Mc’s not part of the story

Chapter 519

Chapter 519

The whole place where the two Demon Lords fought completely changed. The topography transformed after the explosion of two different powers. 

The flatland was cut in half. Instead of having a huge crater, the place became a deep, vast canyon. 

The canyon was huge and the edges were still in molten lava. 

Deep in the middle of the canyon, two weak breaths resounded. 

The Demon Lord of Sloth, Belphegor, coughed blood. He lost his lower part and he was going to die. 


He gargled on his blood and forcefully coughed it out. His body was slowly disintegrating, it was the effect of Mikael's Skill.

He glared at Mikael with all his anger. If looks could kill, perhaps Mikael was already gone. Unfortunately, that's not how it works.

As for Mikael, he had a hole in his chest and his left arm was gone. He gritted his teeth and controlled the energy in his body. His wounds healed as if he became new. 

Still, his face was pale and he didn't look better. He was gasping for air, he was close to his limit. 

He kneeled down. He was exhausted so much that he could not move. 

"That power..."

Belphegor weakly muttered, the light in his eyes was disappearing. However, he wanted to know what killed him. His curiosity toward the last Skill was strong. 

"What is it?"

The Demon Lord of Sloth asked. His vision was already gone. His arms turned into ashes too. 

"I don't have a name for it. I'm too busy to think of a name. After becoming a God, I lost the system and now there's no one to name my new Skills."

Mikael wiped the blood from his mouth. Transcending released him from the shackles of the system that Protector created. Since then, he was free. 

"I see."

Belphegor closed his eyes. 

"It's a skill I acquired after merging my Spear with the Hrunting. It can erase an existence from reality once struck by my lighting."

He scared Lilith when he used it on her. Although he didn't kill her, just enough to experience how it feels to disappear. 

The Queen of Methuselahs lost her will to live after that. Of course Mikael was not satisfied with that and he tortured the woman. Causing Lilith to lose her sanity together with the child that she was conceiving. 

Then, Mikael used it on Yatagarusu and scared the fuck out of the legendary bird. 

The Leviathan died because he didn't have a way to defend against the Skill and only his head survived. 

As for Satan... He was eradicated into nothingness. 

"I'm sure you spent a great amount of mana using it."


Mikael didn't deny it. It was obvious anyway. 


Suddenly, Belphegor started laughing. He did his best but he still failed. Anyway, it was not his problem anymore. He was lazy in the first place. Maybe death was not that bad. 

"Mikael Tibano, the Demon Lord of Wrath."

"I have Pride in me too."

"Yes. Mikael Tibano, the Demon Lord of Wrath and Pride. Your existence is a miracle. Based on what I can see, you should have died a long time ago."

"... Why do I feel like I already experience this. Is the feeling of having Deja Vu?"

"Listen... It's impossible for a single person to absorb two Sins. The two energies will battle and destroy the host."

"How can you say that? Is it based on your experience? Look, I'm alive and kicking well. All I did is scare the Sins and make sure that they will not fight. Simple as that."


"RIP Bozo, you won't be missed. I will kill all of your underlings. If you have children and wives, I will kill them too. I will erase every proof that you lived in this universe."

Mikael said it seriously and Belphegor understood that he was not joking. 

"Heh, then do it."

He closed his eyes. He was interested to witness itbut unfortunately, he would never see it. 

Belphegor completely disappeared. 

Mikael stood up using his Spear. Perhaps even standing was tiring for him. 

"Now is not the time to rest, I have to end this once and for all. Maybe Belphegor thought I didn't know about it, but he is wrong. I know it all along..."

He took a step and went back to the place where Raijin and the Demons were fighting. 

"I can't feel Raijin's presence anymore. The other Demons are running away too."

He lost Raven and Raijin... Yet it was disturbing and he could not feel any remorse or sadness. Perhaps the Sin of Pride already affected him and he lost his ability to sympathize. 

"Not that it matters. Just like what I said, weaklings deserve to die."

He changed, but he never regretted it. He felt liberated in fact. Emotions were nothing but shackles that chained him down. 




On the other planet, Lane and Yuuki were gasping for air as they leaned on the trees. They were critically wounded and their organs were ruptured. 

However, for transcendents like them, injuries like this would heal in a matter of a minute. They have strong regeneration. 

The two women were staring at the black wobbling energy. The energy was releasing a disgusting scent and the two women didn't like it. 

"Is it over?"

Lane asked. She had multiple stabs and even her hair was gone. Her face was brutally burned. 

"Yes, I can't feel his presence anymore."

Yuuki plopped down and sighed. The battle was terrifying and they almost died. The only reason why they were alive was that they outnumbered Mammon. They had unique Items as well.

If they fought him one versus one, they would definitely die. 

Mammon tried to divide the two but Yuuki and Lane never let it happen. Because they knew that they would die if that happened. 

Now, everything was over and they successfully killed the Demon Lord of Greed. 

"Perhaps he was too arrogant, he never called his army."

"We are going to die if that happened."

They nodded. 

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