Mc’s not part of the story

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: THE FIGHT 

The third day had come like a wind. The sunset lit their face up. They survived another day. They lowered their defense and went to the Pond.

All survivors that received injuries immediately ran to the Healing Pond.

"Tch, now we can't bath in the Pond because of traffic. I guess we need to look for other sources of water, I know some water reservoir... But I really wanna a bath in the Healing Pond. Well, there's nothing I can do about that. We are lucky that we still have this Rejuvenating Room to heal our fatigues…"

Kyle just talked his way out of the room. He mocked Mikael for doing something stupid, though he just wanted to tease him actually.

" It's okay Mikael. Don't listen to that cold-hearted bastard. I know you did that out of good intention. It's just we didn't think that this will be the outcome."

Miriam comforted him. She knew how depressed Mikael right now. She wanted to help him ease his frustration. 

" I'm okay. I know that no matter how regretted I feel, I can't do anything about it. It's already done, I can't return back the time to fix it. "






<Mikael PoV>

Human emotions were a hard thing to understand. It was jumbled and easy to change. You couldn't actually think what was going inside the head of a person. Now, I find it true.

I stumbled and found myself in the Pond. I didn't know how I get here, I guess my feet moved on their own.

" We need this Pond! Can't you see my wounds!? I need to enter it!! Get out!"

" Wait for the others to finish. And I remember you, I saw you hiding when the monsters attack. We risk our lives while you, cowards, were hiding your balls. And for f*ck*ng sake, your wounds are smaller than what we get!!"

"All of us can enter the Pond, right?"

A wounded woman asked. The man looked at her and he licked his lips.

" Yes, just wait and follow the line. The Pond can only accommodate 10-15 people, so we need to prioritize those in critical condition. Hey, you!! Return to your line or else I'll cut your balls!!"

" Help! Someone help me!!"

Ah, I hate this place. Their noises made me irritated and suffocated. 

Why am I here again?... Ah, yes I need to find my conviction. I grinned. 

These f*ckers can do what they want. From now on, Mikael, don't ever pity the weak. They'll consume you.

Have you forgotten your goals!? Your family, you need to return to them. That's your priority. You need to make it back!!


"From now on I don't give a f*ck about anything except my goal."

I left the place with conviction.

I looked for Miriam and saw that there was a group of people that were talking to them. In fact, I knew those people.

" Those are Ye Zhang's lackeys..."

I started to get close and heard their conversations. I realize that they were threatening the girls. I couldn't see Kyle, I guess he's doing some inconceivable things again. 

" Hey, you b*tches!!! Why did you do that!? That Pond is ours! Don't think that we will let you escape!! You must pay for what you've done!"

" The Healing Pond has no owner! Anyone can use it!"

Miriam argued.

" What!? You're talking back!!!? Do you wanna get hurt, huh b*tch!? Where's your friend!? I really want to kill that Mikael! That man pisses me off! If I ever see his face I will tear it and feed it to dogs. Tha--ugh!!"

I smacked his face. So this was the feeling of smacking an Indian... Hey man, were you asking these girls about their bobs and vegana? Then you need to die! You f*cking horny dog!

"You're looking for me?"

I slowly crushed his head using my hand. He cried and held my hand wanting to escape.

"You!!! We're gonna beat your ass and destroy your face!!"

The other goons joined. Nah, even if you add ten more people I could kill all of you here.

This is a good time to release some stress. I'll teach them a lesson. Never mess with me.

"If you want to hurt me, then don't include the girls!! You're bullying a woman and a little girl!! This is gender inequality!! Did your parents tell you that hurting girls is bad!?"


Small fry #2 rolled to the ground.

I smashed their faces and broke their bones. I used my Shock and electrocuted them. They won't die, after all, there's a Healing Pond. However, I need to punish them more.

"Aarrggghh! Ugh! Nononono not that!! Ahh!! Stooopp, please stop! Have mercy.... I'll never do this again ack!!"

" Mm? I thought you wanted to tear my face and feed it to dogs? I'm sorry, but I will not stop if I don't want to. In fact, I'm doing this to release my frustrations. So this is the feeling of destroying someone's face, I find it interesting."

I stated while touching his fingers.

"N-no, not that!!! Aaaahhhh!!! My finger!!!!! "

I broke the middle finger of small fry #1. Wow, it turned in the opposite direction, how about the ring finger?

" Mikael stop this!! Please stop!! They are already broke. So please stop...!! They will die!!"

" B-brother!!"

Miriam and Lane stopped me afraid that I would do something bad.

These two ladies... Sigh, such a goody goody. I'm trying to protect you, okay?... Okay, fine. I'll stop. 

I dropped small fry #1, he crawled to the ground and ran away. He left his friends that were currently lying. Not my problem.

"Don't ever return! If I see your faces again, I swear you'll receive more!!"

"T-thank you very much!"

I left them lying on the ground.


A bad taste couldn't leave my mouth. Strength could answer many problems and I f*cking hate it.






In Ye Zhang's room.

" Boss!!! Please help us!!! That damn f*cking Mikael did this to us!"

Ye Zhang was shocked to find his underlings prostrating in front of him.

" Impossible!! You are level 20!! You're two times stronger now. How can a person beat all of you!?"

" Boss, he's too strong. We can't fight him, whenever we touch his body. We received an electric shock and hurt ourselves. His strength is unbelievable!! He throws us like a simple chair!!"

" Th- this!"

He found it hard to believe. He knew that Mikael was strong, but he didn't think that he could fight 14 people simultaneously and ended winning.

( Mikael!! How strong are you!? How did you become stronger just like that...?)

When they talked yesterday, he concluded Mikael's strength. Ye Zhang was a martial artist, he could deduce the strength of others just by looking.

" Gather information about them!! We need to find their secrets!"

" Sorry, but you cannot."

"!!!! Who's there!?"

Kyle came out of nowhere. He was holding a sword. All of them were dumbfounded when they realized that someone trespassed their room. 

"Using a sword is not my expertise, but this is enough to silence all of you."

*slash! *

He cut the head of a person and blood poured out like rain.

"Oh! I like the sharpness of this blade, it's so-so but it can make my work faster"

To Kyle, killing could be compared to breathing. It was always part of his lifestyle. Besides, killing the people inside this room is not bad. In fact, he's helping the world someday by killing these people earlier.

"You motherf*cker!! Kill him!!"

Ye Zhang ordered his lackeys to attack. He remembered this man, he's Kyle. Ye Zhang was angry that someone invaded his property.  He felt like if he don't do something, his life will be forfeited.

*slash!! *

But his decision was wrong, he should've run. Now, no one could escape the massacre that would arrive.






After a couple of minutes, silence filled the room. Only one person was standing.

"Ye Zhang. A notorious Chinese Drug Lord who has been summoned in this Awakening. After he returned, he used his power and connections to build a Clan.  As a notorious Clan leader, he used humans as a shield whenever he does a Dungeon dive. He was famous for being the first man who started human slavery in 21st century."

Kyle gave a monologue that no one heard. He explains all the things that Ye Zhang had done in the future/past.

" Ye Zhang died in an assassination. Because he killed many people, his life ended early. See, even if I kill him right now. The future will not change."

He looked at his sword and found that the blade was already chipped.

"What a waste, and I started to get used to it... I guess I'll find another one. There are many Items that I can take here, perhaps I can find someone like this... Kuku found it."

Lifeless bodies filled the whole room and blood painted the walls.

He walked away and closed the door. 

Just another day for Kyle Rockwell.

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