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Chapter 28

Chapter 28: BASILISK!

A big serpent that has golden and silver scale. The Basilisk is a subspecies of Dragon and Phoenix.  Yup, the Basilisk has scales and feathers. 

The scales protects him from any physical and magical attack. He uses his feather to shoot an enemy. The feather has a petrifying effect, anything that it hits turns to gold. This monster has the ability to make a person rich. However, since the Basilisk is a Dragon kin, it is greedy when it comes to gold and jewelries. 

" Beware of the feathers. If those feathers hit you, your body will turn to gold and you will become a golden statue. Well, if that's one of your dreams then I won't stop you."

"Gold!? So that Basilisk is a rich kid! Hehe, funny right? "

Mikael try to humor them, but Kyle answers with a smug.

"Yeah, right. If you're petrified for about 5 minutes. You'll never return. You will die, and you will remain a statue forever. The only cure that we can use is the anti-petrification potion and Healing Pond. We don't have anti-petrification potion, so we can only use the Healing Pond to cure us.  I already told the other leaders about this"

They shuddered when they heard it. 5 minutes is too short... Can they reach the Healing Pond within 5 minutes?

Yes, they can. All of them were already level 100.  Their physical ability is now 10× stronger. However, it's still dangerous to hit by the feathers. 

"Then how can we defeat that Basilisk? I'm sure you have a plan? "

All of them put their gazes on Kyle. He's the most knowledgeable person when it comes to the Punishment. 

"... Kuku. If you listen to me. We can butcher that snake. We can minimize the casualties if we successfully do this. "

""" Yes, sir!! """

Kyle already proved them many things. They trust him. When it comes to fighting monster, Kyle is practically a scholar. 

His two decades of knowledge will never betray him!






Never fight a Basilisk head on. You'll surely die. His fangs are deadly and he can fire a breath of poison. His scale is hard to break, it has a thickness of 19 inches. It's not easy to put a wound on it.

"When I first saw the Basilisk.... My knees are shivering and I can't move because I'm afraid. I hide while I hear the others screaming and calling for help. The Basilisk is one of my nightmares... But not this time, I will change it. F*ck that Basilisk!"

The Basilisk is always the Final Boss of the Punishment. Because of this, he learns the way to kill the Basilisk.

"You see, every six months. The system will choose 500,000 random people to summon here in this Event. We are the 1st batch so we don't know anything. But the second, third, fourth, fifth and so on. They found a way to defeat the Basilisk and now I'll use this knowledge to defeat it. "

"The feathers can reach a hundred meter. The poison breath  can reach around 30 meters"

"The plan is practically easy. We will lure the Basilisk to enter the Castle, and when it's inside, we will bombard the Castle until it falls. That serpent will crushed by the weight of the concrete stones and die"

(In my past life, I hide until six hours passed. When I came out. I saw how the Basilisk devastated the whole place.  Almost everything is destroyed and many golden statues are standing in the middle. Seeing the golden statues crushed my heart. I was weak at that time. I'm a coward that always runs away when things go dangerous. But this time, I'll kill that damned f*ck*ng snake!! I will change my past and change my future!!)






[Announcement:12 midnight has come. Monsters are starting to attack the Castle]

[Announcements: A boss has appear defeat it and get the rewards]

*Hiss Hiss*

A giant snake appears and watch its soon to be treasure. The Basilisk looks at the people as a treasure that it will receive after destroying everything. 

"They are coming, oh is that the Basilisk!? Wow, it's huge, I feel like I'm a watching a real Giant Snake Movie... I'm actually afraid of snakes, in particular those venomous... Well, I'm here already, so I'm not going to back down.  Sigh, hello, this is me Mikael and I'm the bait again."

Mikael has the best physical strength in this District.  If he gave his full power in one attack, he can hurt the Basilisk. 

But, this is not the only reason.


-A Growth type weapon.


