Is that atmosphere really happy?" Gintoki looked at the people in the room pretending to be puzzled, then discreetly pointed at himself. "Since it's a Christmas party, isn't it obvious that something is missing?"

"That's right, it's obviously missing something." Umibouzu hurriedly agreed and discreetly pointed at himself. "Cough cough, it's missing something very important and decisive. Without that, it wouldn't look like a Christmas party, just an ordinary party."

"Huh?" Kawaki looked at the room and made a confused sound, then crossed his arms and pinched his chin, starting to think. "Indeed, if you put it that way, it's missing something that can set the atmosphere of Christmas Eve. What could it be..."

"Right, right! Have you noticed it too? Idiot!" Gintoki quickly interjected, "Yes, indeed, there is something missing. It's not appropriate to call it an object. It's a living thing! If that thing is missing, it doesn't look like a Christmas party at all"

"Yeah, I did find out..." Kawaki nodded, but then he reacted and turned to look at Gintoki. "Wait a minute, did you just call me an idiot? You definitely did, right? I clearly heard it just now. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"No, no, definitely not." Gintoki hurriedly shook his head to defend himself. "Let's talk about the topic we were discussing earlier, about what your Christmas party is missing. Haven't you noticed it?"

"Cough! Cough!" Umibouzu coughed again twice, glanced at Kawaki, and then grinned at him. "You've noticed it already, right? What your party is missing, you'll definitely notice if you observe the yard carefully!"

"Oh!" Kawaki snapped his fingers. "I got it! What's missing!"

"It seems you finally remembered..." Umibouzu shook his head with a light smile, then pointed to himself again. "Right, then hurry up and invite 'that person' to your party. With 'that person,' your Christmas party will be complete!"

"But... be sure to keep your eyes open. 'That person' might be fake," Gintoki glanced at Umibouzu beside him, then cleared his throat and pointed to himself without changing his expression. "Make sure to look carefully before making a decision!"

"That's right, you must make a careful decision, Kawaki-dono!" Suddenly, Kyubei's voice came from behind the crowd. "Which 'person' should be invited to such a cheerful party..."

"Is he in the same volunteer group as you guys?" Kawaki ointed at Kyubei, who was wearing a Santa Claus costume, and asked Gintoki and Umibouzu in front of him.

"No, that should be Kyu-chan, right? It's definitely Kyu-chan?" Otae looked at Kyubei in the yard and then smiled and waved at her. "Come on in, Kyu-chan. I was just wondering why I couldn't contact you earlier. Come in and join the party."

"It's not Kyu-chan, it's Santa Kyubei!" Kyubei corrected.

"I see, it's Kyubei-kun," Kawaki leaned in to inspect Kyubei's face closely, then smiled and said, "But then again, did you dress up like this on purpose for the party? Thank you, Kyubei-... No, you can't be called 'kun' in this outfit. It should be Kyubei-san. Come in quickly, Kyubei-san. A party is more fun with more people."

"Kawaki-dono, I hope you will consider me as a real Santa Claus and invite me to your party. Tonight, I don't want to be Kyubei, just a regular Santa Kyubei!"

"Do you like this kind of mood?" Kawaki expressed a puzzled tone, then shrugged casually. "It's up to you. That Santa... Kyubei, hurry up and come in..."

"Wait a minute!" Umibouzu and Gintoki interrupted Kawaki's words at the same time and simultaneously placed their hands on Kawaki's shoulder.

"Didn't I just tell you to think about it carefully" Gintoki's forehead was bulging with veins, his face twitching, as he suppressed his anger. "Why did you make a decision so easily?"

"You little brat, are you doing this on purpose?" Umibouzu gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead still bulging continuously, and said in a low voice full of hatred, "It must be deliberate, right? That kind of person clearly isn't Santa Claus, right? Why did you casually invite that kind of person to the Christmas party?"

"No, it's because this person is an acquaintance. What's wrong with inviting acquaintances to a party?" Kawaki looked puzzled, then brushed off the hands of the two and smiled gratefully. "But then again, thank you both very much. Thanks to both of you, I realized what was missing from today's party."

"Hey, don't give me that refreshing smile. I just feel even more furious, you jerk..." Gintoki's expression gradually softened.

"Think it over carefully before making a decision, you bastard kid!" Umibouzu looked at Kawaki with a mixed expression.

"Um, actually, without a turkey, it's not really a Christmas party~ Thank you both for making me realize this~" Kawaki said somewhat sentimentally, then turned to the side and smiled at the Hyakka members. "If it's okay, could you guys go and buy a few turkeys?"

"Yes! I'll go right away!" In an instant, several quick-witted Hyakka rushed out towards the door.

"That's not it at all!!" Umibouzu and Gintoki simultaneously kicked Kawaki.

"Why would you think of that kind of thing? That's completely wrong!" Umibouzu pointed at Kawaki and shouted, "What's wrong with your head? Why do you think having a turkey means it's Christmas?"

"Because..." Kawaki got up from the ground, looking very serious as he answered, "When watching American dramas, the one thing that's indispensable on Christmas Eve is turkey..."

"Hey, do you think this is an American drama?!" Gintoki shouted angrily. "Use your impoverished brain cells and think again! Why can't you see something so obvious?!"

"Oh! I got it!" Kawaki once again hit his palm with his fist. "Of course, just having a turkey isn't enough! There's also that! Only with that can it be called Christmas!"

"It seems you've finally noticed," Umibouzu chuckled.

"Thank you guys!" Kawaki expressed his gratitude to the three of them, then turned to the people inside the house and said, "Um, minced pies..."

"It's still not right!!" x3

Umibouzu, Gintoki, and Kyubei simultaneously shouted angrily, then simultaneously kicked Kawaki at the same time.


Kawaki, who was kicked by the three of them, fell heavily to the ground...

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