Skill: Defense void

-Within 1.5 second, enemy's physical and magical defense will be nullified]

His weapon gained 0.3 seconds to use the Defense Void. Now, Mikael has more time to f*ck the Basilisk.

If you add his two Skills. The Shock and Electric Strength, he's confident that he can give it a big slap and make it cry.

"You look big and frightening. You got thick skin that's hard to penetrate. A scale that can defend Physically and Magically is practically a cheat. A big cheat. Even Kyle's Orb Beam can't put a fight on you... But you're unfortunate to meet me. My Void Spear will pierce your skin like gelatin."

*hiss hiss*

A giant serpent with a size of a bus and a length of 80 meters is crawling his way to the Castle. His eyes look menacing. His body can crush any opponent that will face him head-on.

The giant serpent is high and mighty.  Except for itself,  all of the people and monsters are just insects to his vision. 


The Basilisk shout and scared all of the monsters near him. Weak monsters run out of fear and put distance. No one can defeat him!! The great Basilisk!!

"Let see what you got!!"

Mikael activated his Shock and Electric Strength. Electricity follows his body when he runs. He's so fast the he only took a second to reach the Basilisk!

When he's near the Boss. His Void Spear glow.

*slash!!! *


The Basilisk cry but there's more. Mikael put another wound. 

*stab!!!! *

*Shock!!!! *


The Basilisk scream in pain. He can't follow what happened! A human jumped up and slash his body. When the human stabs him, a great pain electrocuted his body! 

His prideful and nonchalant attitude backfired. He didn't thought that a small creature can make him bleed.


He screams and smash his body to anything. He's like a worm that puts inside a jar of salt.  

"Hahaha, you look like a worm hahaha"


Mikael taunts him. The Basilisk scream in anger! He wants to smash that human in pieces!!


The Basilisk attacks him, but Mikael runs into the Castle. The enraged Basilisk follow him, it wants to kill the man. 


The Boss shoots his feathers in to Mikael but he's too far. The feathers can't reach him.

"What!? You're angry!? Hahaha, follow me, you giant worm!! "


The Basilisk loses his patience. He charges and attack. He followed Mikael into the entrance of the Castle.

He enters the Castle when he saw that Mikael go inside. The Basilisk loses his calmness which will be the cause of his downfall.

The people surrounds the Castle.

"Now, the snake has taken our bait. We need to wait for the signal!! "

The Awakeners are seriously waiting outside. They don't want to make any mistakes. 






"Damn, why am I always the bait, hah!?"

Mikael said it, but he actually volunteered. They have Niña who's faster, but he declined the idea of Niña facing the serpent. In fact, Niña offered to help him, but he didn't accept it. Let's just say that he doesn't want to see his wife to be hurt...


The Basilisk roared at him, he's really angry. He smashes any walls and pillars that blocked him.

"Haha, more! Smash everything, the walls, the pillars!! I promise you'll regret it!"

Mikael gave him another taunt. When he thinks that this is the right time to escape, the Basilisk uses his poison breath.

Green smoke filled the whole place. Any person that inhales this smoke will die in a second. His poison breath has high mortality.

"Oh f*ck. I need to get out of here. Bye bye"

He smashes a wall and open it to escape. He shouts so loud that whole place heard him. He jumped down and run. He doesn't want to be buried alive! 


After the shout, hundreds of AOE spell fly at the Castle. Rain of fire and explosion!!!


*BOOM! *

*BANG! *


The whole Castle broke and fall. The Basilisk tries to escape, but it's too late. The debris falls on him and buried him. 

[Level up!]

The people hears the notification saying that the Boss is dead. They jump and celebrate.

If the Basilisk is still calm and on his right mind, he'll notice that something is odd. But because of his anger, he followed Mikael and enter the Castle.

Now, he died not knowing that he had been outplayed. He can't believe that he died by some petty tricks. The people that he treated as insects are the one who killed him.

He's a disgrace to the whole Dragon and Phoenix species.

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